Sunday, March 12, 2017

Assignment 22 - Daniel Brewer

If I could be a fictional character I would probably be Poe Dameron from Star Wars: The Force Awakens.  Being a fighter pilot from the Resistance would probably be fun, helping destroy the First Order would probably be great to put on my resume, and being a main character gives you plot armor.  Poe is one of the only people to escape the First Order,  with Finn’s help.  The part where they escape the First Order’s clutches demonstrated that A. Poe is really good at flying a ship, and B. he can stay calm through many things (like when Finn couldn’t shoot the enemy ships early in the escape).  Poe is one of the more confident characters in the Star Wars universe and I think that’s a good quality to have.  Also Poe’s jacket looks awesome, although being mistaken for dead in a sand pit wouldn’t be fun at all, nor is losing the jacket.  Poe has a good outlook on life because he believes in the Resistance even though he and his squadron of fighter pilots are outnumbered, they still save the galaxy.  

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