Sunday, August 28, 2016

Assignment 2 - Kenna Miller

Without a doubt, technology has definitely made a huge positive impact on me as a person. Whether it's learning a new language, being introduced to people from the globe, or just watching a video explaining how hiccups work, the Internet can be used for anything and can connect you to anywhere. Though this is a widely accepted custom, I didn't realize this unwritten rule when I was in third grade.

When I was younger, all I really used the Internet for was to play Webkinz (let's be honest, all of us did) and illegally watch anime. I had a big thing for YouTube-- I was a huge Tobuscus fan in fifth grade and I watched Pewdiepie before he had 1 million subs while the YouTube app was pre-installed on my iPod Touch. #hipster. This was rather simple back in 2010. However, I only got truly sucked in when I started online gaming.

Though my dream was to impress the boy I liked at the time by becoming the best League of Legends player without him knowing, of course I couldn't do it without his help. He introduced me to a whole niche of people that I never really knew existed at my school. The geeks. Most of you have not socialized with a male geek, but once you do, you suddenly find yourself laughing uncontrollably. All of the guys I play with have a great sense of humor and a passion--- gaming. When I am connected to the web, I have the time of my life playing League-- laughing really hard at things that aren't funny at all, seeing the true side of people (when they lose a game), and the feeling of accomplishment when you see the words "VICTORY" appear on your screen after 45 minutes of losing losing and losing. Even though I was just a tom-boyish white girl and they all REALLY loved mine craft, I have fun. Because of this game, I now know how frustrating losing is, how amazing winning is, and how the Internet can just erase whatever issues realty gives you. Because of this one game, I have friends who live in Canada and Mexico who I talk to on a daily basis. Because of this one game, I have met people I never would have, and I honestly can't live without now. And I love it. I really do.

With the help of the Internet, I know what new ideas the world around me can bring to the table. I also know the tragedies and that we, as Americans, can do something about it, no matter how small. I also know that to balance out the sadness, there will always be something of happiness, like countries uniting to compete in sport at the Olympic Games. The world is a beautiful place and we CAN help it get even better with all of us together.

For useless or random tasks, YouTube comes in first for handiness. You can learn how to make ice cream, memorize the Korean alphabet, observe people debate on why Anna isn't Elsa's real sister (great Game Theory video, by the way), or just watch hours upon hours of cats just being... cats. A lot of these things can make me extremely happy to watch and are great to show my parents as well. I really enjoy watching a funny video with my mom and then creating an inside joke out of it. The Internet never fails to provide a laugh.

With that being said, I shall end my appraisal of the web with a quote: As a wise man once said "All you really need to survive is the King James Bible, Shakespeare, and YouTube". That wise man is my father.

Assignment 2 - MacKenzie Varble

If I'm going to look at my life now versus how it would've looked 20 years ago, I should probably start out with the highlights of 1996. Google, EBay, and Hotmail were started. The phenomenon of Pokémon was released, and Nintendo 64 was invented. Arthur, Blues Clues, and Sabrina, the Teenage Witch were among many TV shows to air in 1996. Independence Day, Scream, Mission: Impossible, Space Jam, and The Hunchback of Notre Dame were all movies released. The 1996 summer Olympics were held in Atlanta. It has been the only Olympic Games so far to have a bombing, the gymnastics team was known as the "Magnificent Seven", and this was the year of the U.S. basketball "Dream Team".

My life would be extremely different if I had grown up 20 years ago. Doing my homework would've been more of a challenge since Google wasn't a commonly known search engine, and there wasn't all the resources that there are today. My relationships wouldn't have been dramatically changed since no one texts me anyways, I just wouldn't have been able to keep up with friends that had moved away. I would have to wok more at friendships because it wouldn't be responding at your convenience, it would take an active conversation over the phone.

It would be hard to choose which time I would prefer to live in because on one end, I would be living in a time of importance, and new ideas, but not as much digital connection, compared to a time of remakes, and lack of imagination, but being completely in the know of everything that's going on in the world. Ultimately, I would probably prefer to live in 1996 instead of 2016, because it would be a time of creativity and greatness.

Assignment 2 - Kassidy Stumbo

When I think of technology, the phrase "love/hate relationship" comes to mind. Sometimes technology is awesome. It's so nice to be able to get on my phone at any time and check the score of the football game on ESPN or see what my friend from 6th grade camp is up to on Facebook. But it's not all fun and games. Even though I'd say technology is super cool 95% of the time, the other 5% can be awful. But that's not the technology's fault - it's the users. People are just down right mean. When I was younger I never noticed the ridiculously terrible and usually false things people would say about my dad, although I'm sure they were there. If I do say so myself, I think I've gotten pretty used to it. Most of the time now I'll read something and just laugh, but I'd be lying if I said I haven't considered starting a cyber war in the past. One time I read a particularly nasty one where someone told dad that, "his parents (my grandparents) would be ashamed of him" after dad proposed that the Jefferson Davis statue be taken out of the Capital rotunda. That one really got to me. First of all, it's 2016 people. The capital rotunda is a place of honor and courage, two words I would not use to describe a man who fought for the right to own a human being. But that's not the point. Why do people think it's okay to say things like that? Because with technology, there are no repercussions. You can say things like that without even having to look someone in the eye - literally hiding behind a keyboard.

Assignment 2 Victor Allison

Amish people don't use technology. I'd like to say that I could live like them if some bizarre accident left me stranded in an Amish community, but it seems like it would be quite a struggle. I have been accused on many occasions of being "addicted to my phone," mainly by my mom, and I believe this to be unfair as my parents seem to be on their phones for a significant amount of time as well. However, if I had been born 20 years earlier, I don't believe I would feel too handicapped.
First of all, if I had been born in 1979 rather than 1999, I would have no knowledge of the technological advances that the last decade has brought us, so saying that I "couldn't survive" would not only be an extreme exaggeration but also an unnecessary one, as I would be living just as everyone else at the time, and would feel no technology-related discomfort. Also, many basic technologies that we use today would have been made available during my childhood, such as TV, telephones, and even simple videogames. If I were to travel back in time to this decade, however, I would certainly sense a gaping hole in the part of our culture that is filled today by The Internet. If I were to have been born in 1979, I do not think I would feel particularly disadvantaged, but the 21st century would definitely be my preference.

