Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Assignment 13 - Victor Allison

For the past couple of months, Henry Clay High School has seen a rapid increase in back talking, slacking on homework, and in-class cell phone use. But last week at Kentucky Youth Assembly, justice was finally served to one of these rambunctious young rebels, and justice surely is a dish best served cold. Instead of simply reprimanding the boy, KYA officials had a brief talk with Henry Clay's administrators on the trip and decided to not only send the culprit home for mocking an administrator; they are sending him to Siberia instead.

Wow, finally one of these overconfident ne'er-do-wells is getting what he deserves!

After being questioned about the fate of the treasonous waif, the man responsible for reporting him stated that there was "simply was no way around it" and that "several years of hard labor in a frigid tundra environment is what these boys need, not a simple slap on the wrist." It is obvious that this is truly a step forward regarding the discipline issue that this generation struggles with. This heroic whistleblower has offered little description of the dubious misdeeds that the culprit actually did, but it has been rumored that the delinquent even went so far as to refer to his superior by his first name. The insolence! Only blood, sweat, and a back permanently strained after years spent toiling in a frozen, radioactive oil field can repay for such insubordination.

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