Sunday, January 29, 2017

Assignment 19 - MacKenzie Varble

Some of my favorite advice was given to me in middle school by my archery coach, He told me that I should never give up on a goal, and never stop fighting for what I want. This has been extremely influential in my life, because I realize that when people give up, or stop fighting, thy will never know what could have happened if they persevered. The unknown is a terrifying thing, and I want to know what would happen if I have the courage to pursue my dreams, and fight for what I want. My life has really changed since I started following this ideology. I take more risks now than ever before. Because of said risks taken, I’ve made a few mistakes, but I’ve also experienced some pretty amazing things. I do this because I want to honor the advice that my archery coach gave to me, and I hope to always keep him in my memories after his death.

Assignment 18 - MacKenzie Varble

  1.      The thing I want to do most before I graduate high school is figure out what I want to do with the rest of my life. Ever since I was little, people have asked me what I want to be when I grow up, and since I was three, I said that I wanted to be a doctor. I then decided that I wouldn’t be able to handle the stress of medical school. Now I’m just wondering what I would be happy doing for the rest of my life.
2.      By the time I graduate college, I want to have rushed and pledged a sorority. I want new social experiences in college, and sorority life has always seemed appealing ever since middle school. I love the idea of having a group of girls that I can become friends with, and bond with over four years.
3.      By the time I die, I want to have visited every Disney Park in the world. There are currently six parks, and I’ve been to two. With Disney being such an influence in my life, I don’t think my life would be complete without going to all the parks.

Assignment 17 - MacKenzie Varble

I saw the movies A Few Good Men, and American President. They were both directed by Rob Reiner. They both had political underlying plot lines. In American President, there was a president who was a widower, and he was in a meeting and met a woman from a lobbying company. He then asked her out on a date to a gala, and they fell in love. In A Few Good Men, it is about lawyers who are defending two marines on a murder trial. There was an underlying political story, but the main plot of the two were completely different. American President is a love story, and A Few Good Men is more of an action movie. In both, there was a strong female led, a strong male lead, and a supporting male lead that are all involved in the main story. They were both excellent movies, and I would recommend them to anyone. My favorite of the two was A Few Good Men.

Assignment 20: Joshua Pe "How to... make a crispy and gooey grilled cheese sandwich"

How to make a crispy and gooey grilled cheese sandwich

  • Stovetop
  • Pan large enough for two slices of bread, preferably cast iron

  • Softened unsalted butter
  • Two slices of white bread
  • Sliced or grated melting cheese (cheddar, Havarti, Swiss, American, pepper jack, provolone…)

  1. Preheat the pan on medium-low and melt some butter on the pan. While the pan is warming up, spread some butter on both slices of the bread.
  2. Then, grill the bread on the pan, swirling the slices around to brown the faces evenly.
  3. Flip the slices once they are lightly browned, then add the cheese onto only one slice, reserving a handful of cheese. Place the naked slice of bread on top of the cheese and bread, with the browned side down such that on top is the white side.
  4. Turn the heat to low, and slowly brown one side. Then remove the sandwich from the pan. One side of the sandwich should still be white.
  5. Add the reserved cheese onto the pan in the size and shape of the bread. Then replace the sandwich on the pan, with the white side down. Allow the cheese and bread to crisp until nicely browned.
  6. Remove the sandwich and serve, preferably with tomato soup.

Assignment 17 - Daniel Brewer

I gave Rogue One four out of five stars.  I liked Rogue One as a standalone movie, but because it’s part of the Star Wars universe, I expected there to be more references to the  other Star Wars movies. It didn’t seem to me that this movie included as many familiar characters and locations as other movies in the franchise.  Although Rogue One is all about how the Rebellion got the plans to the Death Star, which is a significant plot detail mostly overlooked in A New Hope,  it doesn’t feel linked to the other movies in the Star Wars universe.  That being said, there were new characters that I really enjoyed.  For example,   K2-SO was a funny character.  He was a droid in the imperial army, reprogrammed to be good, and have a sense of sarcasm.  Chirrut Imwe was also a new character to the franchise, and I liked the concept that not all Force-sensitive people are Jedi.  The special effects were good, and the plotline was OK, but the music just felt off to me, and there was no scrolling text at the beginning.  The music is really important to the series, and the scrolling text  at the beginning is a staple of the franchise.  Overall, I thought the movie was good, but it isn’t my favorite in the franchise.