Assignment 2- Ian Schaeffer

Other than preventing me from starting my homework at a reasonable hour literally every single day (although that could just be laziness and bad work ethic), technology doesn't play that large of a role in my life.

What I really mean is, like most kids, I get pretty caught up in the social media craze that has enveloped much of our generation's time and attention, and I too am guilty of watching four to five hours worth of the Premier League on Saturdays. But maybe that isn't as normal. Anyways, I have most of the common social media apps, and I do participate on some of them, so I know what it is like to waste time using technology.

Despite this, I would say technology has affected me in a positive way because it keeps me connected to things going on outside my house, which can be a pretty positive thing, especially when I'm not in the mood to listen to my dad talk about how things were when he was a kid. One of the greatest things about technology for me is the fact that it keeps me connected during sports seasons. It also enables me to communicate with friends at the tap of a button, which allows us to constantly talk, joke, and scheme. Obviously, it does get time consuming, and sometimes I do realize at 10:30 that I have been watching John Cena vines for two and a half hours, and then I have to ask not only "am I spending my time well?", but also the question "Who am I?"  The Internet can be great and technology can be great, but a lot of the time they both serve to magnify my bad habits and contribute to my procrastination.

Technology has never had drastic negative effects on me, but as mentioned above, it does cause some major problems for me, so I do my best to limit usage on most nights, especially during the school year. I would argue that technology has had some negative effects on me, but all things considered, it affects me in a positive way.

Assignment 2-Sara Ueland

Assignment 2: Sara Ueland
Technology brings out the little devil inside us all. While with these recent technological advancements hold benefits, they come along with many negative effects.  With the power to reach out or talk to almost anyone, technology can also deeply wound others. For example, the multiple stories of teens that have taken their lives over cyber bullying incidents shows how lethal technology can be.
Personally, I have not been hurt by technology, but I have heard too many stories about people who have. Not only does it hurt people, but it also is a large inconvenience and acts as a distraction from real life and schoolwork. I know I have wasted countess hours watching Netfilx or scrolling through social media when I should have been completing my homework. So much of teenager’s time is spent looking at a little screen when they should be outside or interacting with others.
As mentioned before, social media is mainly the culprit of wasted time. Teens are more focused on instagram likes or twitter favorites than improving their education. People live through social media and use it as their main method of communication. This greatly weakens one’s social skills and causes people to have more narcissistic personalities. When on social media one’s behavior is influenced by what they think the public wants and how they can impress others. People’s social media accounts do not accurately portray them as a person; it is just a filtered view of how they want to be seen.

The nasty game of social media has negatively impacted our society and individuals and hopefully will be put to better use.

Assignment 2 - Joshua Pe

Has technology ever inconvenienced you or hurt you? Maybe technology got in your way, slowed you down or even literally hurt you? Have you seen technology have a negative impact on society?

Several times a week, I go grocery shopping, namely at the Meijer at Hamburg. Grocery shopping usually goes like this:

My mom drops me off at side with the pharmacy, US bank, and home supplies, and with list in hand, I push my cart and through the store, gathering what I need. This process takes somewhere between 10 and 30 minutes. Then I go to the self check lines. Late at night, the wait for other people to check out isn't bad, probably less than 5 minutes. But on a busy day during the peak hours, such as Sunday, I'll have to wait 20 to 30 minutes. So I wait and wait, until my turn is up.

These self check machines have a scanner that lights up green to let a customer know that they can scan and red to let a customer know that they cannot. I grab an item from my basket, perhaps some bread, scan it, the machine beeps and turns from green to red, and I place it on the belt. Then I grab another item, such as eggs, attempt to scan it, but the machine has stalled--it's red. I wait 2 or 3 seconds, it turns green, reads the barcode, turns red again, and I place the eggs on the belt. Then I attempt to scan something like milk, and again, the machine forces me to wait another 2 or 3 seconds before scanning. After the milk has processed, I try scanning something light, like a pen. The machine recognizes it, I place it on the belt, and then I try to scan another item. I hold the item for 2 or 3 seconds in front of the scanner, but it's red and tells me that I have not placed the pen on the belt, even though I have, and it demands that I need an assistant. Now I'm standing in front of the machine, with 4 other customers behind me, waiting for an assistant to come and help. I look around and see an assistant on the phone or helping another customer. I might have to wait for a minute or five minutes. When an assistant comes, they press some buttons and scan their badge and let me proceed. Then I continue on with my scanning, still having to wait 2 or 3 seconds between each item. Some time during the scanning, an assistant will most likely have to come over again. When I finish scanning and pay, I have to wait another 10 seconds for the machine to give me back the change. I bag the groceries, cart them to my mom's car, and put all the groceries into the car. I then get into the front passenger seat, and my mom berates me for taking over an hour to shop.

I try to defend myself, explaining how the incompetent machine stalls without reason, but she attacks me, saying that I am a waste of money and time and that I should stay home and starve rather than go grocery shopping. I quit talking, then she quits talking, and now there is silence filled only by the radio. We arrive home, I carry the groceries home, store them away, and then try to relax after having to deal with the machine.

If the machine was designed better, then there wouldn't be a 20 to 30 minute wait in line, there wouldn't be a 2 or 3 second delay, and there wouldn't be the need for an assistant. I could check out faster and avoid scolding. But the machine has failed. It might reduce the amount of employees needed and lower Meijer's expenses, but it causes anger in customers. Self scanning technology has harmed me, because my life span is shortening from all the stress and anger. In a hundred years, some researchers will find that people who shop at Meijer live shorter lives because of the cumbersome self scan machines.

Assignment 3: Come to the dark side, Rey!

The news does not shy away from stories that show the moral flaws of humanity. Read any newspaper and there is always something about the latest crime in its pages. Every so often though, we are fortunate enough to hear stories of people who still want to do the right thing. For instance, Leah Kleppinger recently found a wallet when no one else was around. When she opened it, she saw $4,600 in cash and credit cards and had every opportunity to pocket it, but instead returned it to its owner.

