Sunday, January 22, 2017

Assignment 17 - Kassidy Stumbo

This weekend, my dad and I decided to have a 'Mel Gibson movie marathon' after my recent fascination with the old man (Gibson - not my dad). We watched three movies starring Mr. Gibson - 'The Patriot,' 'Braveheart,' and 'We Were Soliders'. I liked them all a lot, but I'd have to say that The Patrior was my favorite. Braveheart and The Patriot are very similar, but Braveheart is set in Scottland as opposed to The Patriot, which is set right here in America. Although I have recently found out that Mel Gibson isn't the best person, I still think he's an excellent actor. However, he seems a little limited in the rolls he plays since they're really all the same. Nonetheless, if you haven't seen The Patriot, I would 10/10 recommend watching it. However, you better be ready to feel very patriotic (haha). 'We were soldiers' was my second favorite, with 'Braveheart' coming in last. However I still loved them all. Isn't it such a shame that Mel Gibson is such a terrible person?

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