Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Assignment 11- Ian Schaeffer
For this piece I am inclined to write about the time my sister- the ever superior Eliza Jane- who managed to achieve some wrongdoing in the eyes of my parents. Contrary to popular belief, and to the complete consternation of my mother and father, two or three days before her departure for college, this small, seemingly angelic human being made what constitutes as a mistake. It was a hot day in late August, when, after returning from that mysterious Student Voice committee that I still know nothing about, the haunting blunder came to pass. After parking the shabby, ancient car that was destined to fall into my hands, Eliza promptly lost the keys to the decaying vehicle. Our father abruptly uprooted the entire house- fully committed to avoiding the prospect that his beloved daughter's record be tarnished by this error, but the small gleaming keys were no where to be found. Ben and I were enlightened of the search, so when the rummaging yielded nothing, my father was forced to feign acts of discipline, using this pretense to maintain his tyrannical authority. He was even spotted reluctantly chastising her on at least one occasion. However, conveniently enough for my sister, she left for college a few days later, plaguing her innocent brothers with the 21st century problem of not owning a car to operate.
Assignment 10- Ian Schaeffer
My seatmate. A slimy furball by the name of Victor Paul MacKinnon Allison. God may have blessed this lad with a rigid jawline, but this despicable Irish potato-lover was not among Darwin's naturally selected. To start, the boy's coarse neck hair is nauseating, inducing trauma that frequently triggers violent shivering simply by cursing the optic stems with its greasy, repulsive presence. His sport of choice- surprisingly not polo or croquet as his abhorrent yet consistently present plethora of sweaters would indicate-is lacrosse, a respectable game. But the sight of Victor stumbling around the field with the coordination of a blind baby calf is utterly embarrassing to real sportsmans. I am forced to characterize victor allison as a shade of eburnean, not because the hue holds any substantial connection to him, but rather because absolutely nobody cares that this color even exists. I am also now seeing that the prompt reads "say genuinely nice things" about my compatriot, so I guess I'll concede that Victor clings on to a small right for respect, which forces me to tolerate his presence.
Assignment 10 - Victor Allison
Ian Schaeffer. Gross. Upon the sound of his name, images of villainous German Luftwaffe pilots flash across the mind's visual spectrum. However, after meeting this gangly, pale boy one cannot help feeling more than a little underwhelmed. A bent nose and unkempt haystack of grimy hair adorn the crown of this pink-faced prince of pubescence. Although not physically inept, Ian prefers to spend his time indoors playing chess with himself and reading rather than venturing into the vast wilderness of opportunity that boyhood offers. In addition to chess, it has been rumored that the bony young schaeffer finds a great deal of pleasure in his room toying with his calculator much like a certain Tolkein character might spend his days caressing the one all-powerful ring. Those close to him maintain that furiously scribbling math equations is this unfortunate soul's true following, rather than the pompous prep school hobbies of lacrosse and recreational soccer that he claims to enjoy.
Assignment 13 - Victor Allison
For the past couple of months, Henry Clay High School has seen a rapid increase in back talking, slacking on homework, and in-class cell phone use. But last week at Kentucky Youth Assembly, justice was finally served to one of these rambunctious young rebels, and justice surely is a dish best served cold. Instead of simply reprimanding the boy, KYA officials had a brief talk with Henry Clay's administrators on the trip and decided to not only send the culprit home for mocking an administrator; they are sending him to Siberia instead.
Wow, finally one of these overconfident ne'er-do-wells is getting what he deserves!
After being questioned about the fate of the treasonous waif, the man responsible for reporting him stated that there was "simply was no way around it" and that "several years of hard labor in a frigid tundra environment is what these boys need, not a simple slap on the wrist." It is obvious that this is truly a step forward regarding the discipline issue that this generation struggles with. This heroic whistleblower has offered little description of the dubious misdeeds that the culprit actually did, but it has been rumored that the delinquent even went so far as to refer to his superior by his first name. The insolence! Only blood, sweat, and a back permanently strained after years spent toiling in a frozen, radioactive oil field can repay for such insubordination.
Monday, November 28, 2016
Assignment 12 - Victor Allison
Blackness. Then suddenly, blinding light. I hear a rustling sound. What's that? Where am I?