But just because we hear about bad things and nice things happening does that mean there is a true battle versus good and evil? Is Leah Kleppinger the epitome of good while someone who would have kept the wallet the definition of evil?'re prompt for the week:

Do you believe in absolute good and evil? Is it as clear cut as Harry Potter versus Voldemort, the Sith versus the Jedi? Is there no war at all between good and evil; is there just this gray area where sometimes good people do bad things? Are good and evil even things that have to exist? Can one eliminate the other once and for all? What is evil? What is good?

Use examples when applicable, tell a story to illustrate your point, show causation - whatever you decide to say about it, explain yourself.

Your post will be due by Sunday September 4th 11:59 pm

October 16th will be the last day to make up blogs 1-8

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Assignment 2 - Stephanie Bailey

   Technology has undoubtedly affected the lives of all who have encountered it and it has created new avenues for growth. Unfortunately though, technology has also created new hindrances and problems such as a loss of social interaction, addiction to technology, and unneeded distraction. Technologies like IPhones, IPads, and Apple watches all create extreme convenience for our society by allowing us to be connected to the rest of the world via social media no matter where we are. The very saying "there's an App for that" says it all when it comes to the convenience technologies provide because there is an app you can use for virtually anything you ever need to do. Such apps exist that can start your car and lock your house just by tapping a button on your device's screen. The problem created by this convenience is that it creates a distraction when doing tasks such as homework or driving. Any distraction when driving can be fatal and the most common distraction now-a-days is the use of cell phones. Another problem that technology poses is a threat to our social interactions and interpersonal relationships. How can you have a real relationship with someone when you are constantly on your phone instead of actually talking to the other person? The worst situation is when you only text your "friends" and never actually see and speak to them. If that is the case, they are probably not true friends. This situation is becoming increasingly common, whereas, twenty years ago this situation wasn't on anybody's minds and relationships were stronger and more genuine.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Assignment 2 - Kyle Hosey

I'm not sure that there is a single element of my life that, at this moment, does not require some sort of technology to feel normal and fully in tune. At school, I use my iPad to keep track of my many assignments, appointments, and test dates. At home, it is my main source of entertainment; I can watch a movie, listen to whatever music I so choose, read the next Tom Clancy book for free or watch as many as 200 TV channels. All of this is just on my iPad. Online homework, PC games, and research are done on this very laptop. Even family time is centered around our TV on Sunday nights, watching the Steelers play. If pressed for an answer, I might say that my time spent playing golf comes closest to being technology-free; after all, it's just you and the elements, right? Well, I guess my laser rangefinder counts, and yes I can order my lunch from the cart, and the lessons I take at Keene Run utilize all manners of video and motion capture technology to give me every minuscule detail about my swing, and... Even when outdoors, far from any Wifi, technology affects my every action.

        In most cases, despite its immense prevalence, this has been an overwhelmingly positive development in my daily life. At school, my trusty iPad has allowed me to keep up with my studies in ways I never thought possible. Every single resource I could possibly desire is contained within a rectangle of plastic; the PowerPoint files of lectures, study tools like Quizlet, and even simple things like the ability to set a reminder for homework with an alarm to remind me it is due (Or to wake me up from the nap I was using to procrastinate). At the same time, I can follow everything in the wider world that I care about. World News? One tap and I am on the Washington Post app. Sports? My folder for those apps takes up two pages, from fantasy football to PGA Tour results. Bored at lunch? A YouTube video from my favorite World of Warships commentator is readily available.

     The other major part of my existence, my golf game, as been just as revolutionized as my school and private life. When I first walked into the building that houses my lesson facility, three years ago, I did not expect several television screens, various sensory equipment, and computers running every manner of swing program, namely Trackman. It may have been unexpected, but it sure as hell worked. While my own dedication and work play a very large role, that effort is enhanced by being able to see slow motion video, ball spin, club speed, and 10 different measurements of swing angles. Within a few months, I was starting to understand not only what my problems were, but also why they existed, the changes to make, and what those changes would cause to happen. I am presently at least 25 shots better than I was three years ago when I stepped into the technology side of the golf world. I have no doubt that the hundreds of tools available to me were responsible for a large part of my success today.

     As my exposure and skill with technology increases every year, I feel more and more able secure in my abilities to harness it in all facets of my life. Yes, it has become the integral part of my daily routine, but that routine and its actions are more intelligent, more efficient, and more enjoyable. I simply cannot imagine returning to the reality before my many technological friends.

Daniel Brewer - Assignment 2 - iWrite

Technology can definitely slow me down.  Technology is tricky.  When I think about technology, I think about the Internet, laptops, smartwatches, and smartphones.  All of things are things I enjoy, and things I use everyday. They make life easier, and simpler in some ways.  But, they are also all distractions that can slow me down and waste my time.  For example,  I’m using my laptop right now to easily complete my blog post assignment, but I am tempted to click over and play RollerCoaster Tycoon instead.  I use my smartphone to call my parents to come and pick me up at school when I miss the bus, but already this year in French class, I’ve gotten in trouble for having my phone out.  I use my smartwatch to tell how many steps I’ve taken today, and what time it is,  but my mom asked me to stop looking at it during my dinner.  Technology can be useful at times, but it has a tendency to distract people, too.
Technology can have negative impacts on society.  While technology makes most of the world’s information readily available at your fingertips,  so are bullies, stalkers, and credit card scam companies.  In the medical field, technology can be used to save lives, but texting (or playing Pokemon Go) and driving could easily lead to an accident, where you could injure or kill yourself or other people.  

Hunter Cole Assignment 2

For most of my life I have had access to lots of technology. My earliest memory is playing the original Playstation with my dad. In the early part of my life I only used technology for playing video games and watching tv, but now I use technology for research. My laptop helps me with homework and projects I work on for school, and I also use it to program. I use my smartphone more than my laptop on a daily basis for research and for playing games and social media. The technology that I have today allows me to access lots of knowledge, which helps me in my life. Technology has had only a positive impact on my life because it helps me with things I do every day. Whether it be research or recreation, technology allows me to do things that kids twenty years ago wouldn't be able to.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Assignment 1 - Kenna Miller

Hello! I'm Kenna! I am referred to as McKenna by Mr Wise and Keena by my peers and the lady on the announcements. I am 15 years old and I live close to the Clark County line. I was born on September 8, 2000 in Lexington. I went to Dixie Elementary Magnet School and Winburn Middle School.

