Sunday, February 12, 2017

Assignment 18- Tom Polites

1. Obviously, the main goal for most people in high school is to succeed and get into a top tier university. While this is also at the top of my to do list for these four years, I'd rather elaborate on something more fun which is going on a senior spring break trip with my friends. Ideally, we would go to a destination such as Costa Rica, but I'd settle for a nice beach in Florida. It would be great to have a full week of the beach with my buds before we graduate and head down different paths.

2. While I'm sure I'll have a great time in college and have many adventures to tell my future children about, the main thing I want from college is a clear career path. At the moment, I have absolutely no idea which occupation I will service in the coming years, which to be honest is slightly terrifying. In college, the years that will help define who I will be for the rest of my life, I hope to discover something that makes me passionate and something I will be willing to dedicate the better part of the rest of my life towards.

3. Even if none of my other ambitions come to fruition, I will be satisfied as long as I start a family. Of course I want to visit places such as Greece and Rome before I die, and hopefully I do. But my ultimate goal is to have a wife and children. I will consider my life incomplete if I don't have my own family to care for, which is why it tops my bucket list.

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