Now I remember. I am a bowl. Victor eats cereal out of me a lot. Given to the Allison household as gifts thousands of drawer-shuts ago, my twin and I are purple and pink, are made to appear to contain scoops of ice cream, and reside in the middle drawer with bowls, cups, and other plastic items, just above the Tupperware. Although an argument can be made that we were designed to eat ice cream out of, due to the ice cream patterns that adorn us, Victor and Philip eat cereal out of us several times a week. Our colors have faded from what was originally too pink and too purple to not pink or purple enough, and my twin has dried mini wheat encrusted to his side. He would be alright if it weren't for the mini wheat; now he sucks. Nobody eats out of him. I lied earlier.
I, however, am an aged god of bowls. My purple hue may have faded, but I remain as practical as ever. Rather than consisting of a single hemisphere, my bottom is flat, eradicating all possibility of a spill. My walls angle outward rather than slowly curve upward, like an overturned lampshade, allowing maximum holding capacity. I am a king of bowls. A prince of plastic food containing items.
Assignment 11 - Victor Allison
David Sedaris piece
Sunday, November 27, 2016
Assignment 16: Speech
Post your speech!
Last blog of the year! Huzzah!
December 4th is the last day to make up blogs 9-16
Saturday, November 26, 2016
Assignment 14 Daniel Zhu
My Thanksgiving is nowhere near the expectation for a stereotypical Thanksgiving. My family being Chinese, we don't really celebrate the holiday like everyone else. While everyone usually goes somewhere to meet up with relatives, all of my relatives are in a different country. Food wise, most of the time we don't even eat turkey. My mom prefers to get honey baked ham and cook it her own way. Most of the time I try to convince my mom to cook a more American Thanksgiving with mashed potatoes and gravy, macaroni and cheese, stuffing, and so on. Usually my family will have friends over from Church and we celebrate together. One of them that you might know is Kyle Luo, me and him are pretty good family friends. Most of the time, all the families we celebrate with will bring their own dishes, mostly Chinese dishes, and we'll all celebrate together. Although it's not your traditional Thanksgiving, we do our best to make it as enjoyable as possible.
Assignment 13 Daniel Zhu
The "Church League Legend" is starting to look at what college he wants to play for. The five foot eight point guard that's been playing church league since kindergarten is finally setting his eyes on where to play at the next level. Averaging about 15 points, 5 assists and 5 rebounds a game, he is one talented young man. In his 10 year career, he has earned 10 participation badges, 5 sportsmanship awards, and 2 little league MVPs. The father of the player has been recording his games since he first started playing. Rumor says he has already sent these tapes to University of Kentucky, Duke, and North Carolina. In an interview he said, "Yeah, those three schools are just my top basketball schools that I wanted to go to. If I don't get recruited I always have schools like Kansas and Michigan State as backups." While he didn't make his high school basketball team, he claims averaging as good stats as the team's best player is enough to put him at the next level. Who knows what the future holds for this young superstar in the making.
Assignment 12 Daniel Zhu
A day in the life of my phone. When my phone is taken by Daniel it's fully charged and energized for the day. Throughout the day it get's very worn out due to Daniel's constant urge to text, snapchat, listen to music, and check Twitter. It's very uncomfortable throughout the entire day because it's stuffed in the pocket of my khakis. Then all of a sudden in the hallway, it suffers pain once Daniel accidentally drops his phone on the ground. At this point, the phone is tired and needs rest. Once Daniel gets to fourth period, he charges his phone and let's it rest up to get it's energy back. After it's fully charged, out of nowhere Daniel has to give it up to his teacher. The phone is panicking because it's been separated from it's owner and doesn't know what to do. It's put in a vanilla folder and sent up to the office. The phone waits there desperately not knowing what to do when finally, it hears Daniel's voice asking the lady in the front office if he can have it back. The phone is returned to it's owner and now it can get worn out again in peace, waiting for the next time it recharge.
Assignment 11 Daniel Zhu
Just thinking about it, being in a zombie apocalypse sounds super cool but in reality, it's a nightmare having to fend off zombies to protect your loved ones. If it did come down to this, here is what I'd do. First is food. You may need weapons to defend yourself, but without food you'll for sure die. After I've gathered my family and friends, we raid the Meijer in Hamburg for all of their food. After that, I build a zombie proof fence around my house so that they can't just walk up to my front door. Once that is finished, I acquire guns and bows to shoot all the zombies that try to approach my house. Assuming there's still electricity, I'd just have to chill at my house until some sort of vaccine is discovered. In the meantime, my squad will have different shifts keeping watch over the fence making sure not too many zombies approach. I also assume that it's not like the Walking Dead where every other survivor tries to kill or eat you. Other than that I think I'd be pretty set.
