Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Assignment 22- Kalin Combs

If I could be any fictional character, I would be Haley from One Tree Hill. She's really smart, driven, and kind to everyone. Even though at the beginning of the series she is only seen as a plain, smart girl, she catches the attention of a very attractive and equally driven basketball player, Nathan Scott. They meet because she is tutoring him, and he pursues her for awhile but she is wary of a relationship because he is a known player. Eventually, they start dating and are a great couple. They get married before they even graduate high school and have kids together. They both get into Stanford and Duke University, which are both great schools. I would want to have her intelligence, drive, and personality. Also, she is really gorgeous so I wouldn't mind looking like her either. Plus, Nathan Scott is super attractive so I would definitely marry him.

Assignment 21- Kalin Combs

Right this second, my dad is making a sales pitch to a very important potential client. This morning, he made a group message with like 10 of our family members, asking each one of us to say a prayer that it goes well. It is currently 12:31. My dad's message said to say a prayer at noon, so I'm assuming that the pitch is happening right at this moment. If he gets this client, it will bring in thousands more dollars per month. I don't know exactly who he is pitching to, but his text said that it is a "huge nationwide staffing agency vice president." My dad owns his own drug screening business, so he is trying to supply them with drug screening supplies and services for staffing purposes. He just lost his biggest client a couple of months ago, so times have been rough but he's been gaining momentum lately. I really hope he gets it, because he works really hard on his business. Plus, there might be a new car in it for me.

Assignment 20- Kalin Combs

This is a tutorial on how, when, and why to use your turn signal. I was going to do how to bake a cake but I think someone may have done it. I don't consider myself an expert on driving but my biggest pet peeve is when people don't signal so I think this tutorial is necessary.
1. If you are parked on the side of the road, use your turn signal before you pull out (if the road is to your left, use your left turn signal, if it is to your right, use your right). This will let passing cars know to be cautious because you are about to pull out. People also might stop to let you pull out if they notice your signal is blinking.
2. Now we're going to make a turn. Before you turn, USE YOUR DANG TURN SIGNAL. If not, the cars around you will not know to slow down and prepare for you to turn. Then, you can slow down and turn your wheel the way you need to go.
3. This one is VERY important and not everyone realizes it. When you are changing lanes, signal in the direction you are going to go. If you don't signal, especiallly if there is not much space between you and the cars around you, other cars will not know to slow down or speed up or get out of the way (depending on their relative position to your car).
4. This one is pretty obvious. Always signal at stoplights and stop signs. Some people think if they are in a turn lane they don't have to signal, but that is not at all true. You still have to signal. At four way stops it is especially important so you don't run into people in the intersection.
5. Use your signal when merging onto big roads like New Circle. Sometimes, people are stupid and don't realize they need to assist you with merging by speeding up, slowing down, or getting into the left lane. When they see your signal, it will remind them.
-To use your signal, simply push the lever down if you are going left, and push it up if you are going right. If it does not automatically turn off after you have completed the turn, turn it off yourself by pushing it back to normal.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Assignment 22- Alex Russell

If I could chose any fictional character I would chose batman. What makes me like hime the most is unlike other superheroes when he's not out saving Gotham as batman he's saving it as Bruce Wayne. Also he is insanely rich which is a plus. Not to mention he gets hella girls. Batman is just the all around man. One thing thing that separates batman from other superheroes is that he wasn't blessed with some special gift to save the world. He decided to save it anyway by being a total badass. Batman is my hero and thats why I would love to be him. Also you would get to use all is fancy gadgets. And boys lets not forget how sexy the Batmobile is. That thing is hella fast. The only bad thing about being batman would be dealing with people like the joker. It would suck if they killed people and you were blamed for it. But lets be honest being batman would be ham.

Assignment 21-Alex Russell

At this moment in the world there are thousands of UK fans that are extremely sad about the loss UK suffered tonight. There are also players that left there heart out on the court for 4 games only to get squacked by the refs. We lost to UNC tonight and it shocked the Big Blue Nation. UNC played a hell of a game. Their star players were John Higgins, Keith Kimble, and Mike Reed(the men in black and white). Their stats were off the charts with a combined 43 finessed calls. You can't blame the UK players. They gave it everything they had and just about won despite the 20+ hacks the refs decided to not call. I think at this moment every fan in the Big Blue Nation is proud of our team and the season we have had. Props to UNC as well they played a great game and they can't help the fact that the NCAA hired refs who have never seen the game of basketball and are straight outta KBA.

Assignment 22 - MacKenzie Varble

Right now, if I was any fictional character, I would want to be Merida from Disney/Pixar’s Brave. I know, shocker, MacKenzie wants to be a Disney princess, but hear me out. Merida is an amazing and underrated character. She is a strong and independent princess. She wants to be a leader, and tries her best to show that she shouldn’t be looked over just because she’s a girl. She wants to show that she can handle things on her own, and she doesn’t need someone else to do a job for her. She also wants to find herself before she attempts a relationship. Merida also has troubles with her mother, like every other teenage girl, but by the end, she learns a very important lesson that family shouldn’t be taken for granted. Merida also has amazing hair. It’s extremely curly and all around amazing. She’s also a fantastic archer, so she embodies everything that I want to be. She’s fearless, is a fantastic archer, and has amazing hair.

