Saturday, January 21, 2017

Assignment 19 - Daniel Brewer

The best advice I’ve received is to “put all your eggs in one basket, and watch that basket.”  It’s a quote I found on a plaque in my grandfather’s room when I was little, and he explained to me that it means “Some people put their eggs in a lot of different baskets, so that if something happens to one  basket, not everything is lost. But if you put everything somewhere where you know where it is, and you keep an eye on it, nothing bad will happen to your stuff.” I looked it up, and this is a quote attributed to Mark Twain, which I thought was neat.  I have kept this advice in the back of my mind for a long time, and I probably will continue that.

I could use this advice for trying to stay focused on homework, for example.  If I did all my homework at once, as opposed to trying to spread it out over the weekend, I would simply be finished with it and not have to worry about anything else for the weekend.

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