Assignment 10 Daniel Zhu
I'm already quite familiar with everyone in my class. A majority of them I went to middle school with at Tates Creek. The person I sit next to is Alex Russell. Oh, Alex he sure is one troublesome fellow. As you know, me and him are pretty good buddies and just love to chit chat during class. We go way back to Elementary school, where I met him at a camp. Alex is an athlete who plays basketball, used to play baseball and lacrosse, tennis, and also a runner on the cross country team. He's one crazy dude, always trying to get the attention of others whether it is to make people laugh or just give him a glance. If Alex was a color he'd probably be neon because he's always standing out and grabbing other's attention whether it's by getting called out by the teacher, making everyone laugh at him, or even impress others when he actually tries to do well in a cross country race. Needless to say, Alex is a friend of mine and although he can be crazy, most of the time he's a relaxed and honest person.
Thursday, November 24, 2016
Assignment 14 - Kyle Hosey
Honestly, I just don't have any strong feelings about Thanksgiving. I know I love not being in school and ruining my sister's Thanksgiving plays by saying stuff like "And absolutely nothing bad happened between the settlers and the Indians again," at dinner, but outside of that it just isn't a big deal in my family. We don't have any relatives to visit; Florida and Vermont are way too far away to travel to for just one weekend. Sure, we have a turkey with stuffing and crescent rolls, but it seems like we go through the motions a little bit. It's nothing but an early dinner with slightly more flair than normal. That said, Thanksgiving football is always a high point, especially since the Steelers play this year. A ton of food followed by three NFL games is pretty close to a perfect Thursday. That's really what Thanksgiving is to me - a much-needed break before the last three weeks of school. It's a marker; the first semester is nearly finished, and its nearly time for me to leave for Florida for Christmas. Thanksgiving itself? Not much more than lazy day with gluttony thrown in for good measure.
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Assignment 15 - Kassidy Stumbo
The place I feel most at ease is without a doubt Prestonsburg. I could sit in front of my house and look at the mountains for hours at a time. From the day we built that house, I've been in love. I can't even describe in words how much I love that place. I have made both of my parents vow to keep the house until I get married so that I can do it there. I'm totally convinced there is nothing prettier than a sunset on Stonecrest Mountain. I've been blessed to travel to many different places around the world in my lifetime, but I've yet to find some place as breathtaking as that mountain. I feel like I'm on top of the world and I can see for miles. At night, the sky becomes totally lit up with thousands of stars. From the sunrise to the sunset, it's the best place on earth.
Assignment 14 - Kassidy Stumbo
Ah, Thanksgiving. A perfectly cooked turkey on a beautiful dining room table surrounded by a flawless, smiling family. Right? Wrong. My family's Thanksgiving goes like this: a family in sweatpants sitting on the couch arguing over what football game to watch while eating a usually dry turkey on paper plates. Maybe not as fancy as the "ideal" last Thursday in November, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. I even love hearing my uncles argue about politics. This year will be particularly interesting due to the last presidential election - can't wait! My favorite Thanksgiving memory ever is undoubtedly the time mom started a fire in the kitchen and my brother wrapped a fire extinguisher and gave it to her later that night. We still make fun of her for it to this day. My family is about as far from perfect as they come, but I love them all more than I love mashed potatoes (and that's a lot).
Assignment 13 - Kassidy Stumbo
Of all the things that exist in the world, Louisville fans have to be one of my very least favorite. It's probably impossible to find a Louisville fan without a mohawk and at least 7 tattoos on his/her neck. It bothers me to no end that they try to compare their school with Kentucky. Are they serious? Are they just dumb? In the wise words of Coach Cal - "they went to Louisville, they don't read." He's right! My hate for Louisville ALMOST overshadows my love for the state of Kentucky as a whole. Therefore, I came up with a solution. Sell Louisville and all of its inhabitants to Indiana. It really would be easy. I'm sure Indiana (also a horrid place) would love to add Louisville to their land of odd people. The citizens of Louisville would fit right in. Any other UofL fan living in the commonwealth of KY will be immediately relocated to Indiana's newest city. Although I've tried to think of more solutions to ease my hatred for the cardinals, this is the only thing I can think of. I think that the majority of Kentuckians would agree with me.