Assignment 21 - MacKenzie Varble

Right now, it is 10:33 on a Sunday night. I have procrastinated once again on writing blogs, and I have once again regretted it.  As I sit here thinking about how I’d rather be asleep than writing a blog post, I’ve taken a moment to think about what else is happening in my life. Currently, I’m fighting with my best friend, because he’s being irrational as always. I’m also realizing what is happening in other people’s lives. There is probably a very happy couple getting engaged, or breaking off an engagement. There is probably someone standing at the stage door on Broadway hoping to meet their favorite star, and if they’re lucky, they are getting their playbill signed. A child is being born right now, but there is also someone dying. There are families being brought together, and families being broken. There is probably a kid watching their first night time parade in Disneyland or Disney World. No matter what, we can’t know everything that is going on in everyone’s life right now, but we do know that whatever they’re doing, it builds their story.

Assignment 22: Joshua Pe

If I could be a fictional character, I would be Jay Gatsby.

He’s a seriously flawed character. He wanted to marry this girl, so he faked his whole identity. He changed his name from James Gatz to Jay Gatsby to sound rich. He claimed the half-truth of attending Oxford. He tried winning the love of Daisy with money.

But Jay Gatsby is also the story of the American come-up. He was born poor in North Dakota. He worked as a janitor to attend school but he dropped out. He then worked with Dan Cody who taught him how to live wealthy. He joined the military for World War I, and came back decorated. He switched up his whole life in order to win Daisy’s love. He got into the bootlegging business to become rich. He worked hard to be a millionaire. He didn’t have no Daddy’s money. And in the face of Tom Buchanan he kept trying to win Daisy’s love.

Jay Gatsby is the story of tenacity, and that’s why I’d be him.

Assignment 20- Alex Russell

One thing that I have a level of expertise in is basketball. I am pretty much Michael Jordan. I have been playing basketball since I was a kid and I have developed some skills that some may refer to as "handles". I have also developed a pretty decent jumper. I have had many letters from many different colleges. Through all of my hard work a dedication I have become debatably better than players like Lonzo Ball and Malik Monk. The only thing you have to do to become a great player is practice. Practice makes perfect. Other than that there isn't much you can do other than being born with such an amazing skill set. I have played on many different teams growing up. That is one thing that has helped me get better. By playing on so many different teams and playing with so many different players it has helped me become the player I am today.

Assignment 20 - MacKenzie Varble

As everyone should know that I love Disney, and if you don’t, I’m simply dumbfounded. As an avid lover of Disney, I’ve seen a few Disney movies over the years. I will give you the expert’s guide on how to properly watch a Disney movie. Well, I guess to start off, you must have a Disney movie, a dvd player, because who has a VCR anymore, other than me…anyways…and you have to have a TV. You have to watch it on a TV to really do it right. You have to play the dvd, and you have to sit through all of them. Every. Single. One. You make note of what movies you want to go see, and which ones you want to buy. Once you get to the menu, you play the movie, duh. While the movie is playing, if it isn’t a musical, you sit there in awe of the story. If it is a musical, you’ll also be in awe, but you also have to sing along to all of the songs, even if you don’t know all the words. Once the movie ends, you have two options. You can either cry because it’s over, or go through the exact same process with a different movie, or the same one, I’m not here to judge.

Assignment 21: Joshua Pe

At this very moment, somewhere in the universe, a man is living a mundane life. He's sleeping right now, taking in the fleeting hours of another Sunday night. His alarm will beep a couple times at 6:00 AM, and he'll hit the snooze once, maybe twice. Once he decides that he'd rather have electricity than sleep, he'll drag himself out of bed for another day of drudgery. Another Monday. Another 9 to 5. He’ll shower, wash his face, and shave. Then he’ll eat breakfast, shredded wheat and coffee, and then get dressed.

The man will drive to work, stopping and starting, moving half a mile an hour in the morning rush. He’ll take the stairs instead of the elevator; it’ll get his heart beating for once. Once at work, the man will sit in his cubicle, typing, clicking, crunching numbers, and taking phone calls. He’ll get on his lunch break and try something new—his one moment of different. Then he’ll go back to work, continuing to mindlessly sit his life away. He’ll think of what he could be doing, but he’ll never act on it.

The man will go home after work. He’ll eat dinner, watch the television, get unwounded, and go back to sleep. He’ll do the same thing over again Tuesday, then Wednesday, then Thursday, and then Friday, until the weekend. Then he’ll waste his weekend away until Monday again.

Assignment 24 - Kassidy Stumbo

As I am writing this, I am also wiping tears from my eyes. Curse March Madness! But anyway, back to the point. Junior year is almost over and I couldn't be more excited. This year has challenged me in many ways - both inside and outside of school. Academically, this year has really pushed me to work harder than I ever have in school. AP Physics in particular has really tested me (almost over thank goodness). Greg's loss in November was definitely a huge challenge for me. Working so hard for something and having it end like that is never fun. But nonetheless, the sun rose the day after Election Day. However, I am not sure if it will rise tomorrow after Kentucky just lost like that. I guess we will see. This summer, I plan to sleep a lot. After I'm done sleeping, I'm going to travel with my family some and play with my dogs. As for senior year, I am very excited. I can't wait to see what happens next!

