Sunday, March 26, 2017

Assignment 22 - Stephanie Bailey

If I could be any fictional character out of all of those in existence I would want to be Spirit. I know this sounds like the stereotypical horse obsessed girl’s answer to this question but the fact that he is a horse is not the only reason I would choose to be him. He is a wild horse, and one of great honor in his community, whose spirit could never be broken by anything in existence. I want to able to live my life as wild and free as he does without the chains that society attaches to me. Besides wanting live my life for myself, I also know that our personalities are very similar. We both don’t like to show our emotions and we think that we have to be strong all the time. We are guarded against relationships with people who are different than us but once a relationship is made, it will last forever. For my entire life I have always been able to bond with horses better than humans most of the time. This movie shows the audience how strong those bonds really are and it exemplifies how once you have a bond with that animal, it can never be broken or forgotten.

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