Assignment 18 - Daniel Brewer

On my bucket list for before I finish high school, I would like to pass French IV with a B or higher. I would also like to make a good decision about which college to attend. I’d also like to convince my parents to adopt a cat, but I highly doubt this will happen.

For my college bucket list, I would like to get a degree in engineering, so that I can get a job in the engineering world, developing something people will use on a daily basis.  I’d also like to live independently in an apartment so that I can adopt the aforementioned cat.  

In life in general, I would love to move to Seattle or somewhere else where it rains a lot. I also think getting a Tesla Motors car would be great, but those are super expensive. On the bucket list for the rest of my life, I would also like to visit Australia at some point.

Assignment 20: How to...

Hide not your talents, they for use were made. What's a sundial in the shade?
--Benjamin Franklin
Ben makes a good point. For this week, put your gifts and skills on display by developing a "how-to." Choose something that you have a level of expertise in and explain step by step how it is done.

No repeats though! If two people are both really talented at making ice and one beats the other to the post on "How to make ice..." then, second person - you need to reflect upon your other talents.

So, stop standing in the shade and astound us!

Oh, this can be a video blog that you create.

Minimum of 150 words - due Sunday, February 12th at 11:59 pm

March 26th is the last day to make up blogs 20-22

Monday, January 23, 2017

Assignment 18 - Victor Allison

It takes no small degree of perseverance, tenacity, intelligence, and luck to achieve one's life goals before greeting the dark shade. Achieving one's goals can be easy enough, however, when the bar is set low enough. One can either live by setting expectations as low as possible, rendering failure impossible, or by setting the highest goal possible, producing only disappointment. Finding a middle ground is key. Therefore, by the end of high school I want to have learned the guitar. By the end of college I want to have a clear career path planned out. And before I kick the bucket, I want a seaworld-level fish tank with a great white shark in it.
Music has always played a significant role in my life. At the age of 8, Philip and I were given piano lessons, and I continue to play piano regularly. I taught myself to play a ukulele near the beginning of sophomore year, and can play several songs on the harmonica as well. Only recently have I began trying to learn the guitar, and I hope to become competent by the time graduation creeps up. 
For the duration of high school, I have been asked what I want to be when I grow up. By the time I graduate college I will have majored, or maybe even double majored, in an area that appeals to me. My only hope is that I have a clear idea by then about how to make my living. How will I buy my first house? With what kind of income will I begin to pay my taxes? How expensive will a glass tank large enough to house a car-sized aquatic carnivore? These are all questions I hope to have answered by then.
After retirement, at an unknown age, in an unknown city, my only hope is to stay active and alert in my final years. As death creeps warily to my doorstep with every passing day, I pray that I may greet him from in front of a glowing blue tank occupied by twenty hungry feet of gray muscle and layered teeth. I can only dream of the day I sit reading by the fire, grandchildren playing at my feet, basking in the cold glow of a thousand gallon container housing my prized oceanic hunter. Only then will I think to myself, "wow. I made it." Only then will I have reached the highest rung, the summit, the top tier. As the soulless, doll-like eyes of my beautiful pet stalk back and forth in the tank I have provided with the sweat of my own brow, I will sit back and reminisce on my life, knowing that none of it, none at all, was spent in vain.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Assignment 18 - Kassidy Stumbo

Bucket lists are one of my favorite traditions in life. Although some think it's a bit morbid to think of things to do before your inevitable death, I think it's brilliant. My priority before high school ends is a little bit nerdy, but still very important to me - all As. Its been a huge priority of mine since I walked into Henry Clay my freshman year. So far I'm doing well - only more year! My college priority is a little less school oriented - I want to visit Africa. Cameroon and Madagascar in particular. I've always had an odd fascination with Cameroon, and Madagascar has been on my list since the kids movie came out. Lastly, my priority before I die, after Law School and a family and all that good stuff, is to visit each of the seven continents. So far I've visited 2 - 5 more to go! Oh and my all time priority - no matter when - is to see Kentucky win a national championship in person.

Assignment 17 - Kassidy Stumbo

This weekend, my dad and I decided to have a 'Mel Gibson movie marathon' after my recent fascination with the old man (Gibson - not my dad). We watched three movies starring Mr. Gibson - 'The Patriot,' 'Braveheart,' and 'We Were Soliders'. I liked them all a lot, but I'd have to say that The Patrior was my favorite. Braveheart and The Patriot are very similar, but Braveheart is set in Scottland as opposed to The Patriot, which is set right here in America. Although I have recently found out that Mel Gibson isn't the best person, I still think he's an excellent actor. However, he seems a little limited in the rolls he plays since they're really all the same. Nonetheless, if you haven't seen The Patriot, I would 10/10 recommend watching it. However, you better be ready to feel very patriotic (haha). 'We were soldiers' was my second favorite, with 'Braveheart' coming in last. However I still loved them all. Isn't it such a shame that Mel Gibson is such a terrible person?

