Sunday, October 30, 2016

Assignment 11 - Daniel Brewer

Explain what scares you the most and why

My greatest fear is waking up one day and being completely unable to communicate at all with the outside world.  When I was younger, I had a nightmare which woke me up, and I had a sleep paralysis.  I didn't know what was going on, I couldn't move anything except my eyelids, and I couldn't even scream in terror.  Obviously, at such a young age this had quite clearly impacted me, and I had trouble sleeping for the next few days or so.

This is a very terrifying thing to me because it has happened to other people in the real world before, and I don't know if or when it'll strike again.  At the same time, I have been having difficulty falling asleep for a while now.  I don't know if that's because my body is subconsciously telling me "if you fall asleep now, you might not wake up... OR WORSE!" or if it's because of something completely unrelated, but the concept of going to sleep one day, just like every other day, and waking up in the morning completely unable to move is a fate worse than death to me.  If I couldn't move anything, I would just feel like a burden to society, and knowing that it might happen at any time is what scares me the most.

Assignment 9 Daniel Zhu

There is, very rarely, a time for war. War is a necessity for things to be accomplished. For example, the American Revolution, there was no way in avoiding the war for the Americans in the British. The Americans needed to declare their independence from Britain and there was no other way. In some cases, it is morally right for you to fight in war if you truly fighting for what you believe. For example the Civil War, both sides had a deep passion to keep slavery, or abolish it forever. Nowadays, countries must take responsibility when going to war because many lives will be in danger. Living in the present, we now have nuclear weapons that'll wipe out a country in a minute. In the end, the war isn't only hurting a specific country, but the entire world. With all the radiation given off of an atom bomb, it also hurts every other country. Humans need to realize now that the only alternative to war is peace treaties. Being realistic, no country actually wants to go to war. Using peace treaties to negotiate agreements is the only effective way.

Assignment 12: Brave Little Toasters

In Toy Story, (and yes they are making a Toy Story 4 - a romantic comedy with Woody and Bo Peep) the inanimate comes to life and engages in more exciting adventures than most people have. In the Brave Little Toaster, a toaster gathers together enough strength and courage to fight off the most ferocious household objects.

And Marcel...well Marcel the Shell can't do much at all, but he attempts to make the most out of his small world.

This week, choose your favorite inanimate item and describe a day/moment/adventure in their life. Imagine their point of view and how they would see the world.

Minimum of 150 words - due Sunday, November 6th at 11:59 pm

December 4th is the last day to make up blogs 9-16

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Assignment 9 - Stephanie Bailey

   I believe that there is a time for war to be declared but I also believe that it should be the last resort. If there is any way to talk-it-out before rash decisions are made, then that should happen. War is bad for everyone involved so it should be avoided at all costs. The soldiers are sacrificing their lives for their country, innocent families suffer, and there are now weapons that could destroy the whole United States if we were to make a wrong move. However, with all of this said, there is a time for war when it is over an important matter and it could not be settled any other way. If our nation is being threatened and there is not compromises to be made, then I think war is justified. I personally wish that that would never be the case, but unfortunately, the world is a corrupt place that can’t just be peaceful. 
   If there is any other way to solve conflict and avoid war, then that should be employed first. The biggest way, in my opinion, that war can be avoided is compromise. Henry Clay, the Great Compromiser, was from Kentucky and helped end many conflicts peacefully. The world, of course, no longer possesses this great asset but I believe that anyone can be a great compromiser and I believe that is the best alternative to war. If we have the chance to save innocent lives, including ours, our family, and our friends, we should take it.

Assignment 10 - Stephanie Bailey

   In Mr. Logsdon's class I sit next to Mackenzie Varble. She is a positive, bubbly, and sweet girl who loves Disney, archery, and everybody she knows. She always makes a conscious effort to make sure everybody is doing ok and that they know she is there for them. She loves everything monogramed and recently started a monograming business with a Cricket that she paid for herself. She loves to watch Disney movies, hang out with friends, and going to our small group bible study (I hope). 
   If I had to associate her with a color, it would either be blue or pink. She has brilliant ice blue eyes and that is also the color of the Disney castle. I would think of her as pink as well because she is the most girly girl I have ever met, and I love it. Five years from now I see Mackenzie as a successful college student who manages both a booming monograming business and her good grades in school. She will obviously have many friends and she will stay close with her family.
   I would see Mackenzie most like a puppy because she is loyal, playful, and sweet mixed with a little bit of crazy. She has a dog named Daisy that I think acts like a mirror image of Mackenzie (minus the peeing on the floor part). I hope that I can stay connected with this genuine girl for the rest of my life.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Assignment 11 - Kyle Hosey

