Sunday, November 20, 2016

Assignment 12 - Stephanie Bailey

It is hard to be an old wall clock at the Bailey household. Over the last twelve years that I have been in Lexington with them I have seen a lot of things, including the raising and growing of the smallest human. She started out as a small four-year-old who didn't know anybody in this town but then she met the neighbor's child who was the same age. They became best friends and the neighbor like a sister to my girl. Fast forward to when the girl is almost fully grown and responsible for herself and all of a sudden, the biggest male disappeared. He has always sat the closest to me in the room where the TV works the hardest. I am going to miss my family the way it was twelve years ago but everything must change sometime. I am not the same clock I was then either. My batteries have long run out and my pendulum has broken off but I look forward to the future and what it will bring.

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