Sunday, May 14, 2017

Assignment 25 Victor Allison

Recently I attended a youth group meeting led by Kirk Abraham, who is something along the lines of a fitness professor at Transy. The talk he gave was about stress; its physiological effects and how to cope with it. Speaking to an audience of high school students, he explained that the only real way to cope with stress from a biological perspective is to exercise. Stress, explained Kirk, is the body's fight-or-flight response - a series of chemical reactions that allowed primitive men to fight off saber tooth tigers, but does little to prepare anxious students for final exams and college applications. So, to combat these stimulating chemicals, one simply has to use them up - by exercising.

By coping with stress in this way, I have eliminated stress almost to the point of a constant euphoric state, but I have consequently become uncontrollably strong. My shirts tear with the strain of my anxiety-free muscles, and I can barely open a door without pulverizing the handle with the vicelike deathgrip of a completely self-content physical specimen. Having smashed every computer keyboard in the building, I am dictating this blog to my mother as I sit on the splintered remains of a chair that could no longer bear the weight of my hulking, completely relaxed torso. My entire family live in fear that I trip and crush them, but hey, I'm staying positive. Assuming that my teachers will allow me to test in the hallway (doorframes disagree with my beachball shoulders) I am quite confident in myself in regards to upcoming finals.

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