Let's be brutally honest; the chances of any one of us escaping the initial phases of a zombie apocalypse just aren't good. All of us are far more likely to end up as zombies or casualties of a counterattack than as a group of survivors in the vein of The Walking Dead. Early warning is the key. Many future zombies never even know of the disease until a horde of undead are tearing their abdominal cavity open. Israel in the documentary World War Z teaches us - and Brad Pitt - this valuable lesson. On the first news of zombies from the Indian interior, they moved immediately to secure their safety. Though eventually overrun, Israel held out far longer than any other nation. Thus, I will remain vigilant on social media and via the news. At the first sign (real sign, I'm not a conspiracy theorist) of the attack, I will gather what friends and family I can and head for the hills. The cities will be the first places to fall - the virus spreads far too quickly to be effectively combated. Weapons and long-term food supplies shouldn't be an issue - this is America after all - and with luck, we will avoid major population centers, pursuing a policy of avoiding zombies instead of killing them. With any luck, our group will reach long-term shelter in the mountains or in converted missile silos in Montana. My greatest worry is the inevitable numbers of people who will become Walking Dead impersonators or copycats. Come on, people, it's a television show.  We will survive quietly, hopefully without fighting too many zombies - or people.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Assignment 10 - Daniel Brewer

I sit next to Kalin Combs during 4th hour.  We both sit on the FitDesk bikes during class for the most part, but sometimes we sit at the computer desks.  Kalin is in my group for the Writing with Style film project.  I wouldn’t  describe her as intimidating, and she has always been friendly to me in the past.  I have had a few other classes with Kalin in the Academy in years past.  Since working with her on the project in this class, I have learned that she likes cooking and is on the debate team.  She seems organized (compared to me, everyone else is organized) and prepared for class. Kalin is friendly and has lots of other friends in other classes. In five years I see Kalin as being in college somewhere working hard. I would try to describe her as a color, but I don’t know where to begin with that.
I sit next to Kalin Combs during 4th hour.  We both sit on the FitDesk bikes during class for the most part, but sometimes we sit at the computer desks.  Kalin is in my group for the Writing with Style film project.  I wouldn’t  describe her as intimidating, and she has always been friendly to me in the past.  I have had a few other classes with Kalin in the Academy in years past.  Since working with her on the project in this class, I have learned that she likes cooking and is on the debate team.  She seems organized (compared to me, everyone else is organized) and prepared for class. Kalin is friendly and has lots of other friends in other classes. In five years I see Kalin as being in college somewhere working hard. I would try to describe her as a color, but I don’t know where to begin with that.

Assignment 9- Ian Schaeffer

I believe there is a time for war, but it is not something that should be declared on a whim or at the drop of a hat; a declaration of war requires lengthy deliberation. Even still, war is never morally right. The only thing that justifies killing at such a high level is the "lesser of two evils" ideal. If war is used to protect or save the lives of people from a threat that continues to wreak havoc on a population or people, then it is excusable. For example, following the 9/11 attacks in New York City by the terrorist group Al-Qaeda, the cruelty of the attacks, the number of dead, and the graphic footage of the survivors and the dead sent shock waves across the country, and all of this inclined Congress to declare war. I consider this situation as justifying war, as our nation felt vulnerable and frankly scared, and we needed to ensure the safety of our country and citizens. However, at a certain point, war stops proving things and becomes senseless violence, so it is important we determine this line before going into a conflict. As for alternatives, nothing is clear cut. It might be possible to negotiate with some people, but is it possible to reason with radical terrorists? Still, any alternative to violence is ideal, especially if it accomplishes the same goal.

Assignment 11: BOO

ZOMBIES HAVE ATTACKED. Detail your survival plan.


Explain what scares you the most and why.


Describe a moment in which you were fraught with peril. Tell it as a ghost story.


