Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Assignment 1 - Victor Allison

Howdy, my name is Victor Allison and I'm a junior in the Henry Clay academy, as you most likely know. Before attending Henry Clay (also known as Clay, and known to some as Blay), I attended The Lexington School for three years with several of my classmates, and as I am in the Henry Clay district I was quickly and happily sucked into the academy after finishing 8th grade. I felt quite prepared for the supposedly heightened workload, and intend to retain a 4.0 for the rest of Junior year, which may prove difficult. As my grade at TLS included about 60 students, my friends and I were able to play almost every sport offered at one point (though not necessarily at an advanced level), and at Henry Clay I enjoy playing Lacrosse and running cross country. As well as retaining a decent class rank and keeping a 4.0, my main goal for Junior year is to enjoy myself in spite of the forces of oppression that the tyrant known as Junior year will most likely send hurtling towards me.

On a lighter note, I live with my mom, dad, brother (whom you also know), and dog Juno. It has been made known to me that a jab was made by one Ian Schaeffer regarding Juno in a previous blog. To this I will say that while Ian's dog is 5 and still would sooner bolt out the door never to be seen again than sit, Juno has been mistaken for a service dog on several occasions. My parents are both professors at the University of Kentucky, both in the English field. In the past we have visited Ireland to visit my father's homeland and family, and lived in Scotland for a year when my Philip and I were about 4. I enjoy watching sports with my peers, although not as much on my own as I would like to. I enjoy watching a number of TV shows, and am close to starting the 5th Game of Thrones book. This year in English I hope to develop my writing and critical thinking skills, increase my vocabulary, and hopefully enjoy myself as well.

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