Sunday, August 21, 2016

Assignment 1 Alex Russell

Hello, my name is Alex Russell.

I play tennis for Henry Clay and also i run cross country. I am also an I am 3rd basketball legend. This school year i hope to get all A's. Last year my grades were not the best so i am hoping to them this year. Last year some of my main problems were turning in assignments late and not studying for tests as much as i could have. This year i will try a lot harder and take school a lot more seriously. This summer was pretty great. For the most part i just chilled with my friends but the most memorable part was going on a mission trip with my church. I became close with a lot of people at my church and also i made new friends in Vermont. On the trip we helped rebuild a church that had burned down and helped renovate another church that was old. The trip was very humbling and made me realize how unfortunate some kids are. If i could pick one superpower i would pick the ability to fly so i wouldn't have to wake up early and park on the hill. Ricegum is my favorite youtuber.


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