In the vein of David Sedaris write an observational humorist piece related to your daily life: school, home, social, etc.  (don't be mean)

Happy Halloween!

Minimum of 150 words - due Sunday, October 30th at 11:59 pm

December 4th is the last day to make up blogs 9-16

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Assignment 10 - Kyle Hosey

I sit next to Alex Lozano in 4th period English. To me, the most important thing about Alex is his love of the Pittsburgh Steelers and all sports in general. There is nothing more frustrating to me than a classmate who openly cares not for the magnificent world of sport, and with whom I cannot discuss the results of last night's football games (Daniel, I'm looking at you). Alex and I go back to before high school, when both of us played baseball for Southeastern Veterans Park. I remember that we were both a little more quiet - reserved may be a better word - than everyone around us, parents included. Everyone else kind of wanted to be rowdy, wanted all the attention. I was never like that, and I don't think he was either. It didn't seem that either of us sought a great deal of social contact - if it happened, so be it. All that said, my perceptions might be somewhat inaccurate - I quit baseball five years ago, and we were never on the same team. But getting reacquainted over the last two months hasn't really changed them - maybe it's just because D.Zhu and A.Russel are in the same hour, but I still characterize Alex as reserved and naturally polite, not as a joker. I have noticed that he sits with them at lunch, and certainly appears to be in that social group - maybe on the periphery, where I prefer to exist. If all of this information seems vague, speculative, and uncertain, well, it probably is. I simply don't get close enough to most people - even longtime acquaintances - to learn enough about them to make anything more than a semi-accurate judgement of character. Certainly, Alex has more important qualities than liking sports, but unless my own personality changes, I doubt I will feel confident in stating them.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Assignment 9 - Kyle Hosey

Any history course, be it that of American, World, or European (especially European) is inevitably tied in with a great amount of warfare. From the ancient Persians and Greeks to Napoleon and to Hussein, human history is laced with its fair share of armed conflict. The vast majority are wars of aggression -  X country wants Y country's resources, so X country takes it by force. Y country is always Poland. It is, as Tom Clancy says, "armed robbery writ large." As a species, I believe that we are seeing, within our own lifetimes, the end of this pattern. Just 100 years ago, the rights of a sovereign included the right to initiate war - for two decades the world plummeted into conflict as Europe tore itself apart not once, but twice in 20 years. The global atmosphere surrounding that kind of aggression has changed greatly since then. Condemnation of Russia's attempt to acquire the Crimea - and possibly the rest of the Ukraine - was nearly universal, and any territorial aggression draws disapproval from around the globe, whereas apathy or even enthusiasm were common a century ago. However, the fact that condemnation is necessary is undeniable evidence that this particular problem is not yet dead. In pursuit of that goal, I believe war to be necessary - even morally correct - in defensive situations. Unjust invasions simply cannot be tolerated in the modern world, and few would disagree that the victimized country has every right to defend itself. That, however, is the only circumstance under which war is an absolutely defensible and moral option. Every other situation varies so greatly that it is impossible to place a set of absolute values on them pertaining to the option of warfare. Two American actions in the Middle East demonstrate this point well. When Hussein invaded Kuwait in one of recent history's more memorable conflicts, the US and her allies drove back the Iraqi armies, then stopped at the border having successfully repelling Hussein's play for Kuwait's oil. A decade later, we did invade Iraq, this time on less that convincing evidence. That turned into one of the worst foreign policy decisions in US history, creating circumstances far beyond what anyone could have foreseen. Defensive warfare is a right; anything else is circumstantial.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Assignment 8- Kalin Combs

Fears: bugs, blood, never being successful in my future career, dying, not traveling enough, not taking enough risks in life, being a bad parent, having an unhappy marriage, having kids that aren't smart or kind, college
Annoyances: when people have strong beliefs but no logic to support them (people who support the Confederate flag, for example), people with no motivation who complain about their lack of accomplishments
Accomplishments: grades, ACT score, overcoming personal struggles, decorating my first wedding cake for commission, staying close with my best friends since 7th grade
Confusions: why people would ever abuse animals or children, why the wage gap exists, why people can speak such hateful and cruel and discriminatory things about others and not even care, why anyone would support Donald Trump.
Sorrows: divorced parents, history of drug abuse and alcoholism in my family, the fact that I'm a junior with braces, how naive I used to be
Dreams: be a millionaire, find a career I'm truly passionate about, open a bakery or restaurant, have a food blog and get famous, raise amazing children
Idiosyncrasies: picky eater, obsessive foodie and coffee lover
Risks: go skydiving, bungee jumping, taking more risks in general (want), flying solo to New Jersey in 2014 (did)
Beloved Possessions: my phone (now), my stuffed animals (then)
Problems: too competitive, self-critical, taking things too personally