Kassidy Stumbo - Assignment 12
I am almost 17 years old, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't watch more kids movies than my 3 year old nephew. Disney movies are definitely my favorite - princesses in particular. Although it's nearly impossible to pick a favorite princess, I'll choose an interim one for now. Jasmine from Aladdin. Jasmine is very stubborn (similar to me) and independent. My favorite part of the movie is when she sneaks out of her castle to be a "normal" person for the day. Jasmine just wants to escape from her life at home where she is constantly watched and critiqued. I think the bravery it took for her to sneak away is underrated - if she hadn't left, she never would've met Aladdin. I also love her kind and forgiving heart. The way she forgave Aladdin after he lied to her for so long is very impressive and teaches a great lesson to young kids watching.
Kassidy Stumbo - Assignment 11
You would be shocked how much I think about a zombie apocalypse. At least twice a day probably. Ever since I watched the first season of the walking dead, I just want to be sure I'm prepared in the event of a real apocalypse (and I know it's gonna happen). My plan is this: gather all the food and supplies I can and head to the mountains in Prestonsburg. I feel like I know them well enough to get around and to be honest, who would look for me there? I would try to take all my family and my dogs if possible. Our house on the hill would also be a good place to hide, because someone could sit upstairs and see everything from all sides. We would need plenty of guns and ammo to set at each window. However, according to a new book on zombie survival, swords are a better option since they make little noise - so I'd get those too. The book also mentions zombies don't like fire, so I'd make sure to put fire pits all around the house.
Kassidy Stumbo - assignment 10
For nearly 8 years now I have had the great honor of knowing Ms. Sara Ueland. The first time I asked her to be my friend in 3rd grade, she said no. However she eventually gave in, and here we are, juniors in high school, still great friends. Sara is one of the best people I know. She is very strong, independent, and loyal. She loves soccer and I respect her dedication more than anything. She is certainly not a quitter. In fact, she's one of the hardest working people I've ever met. Whenever I am down and need some cheering up, Sara is always there for me no matter what. I love her positive attitude and humor. Sara's color would be red because she is passionate and has a very fierce personality. Her animal would be a tiger because she is very strong and powerful. I truly can't believe Sara and I have managed to not kill each other all this time we have been friends, but I'm beyond thankful we haven't. I hope we can stay close after college and maybe even beyond there. She's one of my best friends and also one of the best people I know.
Sunday, November 20, 2016
Assignment 13 - Stephanie Bailey
Horses helped the humans of the past build America. They
served in war as soldiers of another kind and lended people their strong backs,
powerful legs, and kind spirits. They were the only form of transportation
besides walking and they always did what they were asked to. They are an
important part of our history and carried the future of America on their backs
as human struggled to find their way to peace and prosperity. 2016 is a new
year and the dawn of a new age though. When is the last time someone relied on
a horse as the vehicle of their two day long journey to Georgetown? They are no
long of any importance to the human race, and therefore they should just be
slaughtered and used for useful products like glue and dog food. Their kind
spirits have carried them this far but this is the end of their usefulness, and
therefore, their existence. This world is constantly changing and the human
race must evolve with it and terminate anything that can no longer help it do
Assignment 12 - Stephanie Bailey
It is hard to be an old wall clock at the Bailey household.
Over the last twelve years that I have been in Lexington with them I have seen
a lot of things, including the raising and growing of the smallest human. She
started out as a small four-year-old who didn't know anybody in this town but
then she met the neighbor's child who was the same age. They became best
friends and the neighbor like a sister to my girl. Fast forward to when the
girl is almost fully grown and responsible for herself and all of a sudden, the
biggest male disappeared. He has always sat the closest to me in the room where
the TV works the hardest. I am going to miss my family the way it was twelve
years ago but everything must change sometime. I am not the same clock I was
then either. My batteries have long run out and my pendulum has broken off but
I look forward to the future and what it will bring.