Assignment 22 - Stephanie Bailey

If I could be any fictional character out of all of those in existence I would want to be Spirit. I know this sounds like the stereotypical horse obsessed girl’s answer to this question but the fact that he is a horse is not the only reason I would choose to be him. He is a wild horse, and one of great honor in his community, whose spirit could never be broken by anything in existence. I want to able to live my life as wild and free as he does without the chains that society attaches to me. Besides wanting live my life for myself, I also know that our personalities are very similar. We both don’t like to show our emotions and we think that we have to be strong all the time. We are guarded against relationships with people who are different than us but once a relationship is made, it will last forever. For my entire life I have always been able to bond with horses better than humans most of the time. This movie shows the audience how strong those bonds really are and it exemplifies how once you have a bond with that animal, it can never be broken or forgotten.

Assignment 21 - Stephanie Bailey

At this very second in time, there is someone who is learning of something for the very first time. It could be why they are going somewhere, where they are going, where a parent is, or why something has to happen a certain way. For me, my moment in time that I will never forget was when I learned that my birth mom was dying. I had another moment long before this one when I learned that I was adopted from Phoenix, Arizona and that I would be allowed to look for my biological family when I turned eighteen years old. But fast forward back to the moment I learned of my birth mothers ill health. I had not yet had the chance to look for her because I was only twelve years old but I knew I wanted to know her. A few days later we had another moment when we were informed that she had passed away from cancer and I came to realize I would never have the chance to meet her. At this moment in time though, someone may not be learning of something quite so life changing but I guarantee that someone somewhere is learning something.

Assignment 20 - Stephanie Bailey

How to Clean a Horse:
The first brush that you use is called a curry comb, which is a rubber oval shaped brush with small pegs lined around the edge. Use this brush in circular motions in order to loosen and uproot any mud or dirt. The next brush to use is called the hard brush.  This brush has hard bristles meant to wipe away any loose dirt on the inside of the horse's coat. This brush is used by making sweeping strokes along with the direction of the hair. The third brush is the soft brush which looks just like the hard brush but it has softer bristles. This brush is used the same way the hard brush is but its purpose is to sweep away any dirt on the outside of the horse's coat. After you have brushed out the horse's coat, you then have to move to its hooves. The hoof pick will pick mud out of the underside of the horse's hoof around their "frog". The frog is a tender part of the hoof in the shape of a triangle on the underside of the hoof. Once the hooves are clean, you take a normal hair brush and brush out the horse's mane and tail until there are no more tangles. Now your horse is clean and ready to have its tack put on.

Assignment 22- Sara Ueland

If I could be any character I would probably be Cassie from The Naturals. She is a teenage girl and has been picked by the FBI to live with other talented teenagers and solve crimes from the luxury of their own home. She is gifted with the ability to read and create an entire background on someone just by looking at them. She can profile people from what they want and what they are thinking by observing their actions. Through out the book, she is surrounded with bright teenagers who share another unique skill complimentary to crime solving.
She has the opportunity to find out what happened to her dead mother and solve her crime. Her life never seems dull and is full of adventure. Having this profiling skill would be highly beneficial because you can read anyone and use their thoughts or ideas for your benefit. While she starts out with a rough life, she grows into a woman and finds her nice.

Assignment 22 Daniel Zhu

If I could be any fictional character, I would be Pain from Naruto. Pain is the most badass person that there every was. With the power of the Rinnegan, an especially powerful visual prowess, he can defy gravity and use a force to pull or push enemies. He also has the power to revive the dead, so that he can use the six forms of himself to defeat enemy that dares to test him. He has an Almighty Push that has the power to destroy an entire city by forcing a gust that blows over everything. He also has the power to summon many different types of creatures to help him in battle. One of the forms is even a human tank that can send off missiles and explosives. Pain is the leader of the Akatsuki, an organization that is trying to achieve peace, and has recruited the most powerful ninja across the world. With this unstoppable force, Pain is just too overpowered and if I were him, nobody would be able to stop my badassery.

Assignment 21 Daniel Zhu

At this very moment in time, somewhere in the universe is someone is heart broken. They've spent their whole lives doing one thing and they are in the worst pain they've ever felt. After putting in years of hard work, one is finally playing basketball for the University of Kentucky. Their veins are filled with ice as they play what could possibly be their last game of the season. All they need to do is win three more games and they are national champions. However, North Carolina isn't going down without a fight, after you hit a fading three pointer to tie it, there's still time left. You get too confident. You think you have all the momentum, but no. All it takes is seven seconds. While you're too busy getting in the heat of the moment, the opposing team takes the lead. Somewhere in the universe, there is a man weeping because he has just lost the game that would've meant the world to him. Somewhere in the universe, someone is now finishing the last game they'll ever play in college. Somewhere in the universe, someone is stuck at the bottom of the hill that will be very hard to get over.

