Monday, September 5, 2016

Assignment 3 - Kassidy Stumbo

Even after just watching 10 minutes of the evening news, it is clear that there is evil in this world. As I'm writing this right now, I'm also watching a news story about a man who fed some dogs meth (who even does that) and killed them. So yes, there is evil in the world, and it gets much worse than that. Watching the news is almost painful now. However, I can't help but believe the good in people - the stories that don't always make the big news outlets. For example, Travis Rudolph. This FSU football player made sure an Autistic boy didn't eat alone on his team's visit to a local middle school. Or the person I saw give a homeless man his leftover food at lunch a couple days ago. It's stories like this - no matter how big or how small - that assure me there is still a lot of good in the world. I think a huge problem in America in the grossly overgeneralizing of various groups. Religions, ethnicities, occupations, etc. There are bad people everywhere. When one person of Islam faith commits an act of terrorism, we cannot then assume that every Muslim in the world is evil. In fact the vast majority of Muslims do not support violence. It's the same with Christians. There are some very extreme Christians, like the planned parenthood shooter. The same goes for many other groups of people across the world. You simply cannot judge an entire group on the actions of a few.

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