Sunday, September 11, 2016

MacKenzie Varble - Assignment 4

This picture is of one of three times Disneyland has closed for the day. The instance pictured above is a day of mourning when JFK was assassinated, another was when the Northridge Earthquake hit California. The park had to be closed for inspections. The third and last time to date that Disneyland has been closed was on September 11, 2001. The park gates had been unlocked and they were prepared to open the park to the public when the cast members got news of what had happened in New York. This then shows that large corporations aren't all about greed and money. It demonstrates that companies care about the public, and want to do what's best. There is only one lady in this photo. It means that people really got a time to mourn if they wanted. It also shows that the public has higher priorities than having a fun day at a theme park. They cared about the current events and the state of the nation.

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