Assignment 20 Daniel Zhu

Something I'm really good at is communicating with people. I'm a very outgoing person and I'm very willing to talk to other people and make new friends. Having tons of connections to other people really helps because you never know who may end up being your boss one day. When meeting new people, I strive to be as polite as possible. I'm always accepting to what they have to say and I use body language to show that I'm actively listening. I usually try to bring up points of agreement and really connect with the other person. I'm always encouraging to my friends. If they do something wrong, they can count on me to be right there to help them back up. I always try to stay pretty connected with my friends and build a bond of trust. Trust is important because it brings people closer to each other and accountable of one another. Friendship is important because you should always have other people that you can count on when things aren't going your way.

Assignment 22 - Kenna Miller

Considering half of my hair is in a bun right now, my parents suggested Mulan. That would make sense since I dress like a boy and have fierce devotion to my parents.... But then my mother told me to think about "Miyako... Mika.... Mikao...." Miyazaki "Miyazaki".

I would love to be Howl from Howl's Moving Castle. First of all, he has amazing hair and reminds me of Jeonghan in his beauty. I've always wanted to know what the life of a pretty boy was like, seeing as I spend most of my time watching them. He is caring, funny, handsome, and a good time. He can also do magic, which is always a plus for any fictional character. I really enjoyed watching Howl move the castle into Sophie's hat shop. Unfortunately, he lacks the ability to clean his own house. It would be fun to shapeshift into a bird as well. He lives a double life but does magic on his own free will, which sounds very thrilling. I wish I could do magic. 

Assignment 21 - Kenna Miller

Somewhere, right now, A UK fan is standing outside. They reflect on Kentucky's basketball career: winning 8 March Madnesses in the past, De'Aaron Fox's amazing three-pointers, Coach Cal's constant encouragement, Roy Williams's grey hair and their consistent rivalry with the Tar Heels. But they wonder: "why wasn't it enough?"
They go back inside and pull out their rugged, old couch from the the basement. Heaving it up the stairs is hard work, but their intentions push them through the sweat. They place it in their driveway and head back. They open their lighter drawer and pull out a match box.
On the way back into the driveway, they reflect on how great they're going to feel once the deed is done. Will it be exhilarating? Will they get over UK's loss to UNC? Will the fumes from burning it kill them? They don't know. They simply hover the match over the couch, and drop it. Burn.

But hey at least Louisville and Duke lost

Assignment 20 - Kenna Miller

As most of you know, I love pseudo-Asian/Asian food. Therefore, you probably know that I eat ramen religiously, but I add flair to it.

How to Up Your Ramen Game

stove + pot
ramen + flavoring packet
shredded cheese
two eggs
bowl + big plate

1. Turn on your stove, going up to the highest on your designated cooking spot.
2. Fill up your medium sized pot with 2 cups of water. For my small-ish pot, I fill 3/4 of the way up the bolts.
3. Wait 5 mins or until boiling.
4. Hold your ramen pack like a chopping block in karate. Then smack it down on the counter to break it in half.
5. Place the ramen in the pot along with the flavoring packet. Stir (it's best if you use chopsticks for this).
6. Break open an egg over the pot, then stir with your chopsticks quickly to break up the egg blobs. The egg blobs will form scrambled-egg looking clumps of various colors. Then, repeat with the second egg and stir.
7. Lower the temp to 7  (out of 10) and place the top back on tilted, to leave room for some air. Leaving it tilted is important because coverin the pot fully would foam it over8. Let it cook for 3 more minutes.
9. Pour into your bowl with the plate under it.
10. Next, take your cheese and sprinkle it over your noodles. The heat from the broth should melt it.
11. Enjoy! 

Assignment 23 - Victor Allison

For almost a year I was logged into Nick Harling's Spotify account. For almost a year, I had no need to pore through music that I may or may not enjoy to create a satisfactory playlist. Sadly, all good things must end, and in buying a new phone I was logged out of said premium account, damned to ads every 3 songs and no power to choose the song I want to listen to. Neglecting the tedium of creating a playlist for every mood, I now have only one playlist crammed with songs that are all relatively high tempo, mainly classic rock but containing a few of Kid Cudi's not-depressing ones. This playlist contains Mr. Brightside (chosen for its historic Rock Band importance), Dream On (mainly for the chord progression during the intro and the riffs), Cudi Zone (a slight curveball, but containing a similar makeup as many classic rock songs), Purple Haze, and Paint it Black (overplayed songs but are still pretty good when you haven't heard them in a while).