My father works as an ER Physician, loves cats, and knows way too much music; My mother plans trips, does laundry, and drives my brother to and from school (a jack of all trades!); My brother has a privacy advantage (he has a laptop), enjoys playing Clicker Heroes, and gives my mother shoulder massages. What I do is learn languages, play video games, read, and listen to music (and create playlists from them). I know some Spanish and French and I can read Bulgarian, Korean, and extremely basic Japanese. I love to play League of Legends and Overwatch in my spare time. My favorite book right now is Tiger's Curse by Colleen Houck. My favorite Harry Potter book is Order of the Phoenix. I use Spotify to listen to various Korean artists, Zedd, and Disclosure and Classic Rock 92.1 is my alarm in the morning. I'd like to travel to Japan, Egypt, India, and Korea someday.

Personal goals for this year include being more organized, biking more often, writing articles for Side by Side News, and finding more new music. Academically, I'd like to pace my APUSH homework evenly and pass AP Physics-- both are challenging so far.

I did not go anywhere exciting this summer except the University of Michigan campus, which was very beautiful. By meaningful, I go to Side By Side News meetings every Saturday at Sphinx Academy, next to the DMV. The organization's goal is to write articles with as little bias as possible. It is run mainly by Henry Clay and a couple of Sphinx students. My job is to post on Twitter, Facebook, and the website with new updates. This regular activity is one I really enjoy being a part of. We hope to recruit more diverse writers soon, so please feel free to write to 

If I had a superpower, I would probably want to teleport. It would be very nice to pick some flowers in Japan and put them in my room. I could also get into the Olympics without a ticket. I just hope that I don't get a bad headache.

Things I geek out for: K-POP (as many of you know already), Harry Potter, Star Wars, cool music videos (mainly OKGO), Disney movies, Zedd, K-POP again, my favorite artist Sakimi-chan, and whatever new I Am Number Four book comes out. Image below is the astrological sign Sagittarius by Sakimi-chan. I wish I could paint that well.

Here is an amazing music video: Baby I'm Yours by Breakbot.
Creds to En for showing me this fantastic artist :)

Post 1 Hunter Cole

Post 1 Hunter Cole
My academic goals are to get all a s this year and bring my act up o a 32. I also want to decide on a college this year or next year and go to a lot of college visits.
My personal goal is to make over 1k in money. I will accomplish this by getting a
I went rock climbing this summer and it was really fun.
I think will Ferrell is funny in snl and step brothers. I really like his more cowbell skit because his muffin top was coming out of his shirt.
My superpower is the ability to read minds. I like would like to know what people are thinking.
I chose this picture because I play goalkeeper for Henry Clay and my favorite goalkeeper is Fraser Forster who is in this picture. I use wikipedia most often because it helps me with schoolwork and personal interest.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Assignment 1 Alex Russell

Hello, my name is Alex Russell.

I play tennis for Henry Clay and also i run cross country. I am also an I am 3rd basketball legend. This school year i hope to get all A's. Last year my grades were not the best so i am hoping to them this year. Last year some of my main problems were turning in assignments late and not studying for tests as much as i could have. This year i will try a lot harder and take school a lot more seriously. This summer was pretty great. For the most part i just chilled with my friends but the most memorable part was going on a mission trip with my church. I became close with a lot of people at my church and also i made new friends in Vermont. On the trip we helped rebuild a church that had burned down and helped renovate another church that was old. The trip was very humbling and made me realize how unfortunate some kids are. If i could pick one superpower i would pick the ability to fly so i wouldn't have to wake up early and park on the hill. Ricegum is my favorite youtuber.


Assignment 1 - MacKenzie Varble

My name is MacKenzie Varble, I'm 16 years old, and I live with my mom, dad, and my dog, Daisy. I shoot archery for Henry Clay, and I'm a part of the musical theater program. This summer I went on vacation to Hawai'i for two weeks. I love to travel and go new places and/or experience new things.  My goals for the school year are to keep procrastination to a minimum, and get my ACT score up so I have a shot at some good scholarships for college.

When I'm not doing my homework, I am working on starting my vinyl monogram business, which should be up and running soon. I also enjoy sewing, painting, and baking. In the summers, I really like going to the Disney parks, and going on Disney cruises. In case you didn't know, or can't tell, I love anything and everything Disney related. In the summer, I tend to spend some time at the lake at Jamestown resort and marina. This past winter, many houseboats were sunk because of the snow, but luckily ours  wasn't. When I'm there, I wake board and slalom ski. I also work at Southeastern Baseball Park in the spring, summer, and fall.

I have some goals for my future, some reasonable, and some not, but goals are always a good thing to have. I want to be a part of the Disney College Program (or DCP for short) at Disney World and Disneyland. At Disney World, the program is large enough to have College Programmers be face characters, so I want to be Cinderella or Rapunzel. In Disneyland, the program is too small to do that, so I want to be a performer in the parades and shows. Another goal is to at some point in time, work for the Disney Cruise Line. One last goal of mine is to be an Olympic archer some day in the near future.