Assignment 17-Sara Ueland

Over the weekend I channeled my inner child and saw the movie Sing. It appealed to younger girls with its cute animal scene, but also boys with an angry gangster of bears along with a family of gorilla thieves.  It included some risqué moments including bunnies singing, “oh my god look at her butt” and shaking their tails and a wife singing to her husband in a revealing outfit. Aside from this, it was a very child friendly movie incorporating humor and singing with the message of following your dreams. In the movie a Koala displays the ups and downs of showbiz and how being brave and working together you can accomplish anything. It appealed to a variety of generations with old classic Beatle’s songs to Carly Rae Jepson’s “Call Me Maybe.” This heartfelt story showed underdogs rising up against their fears of singing and their peers starring many singers under the radar. If you are looking for a fulfilling children’s movie spiced up with music then Sing is the movie for you!

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Assignment 19 - Daniel Brewer

The best advice I’ve received is to “put all your eggs in one basket, and watch that basket.”  It’s a quote I found on a plaque in my grandfather’s room when I was little, and he explained to me that it means “Some people put their eggs in a lot of different baskets, so that if something happens to one  basket, not everything is lost. But if you put everything somewhere where you know where it is, and you keep an eye on it, nothing bad will happen to your stuff.” I looked it up, and this is a quote attributed to Mark Twain, which I thought was neat.  I have kept this advice in the back of my mind for a long time, and I probably will continue that.

I could use this advice for trying to stay focused on homework, for example.  If I did all my homework at once, as opposed to trying to spread it out over the weekend, I would simply be finished with it and not have to worry about anything else for the weekend.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Assignment 19 - Kyle Hosey

I think that one of the strange ironies in parental advice is what we tell our children about how much to care about other people's opinions. Most parents like to teach their children that they have a voice, and that it deserves to be heard, even over objections. We are taught to stand up for ourselves and what we believe in, and to not put too much stock into what peers think of us. At the same time, we are pressed upon the importance of building friendships and "making a good first impression". Both of those concepts depend entirely upon what others think of us! In a way, all relationships are characterized by other's opinions. This duality makes it incredibly difficult for many to strike a healthy balance between individualism and social acceptance. Ideally, one does not have to alter the former to achieve the latter; for a long time I felt as though that was not an option for me. I preferred to exist on the fringe of any given social group, as an observer; it's just safer. No individual expression, no social rejection. Entering high school, I had no intention to change that mindset. I don't remember exactly when or in what context, but one day my father said to me "Kyle, you need to give a little less of a damn." I slowly realized he was right, if not in possession of his normal eloquence. I had convinced myself that I was content on the outside, just kind of existing. I'm pretty sure I would have won "Most Forgettable Classmate" in elementary school. I might still win that "award" now, but I have made a concentrated effort to be more involved in social life and to have confidence that altering my personality is simply unnecessary.

Assignment 19 Victor Allison

One piece of advice that I've always kept close to my chest is actually a piece of advice given to my father, who then repeated to me decades after his own initial enlightenment. My dad, having grown up in overcast Northern Ireland, worked as a security guard at a nearby warehouse, where his colleagues included both inappropriately young lads and old IRA-fighting coots. One elderly gentleman with whom my father frequently conversed during his career there allegedly illustrated to my father many times that, "Ye have to have a laugh now and then. Wanna know why?" "Why?" my father would retort.
"Because you'll be a long time dead."
Only after hearing someone with a mild Northern Irish accent repeat this sage advice while mimicking a hilariously thick Northern Irish accent can one truly appreciate both the dark humor as well as the foolproof logic of the statement, but it's easy enough to understand, though rather morbid. Although I may not consider this advice to have had a particularly significant impact in my life, it certainly puts life in perspective regarding one's happiness. From an atheistic point of view, it may be difficult to "have a laugh" in the eternal darkness of death. So we might as well joke around; we don't have forever, after all.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Assignment 19: plastics

Most of the advice we receive in our lives is unsolicited and quite frankly inane.  However, every once in a while we get a real gem and changes our trajectory.  What is the one piece of advice given to you that has stuck?  Explain its effect on your life.