Assignment 22 - Victor Allison

As I write this blog on my mom's laptop, as the charger to my own has eluded me, I ponder the unlimited powers of the imagination. I could imagine myself as any fictional character ever visualized by an author, writer, or director. However, beside my mother's humble laptop on the table lies my phone, for as I type these words, I am also currently watching critically acclaimed movie No Country for Old Men. It is for this reason - and this reason alone - that if I could be any fictional character, it would be Llewelyn Moss, protagonist of this movie which has claimed my temporary attention.
Again, the fact that I am in the midst of this film as I type is the sole reason for this choice I have just made known to you. He is not a typical hero, nor a typical anti-hero. I relate to him on practically zero levels. He is extremely undeveloped at this point in the movie - I know not his job, background, or practices other than deer hunting. However, my stance is immovable: If I could be any fictional character ever, it would be him, and this decision is based on the fact that this character is what my focus is on at this exact moment.

Assignment 22- Tom Polites

There is an obvious answer to this question, and it is Harry Potter. Those who give other responses such as Star Wars are out of their minds. A wand trumps a lightsaber any day of the week. And I wouldn't be just any wizard. I would be Harry Potter, the golden boy, the chosen one. Not only would I be a skilled spell caster, I would be a masterful Quiditch player. Harry Potter is the definition of a ledge. He killed a basilisk with a sword. That alone would cause me to want to be him. Slaying a snake that is roughly the size of my living room has always been a dream of mine. But his impressive feats don't stop there, they only begin. He defeated Voldemort not once but three times, and once when he was a baby. He defeated the most evil dark wizard of all time when he could barely walk. I couldn't do anything at that age except stare blankly at a wall and drool. He accomplished more in the first year of his life than I will in all my years. The clear answer for me and any other person with a brain to this question is The Boy Who Lived.

Assignment 21- Tom Polites

It's 12:40 on a Sunday afternoon in Lexington, Kentucky. It's cloudy and cool with a light drizzle coming down, as everyone in the city is mentally preparing themselves for the epic showdown against North Carolina. However, on the other side of the globe, there is a man standing at the base of Mount Everest waiting to begin his ascent to glory. His name is Shia LaBeouf. This deranged man stares up at the 29,000 foot mountain, his ferocious beard keeping his face warm, and truly believes he can accomplish this mountainous feat without any previous training. His own shouts echo in his head. "Just do it!" his mind tells him. He will soon begin the treacherous climb alone, as he has refused assistance from any other party. Will he reach the summit? There is less than a 1 percent chance. Will he ultimately perish on the mountain? Any sane person would say absolutely. But this is Shia LaBeouf we're talking about and if any man can pull of this impossible task, it's Even Stevens.

Assignment 20- Tom Polites

I have an unparalleled talent. It's not playing a musical instrument or cooking a certain food. It is how to go to the gym while letting everyone know that you work out. As anyone who comes into contact with me can tell, I go to the YMCA occasionally to get gains. But this is only half of my world class talent. What's the point of going to the gym if nobody knows you do? Loudly announcing to everyone that you can pump some serious iron will evoke the admiration of your peers. Sounds easy right? Trust me its not. Only years of practice have permitted me to develop into the master I am today. It's a complicated process, so try to keep up.

First, actually get a gym membership. You can't boast about your toned triceps if you don't have a place to tone them. Next, you need to reinvent your wardrobe. Multiple tank tops or "bro tanks" are a must. Also, purchase a head band. They just make you look more athletic than you really are. Now you're ready to hit the weights. The bench press is always a go to, as well as regular and forearm curls to really get those veins popping. After this grueling workout, the fun really begins. Acquire a ridiculous amount of protein powder and shakes. Ideally, they should fill up an entire closet. Drink and eat them wherever you go. Do this even if you haven't just worked out so people will assume you did and respect you more. And now the finishing touch. Let everyone on planet earth know that you go the gym. Ask your friends what they are doing after school as this will force them to ask you the same thing so you can proudly respond that you are going to lift. "Accidentally" drop your gym membership card on the floor so people can see proof of your dedication to getting ripped. If you follow all of these steps correctly, you may one day reach my level of skill in going to the gym (but I doubt it).

Assignment 24: The Future

You're done!  - well almost
Your Junior year (nearly) OVER.
Tell us about it.
Successes? Failures? Lessons Learned? Risks taken? Mistakes made? What will you do in the Summer?  What do you want for your Senior year? How do you plan to reach your goals?

Minimum of 150 words - due on Sunday, April 9th at 11:59 pm

May 14th is the last day to make up blogs 23-26

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Assignment 23 - Hunter Cole

When I think of this music, I think of laying on a hill in the sunshine with a record player at my side. Or under a tree.
Francois Hardy, delicate and cordial. French singer from the 70's. Viola is my favorite song, followed by Le temps de l'amour and comment te dire adieu.
Hank Williams, early country in the 40s and 50s. Ramblin man, Kaw-Liga, and Take These Chains From My Heart are some of his best songs. 
Johnny Cash was a popular country singer in the 50's. Cash was best know for his bass-baritone voice, and the distinct sound of his Tennessee Three backing band. Ring of Fire is one of his best songs.
Burl Ives was an actor and country singer in the 1950's as well. Some of his best songs are Buckeye Jim, Fooba Wooba John, and The Grey Goose, along with many other Christmas songs. 
Nancy Adams's "Love" is a relaxing tune. 
They aren't so relaxing, but I might play some of The Specials. I like the song Ghost Town. 
Harry James is my favorite trumpet player. He was very popular in the 40s. I like the songs "You Made Me Love You", "Concerto for Trumpet", and "Flight of the Bumblebee".
If all else fails, I would just put some Mac Demarco on shuffle. I like his demo albums.