One of my favorite websites is

Disneyland Diamond Celebration 2015 with Erin Caudill

Wake boarding at Jamestown Marina

Dole Pineapple Plantation Oahu, HI


Assignment 1- Khalid Browne

Yo its your boy DjKhalid about to write this first prompt. This school year im getting all A's, no C's because no one wants that shit and maybe 1 B. That means I have to do my homework and study for test. Which sounds like work, but you know it has to be done. Only saying this because if i dont my dad will kill me. I had a pretty lit summer. Besides being grounded for half of it it was pretty dope.I started it off by going to New York to see my cousins and that was pretty cool sense my cousins are really ghetto and are like stereotypical black people. Then I went to London to see more cousins but they were like total opposites. Then I went to the Caribbean which is just a whole different breed of black people, but they are awesome. I got to see my grandma and I did my first carnival in Antigua. I had a lot of fun and met some amazing people. I also think my dad enjoyed himself a lot as well because he smoked so much weed. At one point he started to talk like Snoop Dogg with a Jamaican accent. And hanging out with my friends and going to a few parties was always lots of fun. I would love to have the power to read minds, go back in time and be like the task master and copy moves or techniques really easy. Like a black chameleon. This is actually pretty funny and i think you will like it its called hood Olympics. these guys are funny.
also there are a few more videos from them you should watch:

Assignment 1 Daniel Zhu

My name is Daniel Zhu and I run cross country and play lacrosse for the Henry Clay school team. The music that I'm into are electrical music with bass drops, occasionally rap, and I've recently gotten into EDM. I also occasionally listen to rock such as the Red Hot Chili Peppers and other popular bands. I really love to watch sports such as college basketball, football, as well as the NFL and NBA. My favorite football player of all time is Tom Brady because he's the best quarterback to ever play. My favorite basketball player ever is Kobe Bryant because he's the best scorer and the most fundamental player of all time. My academic goals this year are to get straight A's and pass all of my AP tests. The most meaningful moment of my summer vacation was when I took my first bite of Bon Chon. Bon Chon is a franchise in Columbus that serves double fried Korean fried chicken. I truly believe it was love at first bite and I've been craving it ever since. Also, while I was in Ohio, I tried my first ever doughnut burger. It was a weird but awesome experience as well. You wouldn't think it'd be a good combination but at the end of it, I couldn't really tell if I had just eaten a doughnut or a burger. If I could have any superpower it'd probably be the ability to fly. That way I don't have to deal with traffic and bad drivers, but also because flying would be super fun. Along with that, invisibility would be super cool too. That way I could just move around and avoid everyone in the hallways during class change. Things that geek me out are funny videos on youtube and twitter.

Assignment 1 - Joshua Pe

Howdy! My name is Joshua, but I prefer Josh, and I'm probably the shortest guy at school, measuring in at 5'4'' on a good day. My current personal goal that I'm putting the most effort into is dropping fat. My school goals for this year are to increase my ACT score, keep my GPA, and get involved in more extracurriculars.

I stayed in Lexington for the fourth time in a row for summer vacation. I did not do much besides cook, clean, do homework, and hang out with friends. I sat on the panel for the freshman orientations, and imparted my knowledge. Probably the most memorable experience was waiting for Frank Ocean to drop Boys Don't Cry in July, then watching the livestream, then waiting for it on August 5th, and then having it finally come out this week. I have only waited 3 years, but I know people who have been waiting since Channel Orange.

If I had a superpower, it'd probably be the power to always have energy. If I could be at maximum efficiency all the time, I'd be able to do more things each day.

Cooking is my biggest interest. I picked up cooking about 3 years ago when my tolerance for my mom's cooking fell through. I cook whatever I feel like. Usually it's for myself, but sometimes it's for friends. Often I'll bake cookies or brownies and take them to school to share with people. My go to recipes for a quick meal are chicken and shrimp fried rice, Japanese gyudon, and pasta. My father owns and works at a Chinese fast food restaurant in Northridge, California, and I used to hang out around the kitchen after school, watching him and other employees cook. Living in Los Angeles introduced me to different cultures and foods. Some of my favorite foods are Vietnamese pho bo, Korean soondubu jjigae, Chinese roasted duck, Thai littleneck clams with tamarind, fried chicken from anywhere but KFC, and McDonald's fish-o-fillet. My favorite places to eat are McDonalds, Popeyes, Costco, and Waffle House. I like my hash browns smothered, covered, chunked, peppered, capped, and topped, but not country nor diced.

I love to cook, and the thing that geeks me out is cooking equipment and technology. I'd love to have new knives and sharpeners, a food processor, a blender, a gas stovetop, a sous vide circulator, a stand-mixer, an ice cream machine, new cutting boards, and All-Clad pans and pots. I read food blogs and lists about equipment, and I find recipes that require equipment that I don't have. I have the basics--an old knife, a worn cutting board, a scale, measuring cups and spoons, Pyrex, some Target pots and pans, a wok, and a cast iron pan--but I could have more.

My favorite websites:

Soondubu jjigae with shrimp, clams, and beef

Assignment 1- Kalin Combs

Hi! My name is Kalin Combs and I'm 16 years old. I've been at Henry Clay and in the academy since freshman year. I've lived in Lexington since I was 1 (I was born in Hazard, KY). I have one older brother named Cade, and a younger sister named Allie Grace. My mom is a make-up artist with Mary Kay and my dad owns his own drug screening and background check business called Paragon Drug Screenings. I love dogs, I love to cook/bake and I'm a dancer at Lexington Dance Factory.
My academic goals this year are to get all A's, to jump 2-4 points on my ACT, and to join a lot of clubs. I would also like to score well on all 4 of my AP tests, and narrow down the list of my top colleges by the end of the year. For my personal goals, I really want to get a good job (I just applied to American Eagle yesterday!), I want to get fit, and eat healthier. I used to be a health freak, but lately I've not been eating so healthy and working out as much, so I want to get back to that.
This summer was really great for me, so I can't pick a single favorite moment. I went to Camp Burnamwood in Irvine, KY (with my good friends Dany Vissing, Taylor Hodges, and Grace Bond) like I have for the past few summers. I also went on vacation in Destin, FL with my family. Another fun thing I did was VolunTeen, which is a six week teen volunteer program with UK Healthcare. I worked in the gift shop as a cashier and I worked in the surgery waiting room where I escorted people to see their loved ones pre- and post-operation. That was a really cool experience because I got to meet and help a lot of new people-- I'm definitely going to do it again next summer.
If I could have one super power I would have the ability to travel in time, because that could basically give me anything I would want in life since if anything bad happened to me I could just go back in time and change any decisions that contributed to it.
As far as what geeks me out, there is a very simple one word answer to that: food. I am definitely a major foodie (I know a lot of people say that, but really). I am commonly and affectionately known by some as "That Hungry Girl." I love to eat, I love to travel and I love to try new things. I think one of the best ways to learn about a different culture is by trying their foods and learning about their food habits. I would love to work at a company like Tastemade, where I would get to make food videos and just blog about food. My biggest dream in life is to have a job where I get paid to travel and eat food from around the world. For years I have said that one of my biggest life goals is to become a millionaire, but I would happily give up that goal if I could be paid to travel and eat food from around the world, even if I would only get paid just enough to get by. I've been cooking since I was like 6 years old. When I was 7 I told my parents I wanted to open my own candy store when I grew up called "The Sugar Bowl." When I was 11, I wanted to open up a restaurant called "Baxter's Bark and Growl" (Baxter was my dog and "bark and growl" is a play on "bar and grill") which would be a restaurant where people can bring their dogs. Now, since I was like 14, I have wanted to open my own bakery called Celebr8tion Cake Shop--the 8 represents the 8 main cake and cupcake flavors we will sell (vanilla, white, chocolate, strawberry, red velvet, carrot cake, wedding cake, and birthday cake), all of the prices will end in 8, and promotions will be "8" themed. Yes, I have put a lot of thought into this. I also plan to have several specialty cake flavors in addition to many types of pastries. But the essence of my bakery will come from the custom-decorated cakes. I've been cake decorating since I was 8 years old and watched Cake Boss for the first time. In 2012, I had the privilege of meeting Buddy Valastro from Cake Boss (picture below--yes, I was crying). Now as a part of my own little business, KC Cakes, I decorate cakes for weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, etc. I think the main reason I love doing it is because I love the fact that cake makes people so happy. I love to see the look on people's faces when I show them their finished cake. Anyway, I'm sorry this is so long, I just really like to talk about my love for food.
Here are some pictures of my cakes and of the time I met Buddy:

Assignment 6- Tom Polites

Prompt 1: What are your views on sports? Do you think that it's a positive thing that people pay so much attention to them and become so worked up over a game? Do you think that they are a waste of time that distract us from what is really important?

Prompt 2: How has music had an impact on your life? What is it about music that people find so wonderful? Name your favorite artists and songs and describe how they make you feel when you listen to them.

Prompt 3: With the upcoming election, our nation is fiercely divided into separate parties. What do you think it says about our nation that we are so invested in political parties? Do you think its a positive that we have parties, or a negative? Would you change the political system if you could?

Prompt 1: Sports have played a huge role in my life for as long as I can remember. One of my first memories was getting a rubber baseball bat that I used to hit tennis balls in my backyard. I think sports are a wonderful thing, and something that should be embraced by our society. Even though sports are by definition a game, it is not as simple as that. For the majority of people who watch their favorite team in a big game, it is much more than shooting a ball in a hoop. If you are a fan of Kentucky Basketball, you likely know what I am talking about. One thing that I will remember for a while was our NCAA tournament run in 2014. We played Louisville, our bitter rival, in the Sweet Sixteen. I have never been more nervous for a game in my life, and I wasn't even playing. Despite a large first half deficit, we came back to win in a nail biter. After the win, my dad looked like a little kid. I genuinely don't think that I've ever seen him happier in my entire life. This tells me that sports aren't just a game. They can completely change your temperament, for better or for worse. I've been on the other end of the spectrum as well, and have endured some crushing defeats and felt that the world had ended.

Sports also inspire people and give them hope. For example, in the film We Are Marshall, which tells the story of the plane crash that killed the Marshall University football team and their struggle to recover, the college needs football to help move on from the horrific tragedy. Sports can be therapeutic. I know that when I've had a rough day there's nothing I want more than to step out on the field or court and just forget about life for a while and focus on winning. Sports may not be important to some people, but that doesn't mean they don't matter.

Assignment 1- Tom Polites

Howdy! My name is Tom Polites and this is my third year attending Henry Clay. I'm 17 years old which is nice because I've already gotten my driver's license, which I constantly remind my friends of since most of them don't have theirs, but it's also weird because I am over a year older than some of them. My brother Andrew attends Tulane University and will be a junior this upcoming school year. He went to Henry Clay for all four years of high school as did my mother and father (or Big Tom as he is more commonly known) so I decided to follow suit. Since Andrew is on to bigger and better things, I live with my parents and our two cats, Tibbs and Jack. I played on the baseball team freshman year but I decided to retire and I now run cross country. In my spare time I enjoy watching and playing sports and hanging out with my friends. Because I enjoy some solid banter I watch the Premier League and I also enjoy college sports as well as the NBA and NFL.

This summer I went to Zion National Park and Lake Powell where I stayed on a houseboat with some of my classmates from middle school. It was an experience I will never forget and a great way to spend a few weeks of my summer.

My goals this year are to maintain my 4.0 GPA and to procrastinate less so I don't get bogged down with work. I also want to improve as a writer. My brother and dad are both talented writers so I would like to continue the family tradition.

Below is a picture of my favorite soccer player, Didier Drogba. This is him after winning the Champions League for my favorite club Chelsea. It is a game that I remember watching and one of my happiest moments as a soccer fan. This is a link to Kentucky Sports Radio. This website is exclusively for UK sports, something that I am passionate about, so I check it regularly.

Assignment 2: iWrite

In 1976, Steve Jobs became a co-founder of Apple. 35 years later he retired, putting his enormous company into different hands, and shortly thereafter succumbed to cancer. His retirement and death did not just mean a promotion for Tim Cook, the new CEO, but a major shift in a company that has been a key player in technology innovation in the 21st century.  Love 'em or hate 'em, Steve Jobs changed our lives.

So, this brings us to your writing for the week:

How has technology affected your life?

Choose one of the following prompts and in 150 words or more, provide your answer.
  • Has technology affected you in a majorly positive way? What happened?
  • Has technology ever inconvenienced you or hurt you? Maybe technology got in your way, slowed you down or even literally hurt you? Have you seen technology have a negative impact on society?
  • How would your life have been different if you'd grown up 20 years earlier? How would you interact with others? Do you think your relationships then would differ from your present relationships? Which time period would you prefer and why?
  • Become a futurist and theorize on how might technology evolve over the next decade and what changes might those changes bring.  

