Saturday, May 13, 2017

Assignment 26 - Kyle Hosey

I decided to wait until after the AP test to write this post. As you said, you taught to the test, and I determined that I would be best able to evaluate this class after I had actually sat through what you prepared us for all year. Obviously.

Having now actually taken the multiple choice and written the three essays, I can say without hesitation that  I felt more than adequately prepared to take the exam. Since its not really a content test, the only sure way to prepare is lots of repetition. I felt like I got that this year with the monthly multiple choice practices and the sometimes biweekly essays. One thing I would have liked to have seen was a little more explanation of the trends on the multiple choice; at times I felt like I had no idea why one answer choice was even different from the others, much less the correct one. This was especially true in regards to the passage with the notes. Perhaps just before the exam half a class could be dedicated to reviewing the various questions about those notes. Additionally, I would have liked to have seen a more extensive explanation of the 10 or so most frequently missed questions. As far as the essays go, the thing I struggled most with was time. Though I'm sure I would have hated it, a couple more strictly 40 minute essays might have been helpful. Perhaps that could be started 1-2 essays earlier, or just done for practice at other times so they don't kill anyone's grade.

I'm not going to evaluate anything else because, well, it wasn't on the exam. I will, however, say that this was one of my more enjoyable classes and I appreciate that you didn't just give us essays and practice tests nonstop.

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