Sunday, September 25, 2016

Assignment 6 - Kassidy Stumbo

Prompt 1: Where is the one place that you feel most relaxed and at ease? How did you come about that place?

Prompt 2: What are your favorite things to do? What are your least favorite things to do? Why?

Prompt 3: If you could buy a plane ticket to any location in the world, where would you go? Why?

I choose the second prompt to discuss. My interests include dogs, sports, politics, and more dogs. Now, I will discuss each of these in further detail:

1. Dogs. Who doesn't love dogs? (Okay so this isn't technically a 'thing to do,' but I made the prompt so I'm going to sneak it in here). They can't talk back or be rude, they will be loyal to you forever, and let's face it, they are just so stinkin' cute. When I'm feeling down, I only need to type 2 simple words into google images and I am revived. Smiling dog. That's all it takes!

2. There is no place on earth you will find me happier than I am when I'm at Rupp Arena. Kentucky basketball is my absolute favorite thing on earth. My favorite memory of my lifetime thus far is watching Aaron Harrison hit that 3 with seconds left to beat Wisconsin in the Final Four. I WAS THERE. I will never forget how loud Cowboys stadium got.

3. I've talked enough about politics in passed blogs, and will without a doubt bring them up in future blogs. So I'll save this one for later.

4. DOGS!!!! SO FLUFFY!!!

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