Assignment 11 - Stephanie Bailey
I would say that my biggest fear is letting people down or
not living up to other people's expectations of me. I am a huge people pleaser
but I don't ever change myself for anybody. I just want to be the girl who
seems like she has everything together and the one that every thinks of as nice
and caring. I want people to know that I am there for them if they ever need
anything and my biggest fear is that will not be the case and I will not be
able to help somebody that needs it. I also feel as if I sometimes don't reach
my "full potential" as some would call it, but I would say I'm just
not reaching that individual's expectations. When it comes to my riding, I
always want to make my trainer happy, as is with all sports, but in all
reality, it is impossible to be perfect every time. I can't constantly be my
best because I'm always going to have one or two bad days which seems
justifiable, but to me, it makes me upset. I always want to be the perfect
person people expect me to be but what happens when I can't be? That is what I
am afraid of.
Assignment 15: Covergirl

Actually this one is all about make-up (do you see what I did there)?
If you have completed all the blogs for the semester, then take this week off. If you are missing a blog post then use this opportunity to make-up a grade.
Your Prompt:
Choose one of the other two prompts from Assignment 6: Create your own adventure and write about it.
Minimum of 150 words - due Sunday, November 27th at 11:59 pm
December 4th is the last day to make up blogs 9-16
Saturday, November 19, 2016
Assignment 14 - Daniel Brewer
My family’s traditions for Thanksgiving usually include going to the KY Horse Park to see the Southern Lights and model train layout, and eating dinner with my grandparents and aunts/uncles/cousins.
Our family dinners aren’t exactly “picture perfect”, like the big table with everyone gathered around and a big turkey as the centerpiece like you see on television. We usually crowd into my Grandmother’s tiny house where the kids’ table is a card table in the hallway and the adults eat in shifts because there isn’t enough room at the table. We don’t watch football on Thanksgiving, but sometimes we play board games and go for a walk around the neighborhood, if the weather is nice.
I have always enjoyed going to the Horse Park during the Southern Lights event, and we usually go over Thanksgiving weekend.. It always is neat to drive through the Horse Park at night and look at the scenery and the Christmas light displays. Usually they add some new display areas (dinosaurs, Star Wars, etc) but this year I hope they fix some of the older displays. Many of the lights are burnt out and it’s difficult to tell what they are supposed to be. For many years my brother and I also had our picture made with Santa at this event, and we still take a family picture with him every year.
I also really enjoy looking at the model train layout they have in the basement of one of the buildings. I really like looking at cities and populated areas from above, and model train layouts (and Google Earth!) provide a way of doing that for relatively cheap compared to, say, airplanes or traveling to themeparks or skyscrapers with observation decks. Sure, it isn’t the real world, but it’s something.
Our family dinners aren’t exactly “picture perfect”, like the big table with everyone gathered around and a big turkey as the centerpiece like you see on television. We usually crowd into my Grandmother’s tiny house where the kids’ table is a card table in the hallway and the adults eat in shifts because there isn’t enough room at the table. We don’t watch football on Thanksgiving, but sometimes we play board games and go for a walk around the neighborhood, if the weather is nice.
I have always enjoyed going to the Horse Park during the Southern Lights event, and we usually go over Thanksgiving weekend.. It always is neat to drive through the Horse Park at night and look at the scenery and the Christmas light displays. Usually they add some new display areas (dinosaurs, Star Wars, etc) but this year I hope they fix some of the older displays. Many of the lights are burnt out and it’s difficult to tell what they are supposed to be. For many years my brother and I also had our picture made with Santa at this event, and we still take a family picture with him every year.
I also really enjoy looking at the model train layout they have in the basement of one of the buildings. I really like looking at cities and populated areas from above, and model train layouts (and Google Earth!) provide a way of doing that for relatively cheap compared to, say, airplanes or traveling to themeparks or skyscrapers with observation decks. Sure, it isn’t the real world, but it’s something.
