Sunday, May 14, 2017

Assignment 23: Joshua Pe

Crying Playlist
I haven’t cried in a while, so this is the best substitute for that.
1) “White Ferrari” Frank Ocean
This song destroys me. I don’t know what heartbreak feels like, but this is what I imagine break up, and the long term fall out to be like. Many songs on Blonde are tragic, and this one gets to me the most. Others I would have included would be “Nikes,” “Ivy,” “Solo,” and “Nights.” Blonde is an amazing album to listen to, and “White Ferrari” is probably the best song tied with “Self Control.”
2) “u” Kendrick Lamar
The sharp contrast between the impulsive anger of the first half with the reflective and slow, but still full-of-hate delivery of the second half throws me into feelings. “u” also contrasts with “i” which helps make the album TPAB great in terms of composition.
3) “Marvins Room” Drake
I was 11 when I first head this. I did not know what heartbreak was, and I still don’t, but this song was one of the first songs that taught me the feeling. I did not even understand most of the lyrics; I just know that Drake was feeling melancholy. Drake, drunk, calls his ex and spills his feelings. It’s a 5-minute tour of the depths of loneliness.
4)”Do Better” Chris Brown ft. Brandy
This song is straight beautiful. The duet is magical. The mirroring of Chris Brown and Brandy singing nearly the same song from different perspectives demonstrates that often break-up hearts for both parties.
5)”Fire and Desire” Drake
“Fire and Desire” flows straight from the heart. A listener just understands what is happening when he or she hearts it. The simplicity of each line somehow forms a cohesive, complex story.
6)”Blood On the Leaves” Kanye West
I had to include Kanye on this playlist. This song is in Yeezus, a giant change in direction from his previous work. “Blood On the Leaves” mixes anger and love together and winds through a relationship gone south.
7)”Thinkin Bout You” Frank Ocean
Frankie just gets to me. The initial violins set the mood of the whole song, which is just downtrodden. This song reflects on another ex, and it just hurts. Frank Ocean strikes deep within in this song.
8)”Self Control” Frank Ocean
Once again Frank Plays with my feelings. The song evolves over three parts, not completely distinct, but still different. Each part details a different nuance of one person’s feelings.
9)”Suicidal Thoughts” The Notorious B.I.G.
This song nearly wraps up the playlist, but still leaves the door open for one more song to properly close it. Biggie describes how he feels like he doesn’t belong on this world anymore, while P Diddy tries to talk him out of suicide. In the end, Biggie shoots himself, and falls onto the floor as Puff calls for him hopelessly.
10) “Everybody’s Something” Chance the Rapper

This song still fits the playlist’s theme, but it’s a positive note to end on relative to everything else. The song is negative, but it still leaves the listener with some positivity. The core message is that “everybody’s somebody’s everything” a good thing to keep in mind and in heart.

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