Sunday, March 19, 2017

Assignment 23 - Daniel Brewer - the perfect mixtape

I am a fan of instrumental / non-lyric music.  This playlist is mainly background music for me to listen to while doing homework, drowning out my 14-year-old brother (inexplicably, listening to NSYNC - don't even get me started) and whatnot.    

This song was in the background of Fantasia 2000 and I have childhood memories of watching the lives of four people in NYC being inexplicably intertwined, without any words being spoken.  

This piece is what got me into classical music.  There's a surprise at the 12-minute mark, FYI. 

While I like classical music in general, I am partial to violin music and this is just a incredible piece of music, even though it isn't as long as some of the others here.  

Warning: auditory jumpscare about halfway through - it should be obvious when it's about to come in, but every time I listen to it, I am thoroughly startled! Perhaps the fact that I intentionally turn the volume up is what does it... (Also from Fantasia)

This one is more of a visual thing to look at.  Wintergatan is a Swedish music group who makes music with non-standard instruments, like... This marble run machine, which they custom-built entirely by hand and is amazing to both watch and hear.

David Garrett - Viva La Vida
David Garrett is a violinist who does some pretty neat covers.  He seems to be far more popular in Europe (specifically his native Germany) than in the US.  Check out his work here.

Assignment 20 - Kyle Hosey

How to Hit and Utilize a Flop Shot

     Congratulations, you have shortsided yourself with next to no green to work with. As a typical amateur player, you are screwed. At best, you can play a common pitch shot that will land just on the green and roll twenty feet past the hole, sketchy par chances at best. Well, stop doing that and start getting more up and downs by learning to use the specialized flop shot. ONLY use it when you need to stop the ball quickly on the green and when you don't have another option - for example, a 20 yard shot over a bunker with no green to work with and the green running away from you. To hit this shot, use your highest lofted club, typically a 56 or 58 degree wedge. Take a wider than usual stance, and align your feet and shoulders left of the intented target. You want to do this because your clubface should be opened up significantly, yet still pointing directly at the target. This allows for a higher ball flight, which obviously means less runout upon landing. The final setup tip is to place the ball towards your front foot when aligning; this will also help with a high trajectory. As far as swinging goes, well, that just takes a ton of practice. It's a high-risk, high-difficulty shot; it takes time to get right consistently. If you have previous experience hitting a high, soft bunker shot, think about the flop shot in the same way - although honestly, if you're good enough to hit the former well you don't need my help with the latter. Last tip: don't make this the focus of your practice. Eliminating situations where a flop shot is necessary is far better for your game than hitting them well on every hole. 

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Assignment 22 - Daniel Brewer

If I could be a fictional character I would probably be Poe Dameron from Star Wars: The Force Awakens.  Being a fighter pilot from the Resistance would probably be fun, helping destroy the First Order would probably be great to put on my resume, and being a main character gives you plot armor.  Poe is one of the only people to escape the First Order,  with Finn’s help.  The part where they escape the First Order’s clutches demonstrated that A. Poe is really good at flying a ship, and B. he can stay calm through many things (like when Finn couldn’t shoot the enemy ships early in the escape).  Poe is one of the more confident characters in the Star Wars universe and I think that’s a good quality to have.  Also Poe’s jacket looks awesome, although being mistaken for dead in a sand pit wouldn’t be fun at all, nor is losing the jacket.  Poe has a good outlook on life because he believes in the Resistance even though he and his squadron of fighter pilots are outnumbered, they still save the galaxy.  

Assignment 23 - Kassidy Stumbo

For this blog post, I decided to make a playlist for the drive to Prestonsburg. It's about 2 hours. My playlist has to be upbeat (to keep me awake), with the occasional slow song to get me "in my feels" for a minute.

1. Dixieland Delight - Alabama: nothing makes me happier than this song. I get so excited every time I get to sing it with my friends.

2. Country Roads - John Denver: easily one of my favorite songs of all time. There's nothing better than a big group of people screaming that song together.

3. Keep it between the lines - Sturgill Simpson: Sturgill is one of the most unique artists I've ever found. I guess you could classify him as "country," but he travels with a full jazz band. He's from KY and I definitely recommend listening to him.

4. Kentucky Rain - Elvis: this would be one of my slow down songs of the trip. I have so much love for Elvis, and I wish more kids my age would listen to him.

5. Was it 26 - Chris Stapleton: another KY boy - shoutout to Johnson County! Stapleton is another one of my favorites. I've had the pleasure of seeing him in concert 4 times now and he has one of the most effortlessly amazing voices I've ever heard.

6. Poncho and Lefty - Willie Nelson: can't leave out Willie. I'd kill to see him in concert - another very unique and easily recognizable voice.

I could go on and on (probably a lot more old country), but I'll end it there.