The deadline for this blog is Sunday, August 28

October 16th is the last day to make up Blogs 1-8

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Assignment 1-Stephanie Bailey

   My name is Stephanie Bailey and I can pretty much be described in one word: Equestrian. Every class always seems to have that one "weird horse girl" and I guess for the class of 2018; I'm her. My school days consist of going to school, going home to do my homework, and then going straight to the barn for some de-stressing time with my horse. I own a total of three horses - one of them is a competition horse, and the other two are "wild" American Mustangs. Sampson is a five-year-old chestnut thoroughbred who is my jumping and competition horse. He challenges me but takes care of me when I really need it. Misty and Angel are my two American Mustangs that came from the plains of Oregon and Utah. My dad and I have worked very hard to break them and they are worth all of the blood, sweat, and tears spent. The American Mustang is the very definition of loyalty, obedience and grace. If you really want to know and haven't guessed already, horses are the way to get me to "geek out".

  In terms of my academic career, I just hope to end each semester with all A's and to make new friends (when my school schedule permits of course). I would like to pass all of my AP exams as well, if that ends up being a possibility. This year I am also in Spanish Four, so I'm hoping I will be able to get that credit out of the way so I can have another elective senior year for more drawing and art classes.

  When it comes to my summer, it was about the same as the description of me: riding, homework, drawing, working at the Kentucky Horse Park, working as a camp counselor for Punchestown Stable (the barn I ride at), and a trip to Washington D.C. for three days for my cousin's graduation. It was a great summer filled with friends, family, and of course, horses. I also finally got my permit in July because, while most of my peers already have their licenses, I was blessed with a summer birthday. I hope to make it through this school year at Henry Clay High School with all of my peers and have a little fun here and there.

   Favorite website:


Assignment 1-Sara Ueland

Suhh dudes my name is Sara Ueland. I just recently turned 16 and attend the Liberal Arts Academy, as most of you know. I am the youngest in my family and I have 2 brothers and 3 sisters (one who is often referred to as the “lesser twin”). I live on a small farm with my parents, Elizabeth, 5 horses, 2 cats, 1 dog, 12 chickens, and 2 beehives. I have been around horses for as long as I can remember but will always be deathly afraid of the 1,000 pound killing machine. With soccer being a quite popular sport in my family, I started playing at a young age and continue to play for Henry Clay and the Lexington Football Club. My main hobbies include playing/watching sports, hiking, needlepointing, listening to music, chillaxing with friends, and re-watching the Office at least once a year. This summer my most exciting experience was going to my first concert/music festival and seeing several of my favorite bands.

My academic and personal goals for this year are to reduce my usual procrastination habits and improve my time management. I would also like to get a sufficient amount of sleep at night while exercising at least once a day. Through out this year I hope to improve my test anxiety and efficiently deal with the stress that comes along with junior year.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Assignment 1 - Daniel Brewer

Howdy! My name is Daniel Brewer. Let me introduce myself. I'm 16 years old, and I live at home with my parents and my brother, Benjamin.  We don't have any pets, but I would really like to have a tuxedo cat and call it Felix.
I did some pretty interesting things over the summer.  I went to Panama City Beach with my family and my favorite thing we did there was drive the go karts.  I also went on a mission trip with my youth group.  We stayed at Asbury Seminary and did work in and around Wilmore, KY, because you don't have to leave the country to find people who need help.  My favorite thing we did on the mission trip was building a wheelchair ramp to the restrooms in the park behind the Wilmore Elementary School.  We also painted the picnic tables at the church, painted rooms at the Wesley Foundation on the UK campus, and removed nails from an old barn at the Kentucky Methodist Home.  We also played cards and games with the veterans at the Thomson Hood Veterans Center. Attached is a picture of the dorms I stayed in at Asbury.
I enjoy surfing the Internet. One of my favorite things to do is look at amusement parks, big cities and such on Google Maps. Here's a link to a Google Map of Kings Island! 
My goal for this year is to work hard, learn something new, and have fun while doing it!

Assignment 1 - Victor Allison

Howdy, my name is Victor Allison and I'm a junior in the Henry Clay academy, as you most likely know. Before attending Henry Clay (also known as Clay, and known to some as Blay), I attended The Lexington School for three years with several of my classmates, and as I am in the Henry Clay district I was quickly and happily sucked into the academy after finishing 8th grade. I felt quite prepared for the supposedly heightened workload, and intend to retain a 4.0 for the rest of Junior year, which may prove difficult. As my grade at TLS included about 60 students, my friends and I were able to play almost every sport offered at one point (though not necessarily at an advanced level), and at Henry Clay I enjoy playing Lacrosse and running cross country. As well as retaining a decent class rank and keeping a 4.0, my main goal for Junior year is to enjoy myself in spite of the forces of oppression that the tyrant known as Junior year will most likely send hurtling towards me.

On a lighter note, I live with my mom, dad, brother (whom you also know), and dog Juno. It has been made known to me that a jab was made by one Ian Schaeffer regarding Juno in a previous blog. To this I will say that while Ian's dog is 5 and still would sooner bolt out the door never to be seen again than sit, Juno has been mistaken for a service dog on several occasions. My parents are both professors at the University of Kentucky, both in the English field. In the past we have visited Ireland to visit my father's homeland and family, and lived in Scotland for a year when my Philip and I were about 4. I enjoy watching sports with my peers, although not as much on my own as I would like to. I enjoy watching a number of TV shows, and am close to starting the 5th Game of Thrones book. This year in English I hope to develop my writing and critical thinking skills, increase my vocabulary, and hopefully enjoy myself as well.

