Sunday, September 25, 2016

Assignment 6 - Stephanie Bailey

Prompt 1: My horses and how they effect my life.
Prompt 2: The stress that the ACT and homework puts on me and how that stress effects my life.
Prompt 3: Youth group and how they have made my life so much happier.
  Prompt 2:
  The ACT has become a big part of what students are judged on when they are applying for colleges so it has become very important. Every student tries to figure out when is the best time to start studying for it to where they don't start ridiculously early but they don't start too late causing the necessity for cramming. Personally, I have been studying for it for the past two months.  It caused a great deal of stress at the beginning when I was taking practice tests but didn't know the areas that I needed to study. Now that I am starting to improve, I am not as stressed about the ACT but that definitely doesn't mean that all my stress has been alleviated. I still have plenty of stress caused by school in the form of homework and studying for important tests in an attempt to keep my grades up. When I get home I immediately start on my homework and continue until dinner is ready. After dinner I move on to more homework, until I am completely done. Then I go to bed as soon as I get done, which doesn't give me any time in between homework and eating dinner to exercise or ride my horses. This stress also runs me down emotionally and it makes it hard for me to be positive and happy all the time. I strive to be positive and loving to all that I make contact with and when I am stressed I just don't feel like I can do that efficiently.

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