Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Assignment 15 - Kassidy Stumbo

The place I feel most at ease is without a doubt Prestonsburg. I could sit in front of my house and look at the mountains for hours at a time. From the day we built that house, I've been in love. I can't even describe in words how much I love that place. I have made both of my parents vow to keep the house until I get married so that I can do it there. I'm totally convinced there is nothing prettier than a sunset on Stonecrest Mountain. I've been blessed to travel to many different places around the world in my lifetime, but I've yet to find some place as breathtaking as that mountain. I feel like I'm on top of the world and I can see for miles. At night, the sky becomes totally lit up with thousands of stars. From the sunrise to the sunset, it's the best place on earth.

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