Minimum of 150 words - due Sunday, January 29th at 11:59 pm

February 12th is the last day to make up blogs 17-19

Monday, January 2, 2017

Emily Crum: Assignment 16

The general population thinks of abstinence only and abstinence centered sex education as a relic of the past. We would like to think as our nation has gotten more progressive and gone through two sexual revolutions, our sex education has vastly improved. Unfortunately, this is far from the truth. As of today, only 24 states and Washington D.C require sex-ed, only 20 of those states require the information be medically and factually accurate. This statistic is slightly misleading due to the fact that some of these programs only inform students about HIV and/or AIDS. The varying levels of sex-ed in this country coupled with the prevalence of ineffective abstinence only sex-ed programs is an issue that needs to be solved by legislators as soon as possible.

Abstinence only sex education breeds ignorance amongst adolescents and adults, even regarding information not specifically pertaining to reproduction. There are people –male and female- who believe that women urinate out of their vaginas, women give birth out of their stomachs, periods last less than one day, and that women can control when their periods flow (like urinating). While these misconceptions may seem silly and amusing. Abstinence only education perpetuates myths that when believed can have more harmful effects such as STD’s and pregnancy. Many abstinence only programs exclude information about contraceptives, and when they do include information they only include failure rates or they occasionally mention that you should use them but provide zero information about where to get them or how to use them. In addition to this the failure rates are often misleading. When failure rates of condoms are discussed this includes people who used condoms correctly, those who used expired condoms, those who didn’t put the condom on correctly, and those who only used a condom for a portion of the time. According to a study done by the World Health Organization, abstinence only programs did not aid in; raising the age of first intercourse, reducing the number of sexual partners, reducing the amount of intercourse, or improving the use of condoms in sexually active teens. Along with being ineffective, these programs often encourage somewhat offensive stigmas that provide no real lesson. Guest speakers will sometimes compare females who have had intercourse before to a used toothbrush or a chewed up piece of gum. This claim that women who have had intercourse are used up and unwanted is especially harmful to people  who are victims of sexual assault who already have psychological damage and on top of that are being told that they are unwanted. This kind of lesson may seem like it never happens. But, just last year a guest speaker like this was brought to present to a Life Skills class at Henry Clay High Schools. She gave a presentation where she asked for six male volunteers, then she got out a piece of tape and stuck it to those male volunteers’ arms. The tape, of course began to become less sticky and the woman compared women who have had sex before marriage to this tape. She said that when you have multiple sexual partners, you begin to lose your bonding power and become less desirable. What was supposed to be a lesson encouraging abstinence, was turned into a lesson that shamed sexually active females which is unhelpful and slightly sexist.

I’d like to share my own personal experience with sex-ed from middle school. Our program was called PSI. It stood for preventing sexual interaction and it made no attempts to be subtle about the fact that it was an abstinence only program. We weren’t even told the failure or success rates of condoms; just that even if you did use them you would still probably end up pregnant or infected with an STD. We learned a lot about pregnancy but nothing about reproductive organs. Oral sex and homosexual sex was not mentioned at all. STDs were not truly taught, instead they were like the bogeyman of sex. We spent a majority of our time watching outdated videos that were about a girl who had sex once and got pregnant (which didn’t really provide any information at all). We also spent a good portion of class time performing pre-written skits where a guy would pressure a girl into having sex and they girl would say variations of “No, I don’t want to”. While it was good that we were being taught how to say no, none of the skits showed a girl pressuring the guy, non-heterosexual relationships, or provide an example of consent or what a healthy and consensual sexual relationship looked like. At the end of the program, we were all required to sign a contract that stated that we would remain abstinent until marriage. Today, over half of the people I know who “learned” about sex from PSI have breached that contract. Perhaps if comprehensive sex education (which is sex-ed that teaches abstinence but also how to be responsibly sexually active) had been taught instead, I wouldn’t know someone from middle school who has had three pregnancy scares in the past three months.

It is unjust that some students in the United States get to receive a sex education that is inclusive and prepares teens to make the choice of whether or not to have sex while others don’t receive any sex-ed at all. The laws about sex-ed vary so much that curriculum in various states is decided at the state level, by the district or by the health teachers. There are states that require it, states that don’t, and then there’s Tennessee that only requires it when teen pregnancy rates are high. There are some states that require just sex-ed, some that require only lessons on STDs, some that require both, and some that require neither. The content also differs greatly; sometimes homosexuality isn’t allowed to be discussed, sometimes it is only allowed to be discussed as being negative and inappropriate for society, and sometimes programs are accepting of it.  In the states that spend huge amounts of federal money (up to 5 million dollars) on abstinence only education or refuse federal money for sex education at all, teen birth rates, Chlamydia rates, and Gonorrhea rates are significantly higher than states with comprehensive sex-ed and less abstinence only sex-ed. There shouldn’t be such varying levels of knowledge for the most important thing a student can learn in High School.