Assignment 21: Sara Ueland

At this very moment, all of the PSG fans around the globe are still in tears over their UEFA Champions League loss to Barcelona. In the first leg, PSG started off strong with a 4-0 win against Barcelona at their own stadium, Camp Nou. This set up PSG on a dinner platter to advance to the round of 8. At this point, there is little hope for Barcelona advancing as they have to win their next game by 5 goals on aggregate.
While all the French were celebrating their victory over the renowned Spanish team, Barcelona was smashing teams 5-0, 6-1 in La Liga. All of this preparation and excellence by the top 3 scorers: Messi, Suarez, and the crowd favorite, Neymar Jr. kept them on the right mindset when going head-to-head against PSG in the second leg later that week. On March 8th Barcelona made history with the best comeback since the NBA finals. With a couple of dives here and there mixed in with Messi's godliness Barcelona pulled out a 6-1 win at PSG. In this moment all the fans in the stadium erupt with happiness. Every Barcelona fan all around the world is gleaming with joy and their pride and love for the beautiful game grows stronger than ever. This moment shows how important sports can be to a group of individuals and how even when little hope is present, loyalty and passion for your team will take you as far as you want to go. And well Messi of course it doesn't hurt to have him.

Assignment 20-Sara Ueland

How to be the most tubular solitaire player en todo del mundo:
First, to all you solitaire haters out there, it is important to know that solitaire is NOT only for loners. While yes it is mainly played with one person, you can also have up to 1,000,000 playing at once! Absolute madness. In order to HONNE in on your solitaire skills it is critical to picture yourself sitting next to a fire (KEEPING YOU WARM ON A COLD NIGHT) and sweating up a storm (with SOMEONE THAT LOVES YOU) in order to fully realize the exhilarating feeling accompanying this fast paced game.
The three steps to gold include: quick hands, spatial awareness, and the outright will to win. When playing double/triple/quadruple solitaire it is important to uncover your own hand first as fast as you can. While speeding through the deck, you also need to be aware of what is being played in the playing field. Paying attention to both your hand and your opponent's moves is one of the most important steps to solitaire. Be aware if you have any of the same cards as your opponent so you are one step faster to beating your challenger. Quick reaction time is also a large factor in your success. Moves open and close quickly so the only way to survive is to be the quickest one in the room.
In summary, simultaneously uncovering your cards, keeping an eye out on your partner's moves, playing on the playing field, and quick reaction time are the best ways to live up to your full solitaire potential.

Assignment 21 - Kassidy Stumbo

At this very moment, somewhere in the universe, there is a very angry Arkansas fan tweeting viciously at Malik Monk. He is definitely overweight and has never touched a basketball in his life. He is sitting on his couch and screaming at Monk "you're not welcome in Arkansas anymore" at the TV.  He is probably crying big alligator tears while doing the "woo pig sooie" chant. He is wondering why Monk chose to come to KY over Arkansas. Now, he is furious that Kentucky is a 2 seed in the NCAA tournament and Arkansas is an 8 seed. He just tweeted Malik Monk again. Now he's tweeting coach cal and accusing him of paying his players. Now, he's calling all his hog buddies so they can complain and cry together. More threats to Malik Monk and his family. More praising Moses Kingsley for his flagrant two foul. Probably talking about how we paid the refs too (even though we won by 17 points).

Assignment 22 - Kassidy Stumbo

I don't watch a whole lot of TV anymore, but I have often pondered this question. What tv/movie character wood I be? Well, that's a tough one...but I'd have to say either Olivia Pope from Scandal or Alan from the Hangover. Olivia Pope for more obvious reasons probably. She's very smart and quick (however I don't condone an affair with the president). I love politics so I love the way Olivia is so politically savvy. Now - Alan from the Hangover. I've always felt a spiritual connection to Alan. I love how sarcastic and condescending he is. From the first time I saw him name the random baby Carlos in the first movie, I knew I loved his character. Then in the third movie when he stole the giraffe from the zoo, I was totally sure. I would also probably be Phil or even Mr. Chow, but I wouldn't be Stu. He's a dentist - not a doctor.

Assignment 23: the perfect playlist

A Blast From the Past

"High Fidelity" (2000) was a film that was remarkably ahead of its time. The film tells the story of Rob Gordon, a washed-up music junkie (played by the fantastic John Cusack) who spends his days creating perfect 5 song playlists. There's his playlist for his worst break up ever, his playlist of the top 5 soul tracks released between 1955 and 1965, and his playlist for his ex-girlfriend's dad's funeral.

Today, thanks to Spotify,  Limewire, iTunes, the "genius" Itunes feature, and Pandora, creating a "perfect" playlist has never been easier.

On the other hand, Rob probably would be appalled by the slapdash way some of us throw together any group of songs above a certain tempo before we head to the gym, or take all those below a certain tempo and thoughtlessly label it “chillaxxx.” As Rob forewarned, “The making of a good compilation tape is a very subtle art. Many do’s and don’ts. You’re using someone else’s poetry to express how you feel. This is a delicate thing.”

