Sunday, March 12, 2017

Assignment 22 - Kassidy Stumbo

I don't watch a whole lot of TV anymore, but I have often pondered this question. What tv/movie character wood I be? Well, that's a tough one...but I'd have to say either Olivia Pope from Scandal or Alan from the Hangover. Olivia Pope for more obvious reasons probably. She's very smart and quick (however I don't condone an affair with the president). I love politics so I love the way Olivia is so politically savvy. Now - Alan from the Hangover. I've always felt a spiritual connection to Alan. I love how sarcastic and condescending he is. From the first time I saw him name the random baby Carlos in the first movie, I knew I loved his character. Then in the third movie when he stole the giraffe from the zoo, I was totally sure. I would also probably be Phil or even Mr. Chow, but I wouldn't be Stu. He's a dentist - not a doctor.

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