Abstinence should still be taught and encouraged in sex-ed but it needs to be taught along with other information that will aid students in becoming mentally and physically prepared for the responsibility of sex. Even more important than abstinence being taught as a choice is that sex-ed is taught at all. It is imperative that a national standard be created so that all students can be equally informed.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Emily Crum: Assignment 10

My neighbor in 4th hour is Kalin Combs. I have known her since middle school from dance. She and I are friends.She is very nice and kind of quiet at first. She's fun to joke around with but isn't very good at playing Mancala. She had a chinchilla named Momo. She gets on Pinterest a lot because it works on the school wifi. She often looks at pasta, potato, and healthy recipes. I would characterize her as rose gold because its a very classic, popular, feminine color. It is also a soft color and she has a soft voice. In five years I see her as a baker, saving up money to start her own bakery. Whenever I think of her as an animal, I think of chinchillas because she always talks about Momo. I also think of her as one of those cats that eat coffee beans because she has a coffee addiction.

Emily Crum: Assignment 9

The only time that war is appropriate is if it occurs in order to save lives or to end the oppression of a group of people. Wars for purposes of economic gain aren't acceptable. I don't believe that so many people should suffer because of greed. I believe it is morally acceptable if there is no other way to end that oppression. Countries should feel responsible to start wars if it is the best thing to do for humanity. There are alternatives that could be tried, but sometimes compromises or treaties aren't effective enough or can't be implemented quickly enough. Sometimes change needs to happen so quickly that the answer is extreme. Things like revolutions where the government needs to be overthrown call for wars. The government that has control over people would most likely not give up that control through compromise. They would have to be forced to relinquish that control.

Emily Crum: Assignment 8

Fears: Losing loved ones, disappointing my family, dying alone, 
attracting too much attention.
Annoyances: Ungratefulness, being overloaded, overconfidence,     people who lie in order to fit in.
Accomplishments: Staying close with my family
Confusions: Other people's extreme worries over colleges.
Sorrows: Not spending enough time with friends and family
Dreams: Become nurse or doctor, work with Doctors without borders, get married, start a family.
Idiosyncrasies: none (I'm not really special)
Risks: Not being careful enough about allergies.
Possessions: My pillow (then), ring I received for my birthday (now)
Problems: Procrastination, irritability

I understand being worried about being able to afford college or getting into one in general. I don't understand people turning themselves into nervous wrecks because they only have six extracurricular activities and one B. I understand wanting to get good grades, but going to the very best college will not make or break you. Personally, as long as I achieve my goals, I don't care how I get there. Whether it be by going to an Ivy League School for undergrad or by going to BCTC. I would rather have a couple of shallow people judge me for going to a crappy school than sacrifice my mental health for something that might not matter years from now. I think this kind of extreme competitiveness for colleges is also ruining extracurricular activities, these days there are tons of students lacking passion who are doing these activities based on how much it will impress colleges. 

Emily Crum: Assignment 7

On October 11th in 1138, the Aleppo earthquake struck. This event is pretty self explanatory. There was one of the deadliest earthquakes in history. It was a bad event because it's a natural disaster. It could be seen as a good event if it had killed multiple people who could have caused the deaths of many others. However, there is no way to know that's what happened. Because it happened so long ago there is no way to know the death toll for sure. It is estimated that around 230,000 people died. It destroyed citadels and buildings. I don't appreciate or loathe the event because it doesn't affect me or anyone I know in any way. It did affect millions of people at the time it happened though. entire families died which obviously affected people, and the way the earthquake affected the land most likely ravage d the economy too. Actually, I suppose I can appreciate the earthquake because there is a small possibility that my life could be very different if it hadn't happened.

Emily Crum: Assignment 6

1. Seeing as there are so many horrible drivers and car crashes in Lexington, what do you think should be done about it? Should the driving age be raised? Should the roads in Lexington be improved? Should they make older people retake their driver's tests?

2. What do you think of the dominance of prequels, sequels, spin-offs, and remakes in today's movie theaters. Do you think that Hollywood is running out of ideas? Do you think the stories are so good that America just wants more of what they already know instead of new concepts? Will there eventually be a point where creating new movie ideas will almost be impossible?