Assignment 1 - Victor Allison

Howdy, my name is Victor Allison and I'm a junior in the Henry Clay academy, as you most likely know. Before attending Henry Clay, I attended The Lexington School for three years with several of my classmates, and as I am in the Henry Clay district I was quickly and happily sucked into the academy after finishing 8th grade. I felt quite prepared for the supposedly heightened workload, and intend to retain a 4.0 for the rest of Junior year, which may prove difficult. As my grade at TLS included about 60 students, my friends and I were able to play almost every sport offered at one point (though not necessarily at an advanced level), and at Henry Clay I enjoy playing Lacrosse and running cross country. As well as retaining a decent class rank and keeping a 4.0, my main goal for Junior year is to enjoy myself in spite of the forces of oppression that the tyrant known as Junior year will most likely send hurtling towards me.

On a lighter note, I live with my mom, dad, brother (whom you also know), and dog Juno. It has been made known to me that a jab was made by one Ian Schaeffer regarding Juno in a previous blog. To this I will say that while Ian's dog is 5 and still would sooner bolt out the door never to be seen again than sit, Juno has been mistaken for a service dog on several occasions. My parents are both professors at the University of Kentucky, both in the English field. In the past we have visited Ireland to visit my father's homeland and family, and lived in Scotland for a year when my Philip and I were about 4. I enjoy watching sports with my peers, although not as much on my own as I would like to. I enjoy watching a number of TV shows, and am close to starting the 5th Game of Thrones book. This year in English I hope to develop my writing and critical thinking skills, increase my vocabulary, and hopefully enjoy myself as well.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Assignment 1- Ian Schaeffer

Howdy, my name is Ian Schaeffer. I'm 16 years old, but I was born in 2000, so I'm pretty young for the grade. I have a immediate family of five, including my twin, my sister, and my parents. We live together right next to one of the reservoirs near Henry Clay, so naturally, I chose to attend it about two or three years ago. Some of my hobbies include playing lacrosse, sailing, fishing, and hanging out with friends. I have a five year old dog named Baylee, who is big, black, and far superior to Juno and Lucy. She is really jumpy and wild, but her lack of training contributes to her cuteness. I am a big college basketball fan, and I love watching UK games. I am also a Premier League fan (soccer, because most people don't know), but my favorite team Aston Villa is trash and was actually demoted, so this season isn't quite as exciting as usual. However, I am still excited for the season, which actually started last Saturday.

My personal goals for this year are to become nicer to my mom, because she conceived me and sometimes I don't treat her the way I should. However, in the classroom I hope to progress as a writer and in math, while receiving straight A's in all my classes. I know junior year is supposed to be the hardest of them all, so I guess I can add solving my personal problems with procrastination to my list of things to fix.

The most valuable moments of my summer vacation were spent out west, just because it's a great place to be and I got to experience it with friends, which made it that much more memorable. Other than that, I didn't do much other than spend time with friends or play lacrosse, so I guess coming back to school isn't all that bad.
Image result for princess bride prince

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Assignment 1 - Kassidy Stumbo

Howdy! My name is Kassidy Stumbo and I am a junior at Henry Clay High School (but you already knew that part). I have 2 dogs who are basically my children/pride and joy. My dad is a politician which has had great impact on basically every part of my life - mostly lots of traveling back and forth. As you can imagine, I'm very passionate about politics and some might say a little too opinionated. Besides a good political debate, I love watching sports, kayaking, hiking, and going to concerts. As the school year progresses, I think you will begin to recognize my passion for politics and Kentucky basketball in particular.

My personal goal for this school year is to do something outside of my comfort zone, like public speaking. My academic goal is to keep my straight As and become a better writer. I know I am a reasonably strong writer, but I would like to work on writing things other than articles, which is definitely what I'm most comfortable writing. As I'm sure Mr. Behler could confirm, I tend to add little bits of sarcasm in my essays without even noticing it myself, which is something I need to work on avoiding.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Assignment 1 - Kyle Hosey

My name is Kyle Thomas Hosey, and this will be my third year in the Academy. Before coming to Henry Clay, I attended Tates Creek Middle School, and before that, Glendover Elementary. I have two brothers (I have a sister too but I like to pretend she doesn't exist), both younger than I am. I will turn 17 on November 13, and I have lived in Lexington my whole life.
          All of that, of course, is just technical information. The important things to know about me come down to two overreaching areas: golf and history. I'm not much more complex than that. In the summer, my typical routine is golf all day, then read something with a historical aspect like a Tom Clancy novel. Yes, there are other factors in my daily routine; I do archery in the winter and have a small addiction to fantasy football; but those are my two main passions, and what I devote my time to on a regular basis. This year's golf campaign has been one of the most fun times of my life; not only have I made visible progress, but I am finally bringing the mental side of my game under a semblance of control. One bad shot would often throw me off for several holes; I have it down to a few minutes now. That, along with my improved practice, has brought my scoring average down 5-6 shots from last year. I have shot below par several times, including at tryouts for the golf team, and, recently, have come close to winning my last three high school events. The highlight of the high school season so far has been a tournament at Stonecrest in Prestonsburg; the course is built on a reclaimed strip mine, so the elevation changes are severe. Playing in the evening with my dad and brother for the practice round was just a great experience. Of course I spent the entire car ride (there and back) binge watching 4 Band of Brothers episodes. Of all the aspects of history, I like the military/warfare side of it the most. I am probably most knowledgeable about the second world war, especially the German side. This is also where my favorite books and movies come from; I love Saving Private Ryan, and despite the (intended) historical flaws, Inglorious Bastards.
Image result for stonecrest golf course              As far as academics go, my goal this year is to to survive with, say, 60% of my sanity. That may be a little on the optimistic side; perhaps 45% is a better number. Four AP classes is a difficult prospect; if I can keep on top of everything and produce good work consistently, this year will be a success.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Assignment - Howdy

For your first post, introduce yourself!

Share your name, but also a little bit about who you are. Some ideas to consider are:
What are your personal and academic goals for this school year?
What was the most meaningful moment of your summer vacation?
What superpower would you have if you could pick anything?
And so on and so forth.

I want to know what Geeks you out.
To receive full credit, you must insert a picture or video (of something)  AND a hyperlink to your favorite (appropriate) website.

This must be completed by midnight on Sunday, August 21
150 word minimum and posted on time.

October 16 is last day to make up Blogs 1-8