Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Assignment 20- Kalin Combs

This is a tutorial on how, when, and why to use your turn signal. I was going to do how to bake a cake but I think someone may have done it. I don't consider myself an expert on driving but my biggest pet peeve is when people don't signal so I think this tutorial is necessary.
1. If you are parked on the side of the road, use your turn signal before you pull out (if the road is to your left, use your left turn signal, if it is to your right, use your right). This will let passing cars know to be cautious because you are about to pull out. People also might stop to let you pull out if they notice your signal is blinking.
2. Now we're going to make a turn. Before you turn, USE YOUR DANG TURN SIGNAL. If not, the cars around you will not know to slow down and prepare for you to turn. Then, you can slow down and turn your wheel the way you need to go.
3. This one is VERY important and not everyone realizes it. When you are changing lanes, signal in the direction you are going to go. If you don't signal, especiallly if there is not much space between you and the cars around you, other cars will not know to slow down or speed up or get out of the way (depending on their relative position to your car).
4. This one is pretty obvious. Always signal at stoplights and stop signs. Some people think if they are in a turn lane they don't have to signal, but that is not at all true. You still have to signal. At four way stops it is especially important so you don't run into people in the intersection.
5. Use your signal when merging onto big roads like New Circle. Sometimes, people are stupid and don't realize they need to assist you with merging by speeding up, slowing down, or getting into the left lane. When they see your signal, it will remind them.
-To use your signal, simply push the lever down if you are going left, and push it up if you are going right. If it does not automatically turn off after you have completed the turn, turn it off yourself by pushing it back to normal.

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