Sunday, August 28, 2016

Assignment 2 Victor Allison

Amish people don't use technology. I'd like to say that I could live like them if some bizarre accident left me stranded in an Amish community, but it seems like it would be quite a struggle. I have been accused on many occasions of being "addicted to my phone," mainly by my mom, and I believe this to be unfair as my parents seem to be on their phones for a significant amount of time as well. However, if I had been born 20 years earlier, I don't believe I would feel too handicapped.
First of all, if I had been born in 1979 rather than 1999, I would have no knowledge of the technological advances that the last decade has brought us, so saying that I "couldn't survive" would not only be an extreme exaggeration but also an unnecessary one, as I would be living just as everyone else at the time, and would feel no technology-related discomfort. Also, many basic technologies that we use today would have been made available during my childhood, such as TV, telephones, and even simple videogames. If I were to travel back in time to this decade, however, I would certainly sense a gaping hole in the part of our culture that is filled today by The Internet. If I were to have been born in 1979, I do not think I would feel particularly disadvantaged, but the 21st century would definitely be my preference.

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