3. What's the best fried chicken. What is the optimal oil for frying that chicken? How crispy should the outside be? Should it be served in the forms of chicken tenders, nuggets, or traditional pieces? How spicy should the chicken be? Should it be served with any sauces? Is frozen Tyson fried chicken an acceptable form of fried chicken? (This is not a dummy prompt, I have lots of opinions on this)

1.  While I don't want to admit that I think the driving age should be raised, deep down I think it should. So many teens these days who are old enough to be driving are idiots. There are so many teens who think that they can drive just fine while they aren't sober. I don't care if they do that kind of stuff at home but it is angering as soon as they decide to drive and end up putting everyone around them in danger. I believe that old people who have cataracts and no knowledge of new driving laws are also putting others in danger by driving. They should have to retake the test once they reach a certain age. Elderly people often have slower reflexes which makes them being on the road more dangerous. Some of the roads in Lexington are poorly designed, I feel like some of them are way too small for all of the people in Lexington. 

Emily Crum: Assignment 5

I watch television as a form of entertainment and sometimes as background noise for when I need to power through meaningless assignments from school. The shows that I like to watch are Scrubs, Rick and Morty, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, The Good Place, The Walking Dead, and Preacher. I think that television can provide a good form of entertainment, but I believe that other forms of entertainment (such as cards and board games) do a better job of uniting families and friends. It can also be informative if the television being watched is educational programming. Like everything else in life, television should be used in moderation. I typically only watch television on Netflix or as a download; so besides product placement, advertisements don't reach me that much. I think that it is a sad statement about society that more people pay attention to the Emmy's than to the Nobel Prizes. Except the Emmy's are Hollywood  related, so it makes sense that they are glitzier(seeing as that's part of the allure of awards shows). I believe that some people make television out to be more evil than it is, as long as you don't let the watching get out of control, television is fine.

Emily Crum: Assignment 4

This is an image of the Challenger shuttle on January 28th, 1986. The shuttle exploded one minute and thirteen seconds after takeoff due to faulty O-rings. The explosion of the Challenger was one of the first major tragedies to play out on live television in America. Nobody is visible in the picture, but the seven crew members on board passed away in the explosion. This image is the same one that the crew members' families, friends, students, and the rest of America saw on live television. Among those crew members was a school teacher which made the event more shocking to America. The actual astronauts on that crew already truly knew the risks that came along with it, but Sharon McAuliffe had essentially  won a contest and then received training to go on this mission. She was probably so excited about the prospect of being a regular citizen in space that she didn't even think about the dangers of going on this mission. I feel like as the shuttle was exploding she felt regret for entering the contest, because unless space was truly her passion her participating isn't worth it to her or her family

Emily Crum: Assignment 3

I do not believe in absolute good and evil. Good people do occasionally do evil things on a minor scale. Evil people, like Jeffrey Dahmer, can still have done a couple of good things in their lives. I believe that good and evil is a spectrum with mostly grey   areas except for at the very ends. I believe that people can evil things with good intentions and that they can do good things with evil or self-serving intentions. I'm not sure if good and evil actually need to exist, but they do. As long as there is a balance between good and evil, the world will be fine. I don't believe there is a war between good and evil, they just coexist and sometimes cancel each other out. I don't think one can eliminate the other, it would be nice if evil could be eliminated but that's not possible in the real world, no matter what happens evil will crop up. I believe that humans are born with both good and evil in them. As for what evil and good are, it depends on your perspective. A lot of people's definitions of good and evil are very human-centric, basing what is good and bad based on how it affects people and not all living things and the world. I feel as if my concept of good and evil isn't fully developed yet, which makes this post difficult to answer.

Assignment 18: Buckets and Buckets - Matthew Logsdon

Welcome to your first blog prompt for 2016! Yay!

A bucket list is a list of everything you want to accomplish before you kick the bucket. That doesn't mean you can't have such a list for specific aspects of your life as well.

To begin the year, generate your own bucket lists - one for high school, one for college, and one for life. Then, write about the priority on each list.

  1. What is the number one item on your bucket list before you finish high school?
  2. What is the number one item on your bucket list before you finish college?
  3. What is the number one item on your bucket list before you finish living?
(This blog is inspired by Axel Liimatta - former academy teacher - my friend and former colleague that inspires me to live every day more fully)

Minimum of 150 words - due Sunday, January 15th  at 11:59 pm

February 12th is the last day to make up blogs 17-19