Sunday, November 6, 2016

Assignment 12 - Daniel Brewer

Perspective: that of my laptop

Power on
Loading Windows
Hello, Daniel. The time is 20:41 and it is currently 18 *C outside.  What would you like to do today?

>open chrome
>open bookmark “Mr. Logsdon blog”

I can load Mr. Logsdon’s blog page for you real quick.  Loading…

>new tab
>open google docs

Are you going to start typing the blog post in another place so you don’t accidentally submit it when it isn’t finished? That’s actually a really good idea

>start typing blog post

I am displaying words on the screen as you type them

>delete fourth wall

I thought we just did that.

>display word count

Your document contains 114 words
[36 words later]

>open google maps in a new tab
>location input: “downtown lexington”

Loading map…
Here’s a 3D map of downtown
I can see CentrePointe is still just a hole in the ground

>open “new circle circular” in a new tab

Ah yes, the satire of Harold Leeder, the Internet pseudonym of some barista at Nate’s Coffee, posting fake news articles on his free time

*EDIT*: changed post name from "Assignment 14" to "Assignment 12"

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