Sunday, September 11, 2016

Assignment 3 - Kenna Miller

Most of you know me as a liberal, so the text below will definitely reflect thoughts of an open-minded person (which is the meaning of liberal in French). Fair warning.

The chart below can show the spectrum of good-evil by the general public.

Unlike this chart displays, I believe that everyone thinks they are on the "good" side, with some exception.

For superhero-like characters, their motivation is viewed by the general public as "good". Saving people, stopping criminals, are something we all can see as a good deed-- examples being Kleppinger, Superman, people who perform random acts of kindness, and Lawful, Neutral and some Chaotic Goods.

Villains who want to rule the world want to give the people a gift-- by being ruled by Villain X would mean a better world (in Villain X's eyes) that the current one. Isn't giving a gift supposed to be "good"? Some notable examples are Loki from the Marvel Universe, ISIS, Lawful Evils and some Neutral Evils. That is their idea of "good".

A wild card to this concept is people who do morally "bad" things without purpose or just for fun. These extremes can include animal abusers, psychopaths (The Joker), rapists [which the existence of on my list boldens my liberal-ness], actions of "bored" young teens that come with disastrous results, and many Chaotic Evils (Bellatrix). These guys don't really think/remember there is another side to their actions, thus blurring the good/evil concept all together.

To explain this in Star Wars terms, both the Jedi and the Sith are fighting for a better world. The Jedi would like it to be governed by peace, and gain it with as little violence as possible. The Sith think the same thing, but definitely implement violent tactics to get people to accept their ideology. With both in mind, both are "good" in a sense.

To sum it all up with a cliche: "it's all a matter of perspective."

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