Sunday, August 28, 2016

Assignment 2 - Kassidy Stumbo

When I think of technology, the phrase "love/hate relationship" comes to mind. Sometimes technology is awesome. It's so nice to be able to get on my phone at any time and check the score of the football game on ESPN or see what my friend from 6th grade camp is up to on Facebook. But it's not all fun and games. Even though I'd say technology is super cool 95% of the time, the other 5% can be awful. But that's not the technology's fault - it's the users. People are just down right mean. When I was younger I never noticed the ridiculously terrible and usually false things people would say about my dad, although I'm sure they were there. If I do say so myself, I think I've gotten pretty used to it. Most of the time now I'll read something and just laugh, but I'd be lying if I said I haven't considered starting a cyber war in the past. One time I read a particularly nasty one where someone told dad that, "his parents (my grandparents) would be ashamed of him" after dad proposed that the Jefferson Davis statue be taken out of the Capital rotunda. That one really got to me. First of all, it's 2016 people. The capital rotunda is a place of honor and courage, two words I would not use to describe a man who fought for the right to own a human being. But that's not the point. Why do people think it's okay to say things like that? Because with technology, there are no repercussions. You can say things like that without even having to look someone in the eye - literally hiding behind a keyboard.

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