Sunday, September 18, 2016

Assignment 3 - Victor Allison

Evil (adj.): Profoundly immoral or malevolent. We see evil happen all around us on the news. We hear stories of genocide in Central Africa, and gruesome tales of the sex slave trade that takes place even in our very own shining city-on-a-hill America. But at the same time, good deeds occasionally pop up on the late-night news like little flowers pushing through dirt, gray pavement. No one person can be completely good or completely evil, but I believe that there is surely a conflict between evil events and good ones that strive to overtake one another every single day.
During the middle ages, the elite warrior class followed a strict moral code known as Chivalry. The point of chivalry was to bring out the good in these knights, and emphasize that they should always strive to triumph over evil. Even thought in theory these figures were "good," they were still warriors, killers, and elitists who raped, killed, and plundered throughout Europe. Although this group of people caused a great amount of "good" in the world by keeping order through the process known as Feudalism, it was a give-and-take deal because a great number of people also suffered at their hands. It wouldn't be fair to call the Knights of the Round Table Evil, but they weren't purely Good by a long shot. But some of the things they did were good, and some, evil.

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