Sunday, September 18, 2016

Assignment 5 - Daniel Brewer

     My opinion about television is mixed. My dad loves television, so the TV is on at our house most of the time.  I think that television can be both a useful tool and a huge waste of time.

     One of the ways that television can be useful is that some shows are interesting and educational. For example, we watch a show called "How It's Made" at our house. We also watch the news - local, national, and cable news to be specific. The television is also a great way to get to see different parts of the world, especially places that I may never visit.  The news (and the FCPS education channel) let me know about weather conditions, and whether the next day is a snow day or not.  It can inform you about major scientific discoveries, too.

     Television can also be entertaining, and in moderation that is OK.  I like to watch the Big Bang Theory and Jeopardy with my family.  Sometimes we all watch a movie together.  However, the television can be a huge distraction.  Sometimes on the weekend, I may watch a 3 hour movie and not leave the couch the whole time.  I also waste time flipping through channels not really watching anything in specific.  I know it would be better for me to clean my room, go for a walk, or work on writing this week's blog post.

    Overall, I think television is a good thing in moderation, because it can be both educational and informative.  Ultimately it's up to me to have self control to not waste time with the television.

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