Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Kassidy Stumbo - assignment 10

For nearly 8 years now I have had the great honor of knowing Ms. Sara Ueland. The first time I asked her to be my friend in 3rd grade, she said no. However she eventually gave in, and here we are, juniors in high school, still great friends. Sara is one of the best people I know. She is very strong,  independent, and loyal. She loves soccer and I respect her dedication more than anything. She is certainly not a quitter. In fact, she's one of the hardest working people I've ever met. Whenever I am down and need some cheering up, Sara is always there for me no matter what. I love her positive attitude and humor. Sara's color would be red because she is passionate and has a very fierce personality. Her animal would be a tiger because she is very strong and powerful. I truly can't believe Sara and I have managed to not kill each other all this time we have been friends, but I'm beyond thankful we haven't. I hope we can stay close after college and maybe even beyond there. She's one of my best friends and also one of the best people I know.

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