Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Assignment 14 - Kassidy Stumbo

Ah, Thanksgiving. A perfectly cooked turkey on a beautiful dining room table surrounded by a flawless, smiling family. Right? Wrong. My family's Thanksgiving goes like this: a family in sweatpants sitting on the couch arguing over what football game to watch while eating a usually dry turkey on paper plates. Maybe not as fancy as the "ideal" last Thursday in November, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. I even love hearing my uncles argue about politics. This year will be particularly interesting due to the last presidential election - can't wait! My favorite Thanksgiving memory ever is undoubtedly the time mom started a fire in the kitchen and my brother wrapped a fire extinguisher and gave it to her later that night. We still make fun of her for it to this day. My family is about as far from perfect as they come, but I love them all more than I love mashed potatoes (and that's a lot).

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