Sunday, May 14, 2017

Assignment 26 - Kenna Miller

1. The benchmark reading and out-loud grading was fun but constructive. Logsdon (you?) made it easy to tell what graders were looking for in a high-grade essay, and what to do in each kind. I really appreciate how often we wrote essays: practice makes perfect. As much as I hate to write essays all the time, the more we did them, the more comfortable I got with writing them. I also preferred the non-revisable ones, since it simulated the real AP test.

2. Again, the consistent multiple choice tests were helpful, but we didn't really go over a ton since I feel like most of us didn't want to speak up. There were a couple of footnotes tested on the AP exam and I don't think we went over formatting those outside of the annotated bibliography for the summer assignment. I'd like to see more formatting review next year.

3. I remember staying up until 3 on the WMHSMUN trip in November working on the VisLit ad campaign. What a struggle that was. Some I didn't really get, especially when we couldn't use videos for our advertising one (2). When I heard advertising, I immediately think of videos. Nonetheless, it made us think CREATIVELY! The whole school supplies thing was really challenging. Like, how do you really market an eraser to someone? 

4. I was never able to access the online calendar though we tried with two different emails so I really liked the white board calendar. Ms H did good on working out that compromise. Coming in and seeing the plan laid out (when I haven't owned an agenda in three years) put me at ease.

5. Logsdon is like a cool film-savvy uncle. That's good.

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