Sunday, September 18, 2016

Assignment 5- Ian Schaeffer

Like most Americans, I watch television, and although I try to limit consumption, I am guilty of binge watching shows and sitting mindlessly all day on weekends while watching games. Usually I watch when I am bored or want to watch sports, but I have no real or significant motivation for watching. This is one of the biggest problems with television; it provides Americans with a way to waste hours of their time by exerting no effort. I can't take on an accusing tone, but it is definitely an issue in American society.

Other than not watching because I'm busy, I don't watch because my dad is a firm believer in the idea that television is "rotting our brains" and I will not be able to think if I watch too much. Even though it may be a little crazy, there is research that suggests that television can be bad for our eyes and maybe even our brains, so in a lot of ways, I'm glad that I can go a day or two without feeling the need to watch television.

I don't usually watch shows, mostly because I would end up spending time watching television rather than doing homework, but I do watch football and soccer games on Saturdays and Sundays. I don't really hate shows or series, but I always try to avoid watching crime shows or similar series.

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