Sunday, August 28, 2016

Assignment 2 - Kenna Miller

Without a doubt, technology has definitely made a huge positive impact on me as a person. Whether it's learning a new language, being introduced to people from the globe, or just watching a video explaining how hiccups work, the Internet can be used for anything and can connect you to anywhere. Though this is a widely accepted custom, I didn't realize this unwritten rule when I was in third grade.

When I was younger, all I really used the Internet for was to play Webkinz (let's be honest, all of us did) and illegally watch anime. I had a big thing for YouTube-- I was a huge Tobuscus fan in fifth grade and I watched Pewdiepie before he had 1 million subs while the YouTube app was pre-installed on my iPod Touch. #hipster. This was rather simple back in 2010. However, I only got truly sucked in when I started online gaming.

Though my dream was to impress the boy I liked at the time by becoming the best League of Legends player without him knowing, of course I couldn't do it without his help. He introduced me to a whole niche of people that I never really knew existed at my school. The geeks. Most of you have not socialized with a male geek, but once you do, you suddenly find yourself laughing uncontrollably. All of the guys I play with have a great sense of humor and a passion--- gaming. When I am connected to the web, I have the time of my life playing League-- laughing really hard at things that aren't funny at all, seeing the true side of people (when they lose a game), and the feeling of accomplishment when you see the words "VICTORY" appear on your screen after 45 minutes of losing losing and losing. Even though I was just a tom-boyish white girl and they all REALLY loved mine craft, I have fun. Because of this game, I now know how frustrating losing is, how amazing winning is, and how the Internet can just erase whatever issues realty gives you. Because of this one game, I have friends who live in Canada and Mexico who I talk to on a daily basis. Because of this one game, I have met people I never would have, and I honestly can't live without now. And I love it. I really do.

With the help of the Internet, I know what new ideas the world around me can bring to the table. I also know the tragedies and that we, as Americans, can do something about it, no matter how small. I also know that to balance out the sadness, there will always be something of happiness, like countries uniting to compete in sport at the Olympic Games. The world is a beautiful place and we CAN help it get even better with all of us together.

For useless or random tasks, YouTube comes in first for handiness. You can learn how to make ice cream, memorize the Korean alphabet, observe people debate on why Anna isn't Elsa's real sister (great Game Theory video, by the way), or just watch hours upon hours of cats just being... cats. A lot of these things can make me extremely happy to watch and are great to show my parents as well. I really enjoy watching a funny video with my mom and then creating an inside joke out of it. The Internet never fails to provide a laugh.

With that being said, I shall end my appraisal of the web with a quote: As a wise man once said "All you really need to survive is the King James Bible, Shakespeare, and YouTube". That wise man is my father.

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