Monday, November 14, 2016
Assignment 13 - Kyle Hosey: "Report: Trump Campaign Staffers Forced To Cancel Long-Planned Sochi Vacations"
Report: Trump Campaign Staffers Forced To Cancel Long-Planned Sochi Vacations
By Cornelius Drumpf, November 9, 2016
NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK - At least six hundred Trump campaign staffers from every part of the country were crushed this morning at the realization that their vacations to 2014 Winter Olympics host Sochi, would be put on hold for the time being. Scheduled in June of 2015, the two-week excursion to the Rodina had to be canceled due to Donald Trump's victory in last night's presidential election. "Honestly, this was the only reason I came to work for the Trump campaign in the first place," said longtime coordinator Adam McKinnon. "I've always wanted to travel the world, so when Mr. Lewandowski told us we'd all get the chance to visit Sochi for free, of course I said yes! I figured it would just be an easy job for a few months; who could've thought Trump would win even a single primary?" Of course, now that the real estate mogul/TV personality/internet troll will indeed be president, Adam and his colleagues are obliged to continue their work for the time being. "It's just so crushing," said fellow staffer and man who peaked in high school Nathan Forrest. "I mean, sure I wanted Trump to win, but that trip to Russia meant so much more. Tours of the Olympic venues and horseback hunting with President Putin? What's not to like!?" Per a recent Washington Post report, each vacation package cost over $8,000, the equivalent of 50,000 rubles, all paid for by the Russian government. "I guess it's pretty ironic that Putin is the reason we had the chance to go to Sochi and is also the reason we had to cancel," said Forrest. "The man is my idol, and I'm so devastated he can't sign my copy of The Turner Diaries now." Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway could not be reached for comment on the Post report, but at press time had released a tweet reading "Hold This L" in all caps and proclaiming the news as more evidence of "the corruption and bias of the pitiful left-wing media."
By Cornelius Drumpf, November 9, 2016
NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK - At least six hundred Trump campaign staffers from every part of the country were crushed this morning at the realization that their vacations to 2014 Winter Olympics host Sochi, would be put on hold for the time being. Scheduled in June of 2015, the two-week excursion to the Rodina had to be canceled due to Donald Trump's victory in last night's presidential election. "Honestly, this was the only reason I came to work for the Trump campaign in the first place," said longtime coordinator Adam McKinnon. "I've always wanted to travel the world, so when Mr. Lewandowski told us we'd all get the chance to visit Sochi for free, of course I said yes! I figured it would just be an easy job for a few months; who could've thought Trump would win even a single primary?" Of course, now that the real estate mogul/TV personality/internet troll will indeed be president, Adam and his colleagues are obliged to continue their work for the time being. "It's just so crushing," said fellow staffer and man who peaked in high school Nathan Forrest. "I mean, sure I wanted Trump to win, but that trip to Russia meant so much more. Tours of the Olympic venues and horseback hunting with President Putin? What's not to like!?" Per a recent Washington Post report, each vacation package cost over $8,000, the equivalent of 50,000 rubles, all paid for by the Russian government. "I guess it's pretty ironic that Putin is the reason we had the chance to go to Sochi and is also the reason we had to cancel," said Forrest. "The man is my idol, and I'm so devastated he can't sign my copy of The Turner Diaries now." Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway could not be reached for comment on the Post report, but at press time had released a tweet reading "Hold This L" in all caps and proclaiming the news as more evidence of "the corruption and bias of the pitiful left-wing media."
Sunday, November 13, 2016
Assignment 13 - Catire - Daniel Brewer
When most people think of a cat, they imagine a fat, lazy orange tabby, who wants nothing more out of life than to eat and sleep. Thus they make great pets and companions. Especially if you are one of those pesky outdoor types, who like to run and be active, then a cat will help teach you about the finer things in life, like napping on the sofa between movies and a few snacks. And remember, that cat didn’t bring you that dead mouse as a gift only because he loves you; he dropped in at your feet because he knows you could have never caught it yourself. Better than a dog, cats are the best form of home security, provided the would be intruder has allergies and you can make his eyes water so much he can’t see the any of the good stuff worth stealing. And who wouldn’t want to have a roommate with 6 cats? Or buy a house from the quintessential little old lady who lived with her cats -- all 56 of them? Smells great, nothing an Amazon subscription for Febreze and a little Zyrtec won’t fix. And best of all, you have an easy decision about whom to will all of your stuff in case you pass away, because your cat still needs your sofa to nap on.
Assignment 14 :Flying Turkeys
The stock image of Thanksgiving involves a lot of people around a nicely decorated table with a large turkey and a ridiculous amount of extra food. This image doesn't always depict the reality of the holiday though.
What does your Thanksgiving look like? Do you enjoy the holiday? What is your strangest or most wonderful memory of the holiday?
What are some of your family traditions in general? Holiday or otherwise.
What are some of your family traditions in general? Holiday or otherwise.
