Sunday, May 14, 2017

Assignment 24 - Stepahnie Bailey

Junior year has been the hardest year yet, mostly because of all of my school work but it also was the year where a lot of social things changed for me. First of all, my school workload was outrageous the entire year which absolutely sucked, especially when I am trying to balance that load with my horseback riding, social life (not like I have too much of one), and family. My horseback riding just skyrocketed this year and demanded even more of my time and effort than my previous years at Henry Clay. My social life feels like it was only just born this year and, of course, right in the middle of the busiest year of high school. I got more connected to friends of the past, made new friends, and even somehow found a boyfriend. As well as just getting my driver’s license, making it even easier to choose social life over homework, my parents filed for divorce in the middle of this year. Now I had horses, friends, church, school, and two separate families to worry about. For someone in the middle of the most important academic year of their life, this was the most stressful balancing act I could ever imagine. I’m now just hoping all of this work pays off in the end and I end up at the college I want to go to with an amazing horse by my side to keep my sanity in check.

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