So for this blog assignment, create a "perfect" playlist for something. It could be your perfect playlist to listen to at the gym (boring!), perfect playlist for a rainy day, perfect playlist for anything. . . be as creative as you can. Once you have chosen a topic, select 5-10 tracks for this playlist, noting the song and artist, and write a few sentences explaining why you chose this song, what this song adds to your playlist, why you put it where you did, and how it works with the other songs you selected to create a cohesive perfect playlist.

Then create that list in Spotify (if possible) and share the link.

In all honesty this is my way to crowd source interesting music so don't be a dolt and make a joke list please.

Minimum of 150 words - due Sunday, March 26th at 11:59 pm

May 14th is the last day to make up blogs 23-26

entry inspired by John Cowgill

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Assignment 22 - Hunter Cole

If I could be a character from a movie I would be Mr. Fox. He is witty and fast and everything a fox should be. I dont mind his suit either, it fits in with the setting. But what I love most about foxy is that he makes his own success. He embraces his instincts as a fox and uses them to his advantage, like you are supposed to. He outsmarts the farmers because he was meant to. They are stupid and try to kill him with brute force, but he is too witty for them. I would also like to have the possum Kylie as a friend because he is pretty nice, and he is always available. I would also like to have Kristofferson as a nephew, because he is a great athlete and very smart. I have never seen a grey fox before either, so thats a plus. If I got to be foxy I could go steal stuff all the time and make the farmers work for me. I could work smarter, not harder.

Assignment 21 - Hunter Cole

Right now, somewhere in the distant reach of our universe, there is always something. There is either matter or dark matter. I think space is dark matter than dark energy is a part of what is expanding it. But string theory basically says that there is a multiverse and the big bang happened when two universes collided or fission happened. This is because matter cannot be created or destroyed, so it has to come from somewhere. But in our universe there is totally life. The reason we havent found any yet is because they have probably killed themselves. So maybe all living things are destined never to become an intergalactic society. Only a very special organism, like maybe bonobos, could do this. Bonobos dont fight but that is because they dont have to fight for anything, not even dominance. But i suppose that if they were the dominant race, like chimps, then there would be more of them an then more competition. But I know there is some kind of force or life out there. Newton's theory of gravity, which I tend to believe, is that gravity is the displacement of the universe (which i think is dark matter just because we cant see it) and the universe pushed down on it. Therefore the universe is curved and if you go long enough it loops. So maybe we can cut through the loop and time travel?

Monday, March 6, 2017

Assignment 23 - Kyle Hosey

Perfect Playlist for Feeling Rebellious
     Perfect for a 12-year old frustrated at mother for being grounded, a full-blown anarchist, or anything in-between. When you feel the need to rage against something - authority, society in general, and so on - this playlist is for you. Angsty preteen? Just had a rough day and need to vent? This playlist is for you. It's meaning can be as extreme or mild as you make it, a call to action or a simple unwinding or venting of frustration. I would like to thank the reminder I just saw for Rogue One's DVD release for this post's inspiration. 
Image result for dogs of war pink floyd
Album: A Momentary Lapse of Reason

1. "Dogs of War" - Pink Floyd
"One world, it's a battleground
 One world, and we will smash it down." 
Honestly, does the addition of this song need any more explanation? This is without a doubt the darkest song on this list, both the lyrics and the general sound. Criticizing human tendencies for violence and suggesting that war is waged by politicians for monetary purposes, it belongs at the top of this playlist.  

Image result for U2 war
Album: War

2. "Sunday Bloody Sunday" - U2
One of U2's most overtly political songs, the opening track from "War" focuses on The Troubles in Northern Ireland, specifically the Bloody Sunday massacre in which British troops fired on a crowd of Irish protesters. Yes, the song is a clear rejection of violence and revenge, but the militaristic influences - especially the constant drumbeat - keeps it within the realm of a protest song. A political protest song condemning British action while desperately hoping for peace.

Image result for civil war guns n roses
Album: Use Your Illusion II
3. "Civil War" - Guns N'Roses
I mean, it's in the name. An overt protest against war and violence in general, the song also criticizes the modern political and social structures as promoting violence as a means to maintain the elite in both areas. Noticing a trend with the loud protest songs?

Image result for 21st century breakdown green day
Album: 21st Century Breakdown
4.  "Know Your Enemy" - Green Day
Honestly, I could have made several of these playlists just from Green Day songs. The superficial things - sound and general feel - mark this as a anti-authority and rebellious song on their own. Basically, this track is on this list based on the sound alone, a pure "rebel against everything" message to supplement some of the more intricate protests.

Image result for the joshua tree
Album: The Joshua Tree
5. "Bullet the Blue Sky" - U2
Not sure if I'm cheating by using two U2 tracks, but the first half of this song is my favorite bit of music ever. Try to find the live version from the South Africa anti-apartheid concert; I think it sounds better than the album version. Another protest song, it was originally written to protest US intervention in Guatemala in 1980, but has also been applied to Nazism and can be seen as a general critique of the influence of wealth or power. 

"In the howling wind comes a stinging rain/See them driving nails/Into the souls on the tree of pain/From the firefly, a red orange glow/See the face of fear/Running scared in the valley below."