Minimum of 150 words - due Sunday, November 29th at 11:59 pm
December 4th is the last day to make up blogs 9-16
December 4th is the last day to make up blogs 9-16
Sunday, November 6, 2016
Assignment 11-Sara Ueland
The Zombies have just broken into my house and killed all of
my family members. I am the only one left. What do I do? First I hide under the
stairwell to collect myself. After spending a long 30 seconds pondering my
probability of survival, I bring up the courage to run for supplies. Before I
leave I grab a broom in the closet and sprint for my life. First running to the
pantry to grab as much food and beverages as my abnormally small hands can
carry. On the way to the pantry I have to fight off two vicious zombies but
they are no math for my strength and tenacity. After making a run for it I find
my way in my room where I hurry in and lock the closet. Fortunately I remember the
secret attic that just so happens to be in my closet and make myself comfortable
for a day or so. After I think the zombies are gone I emerge from my hiding
place and set out for the closest store. Everything is absolute anarchy now so
anything flies. I bring 3 large duffle bags to the store and steal months of
food supplies while fending off the zombies and rabid humans as well. Then I head
to the nearest body of water and steal a boat and camp out for a couple months.
When I return everything is in shambles but the zombies are gone. I am relieved
to be alive but saddened by the loss of my family. The I go eat 3 tubs of ice
cream. J
Assignment 12 - Daniel Brewer
Perspective: that of my laptop
Power on
Loading Windows
Hello, Daniel. The time is 20:41 and it is currently 18 *C outside. What would you like to do today?
>open chrome
>open chrome
>open bookmark “Mr. Logsdon blog”
I can load Mr. Logsdon’s blog page for you real quick. Loading…
>new tab
>open google docs
>open google docs
Are you going to start typing the blog post in another place so you don’t accidentally submit it when it isn’t finished? That’s actually a really good idea
>start typing blog post
I am displaying words on the screen as you type them
>delete fourth wall
I thought we just did that.
>display word count
Your document contains 114 words
[36 words later]
>open google maps in a new tab
>location input: “downtown lexington”
Loading map…
Here’s a 3D map of downtown
I can see CentrePointe is still just a hole in the ground
>open “new circle circular” in a new tab
Ah yes, the satire of Harold Leeder, the Internet pseudonym of some barista at Nate’s Coffee, posting fake news articles on his free time
*EDIT*: changed post name from "Assignment 14" to "Assignment 12"
*EDIT*: changed post name from "Assignment 14" to "Assignment 12"
Assignment 10-Sara Ueland
Every day in 4th hour English class I have the
pleasure of sitting next to the dear Kassidy Stumbo. I have gone to school with
her since 2nd grade so I would say I have a sight advantage over
others. Kassidy enjoys watching Disney movies so basically she’s the coolest
cat of them all. She loves her phone and her boys and always has fun stories to
keep me awake as we bore ourselves to death in Spanish class. Kassidy is one of the funniest people I know
and always makes me laugh when I’m drowning at school. She knows more about
politics than I ever will and she has a strong and confident personality. Kassidy’s
color is orange because she is fiery, stubborn, and always knows how to get her
way. In 5 years she will be a successful lawyer working for a prestigious law firm
and looking to go into politics. I could also see her on ESPN as Erin Andrews
because she knows everything there is to know about sports and of course she’s
supa hot. Kassidy is a sour patch kid (pretend like that’s an animal) because
she can be sour at times, but also the sweetest person on this planet. The
world needs more Kassidy Reams.
Assignment 9-Sara Ueland
War is hotdog water. We should strive to avoid war at all
costs but we all know total peace is unattainable. The time for war is when
every option at resolving the conflict humanely fails and the opposition does
not cooperate. It is difficult to argue
that killing others to get your way is morally right. One does not hope to go
to war and risks the lives of hundreds it is a last resort. The Revolutionary
War for example was a time where Britain was infringing on the rights of
colonists and a revolt was necessary to gain freedom. Aside from the deaths and
hardships, America accomplished their main objective, freedom and independence.
This serves as an example for a responsible decision to go to war and fight for
our freedom. Because ‘Murica. In my opinion, a country should go to war when
nothing else can be done and their rights are being violated, which is why the
Revolutionary War is an example of a productive and smart decision.
The obvious alternative is to negotiate a treaty and find a
compromise but that is very difficult in this time and age with a booming
population of stubborn and pompous individuals. A treaty would be more
effective because both sides win and save the debt and lives that would have
been lost in a war.
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