I've always kind of been a careful person, and I've always said I want to start taking more risks. Ironically, I consider myself quite an adrenaline junkie, but it's the everyday risks that I need to learn to get in control of--confronting others when they hurt me, speaking up in class, talking to new people. Little by little I'm taking more of those tiny steps every day; mainly I'm learning to speak up in class more and that talking to new people doesn't have to be scary. This year I've even made friends in an elective class where I didn't know a single person at the beginning of the year, and that's something I've never done before. I know it seems small, but I can feel this making big changes in my life. When I go to college, I don't want to be too shy to meet new people and end up lonely and introverted. I feel like an extrovert trapped inside a shy person's body and that's something I want to change about my life. One day, I'd love to be the kind of person who's comfortable approaching and talking to anyone, anywhere. I'm getting closer every day.

Assignment 7- Kalin Combs

On September 25, 1789, the Bill of Rights was added to the United States Constitution. Even today, these 10 amendments make up a huge part of American Identity. The first amendment guarantees us five basic freedoms that characterize our freedom and independence as Americans-- freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition--arguably the most important aspects of the Constitution for American citizens. The Bill of Rights also guarantees the right to bear arms, provides rights to the accused, and protects against unlawful search and seizure, among other things. Although these rights were implied before September 25, stating them explicitly in the Bill of Rights guarantees that they will never be taken away unlawfully. Many Supreme Court cases cite these enumerated rights as listed in the Bill of Rights to protect citizens against unfair treatment by government and to ensure no rights will ever be taken from law-abiding American citizens.

9 -Khalid

Fears: afraid of being a failure, or disappointing people
Annoyances: people who are always geeking
Accomplishments: passed my permit test first time
Confusions: when to, and not to beat somebody’s meat
Sorrows: not playing soccer for varsity this year
Dreams: to be as or more successful than my parents
Idiosyncrasies: to be the first one to hit that folk
Risks: jumping out of planes or off really high places
Beloved Possessions, Now and Then: my batman halloween costume
Problems: organization
I have always been afraid of failing, and not exactly like a class or a test. But to fail my friends or parents or girlfriends. I would hate to do anything to disappoint them are make them upset because I really never intend to. I rather have someone be mad at me then say they are disappointed because that right there hurts more. I can't deal with the fact that somebody would look at me with those eyes of disappointment.I have been trying really hard on not disappointing people. I always try to keep my promises and work really hard at the things that i'm weak on. For example my parents wants to see improvement this year with my grades so, I have been taking the initiative to put some more work in studying more and applying myself because i don't want them to be disappointed in december.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Assignment 8-Alex russell

Fears: spiders
Annoyances: seminar homework
Accomplishments: i am 3rd basketball semifinalist
Confusions: physics
Sorrows: my grandma 
Dreams: to be steve nash
Idiosyncrasies: using too much slang
Risks: not studying
Beloved Possessions, Now and Then: phone
Problems: school

One of my biggest problems is school. Every night I go home with a giant pile of home work and each night as I'm doing it I wonder "why am i doing this" or "how is this helping me" or "is this just busywork". Teachers assign way too much homework. Often i will have homework with so many problems it is just unnecessary. For example if i work out the same type of math or physics problem 4 or 5 times what is the point of making me do it 20 more times. Often i feel like teachers just give students home work so they will have something to do. There is no point of doing 20 extra problems if i already understand the concept. The only thing it achieves is wasting my time. Also on top of my daily home work i have to worry about lots of other projects and long term assignments. Teachers are always telling me not to procrastinate but i always end up doing my unit assignment in the last week. It is hard to make  myself do something when i cam just make it future Alex's problem.

assignment 7- Khalid

Obama meets with families after Oregon school shooting.
President Obama flew to Roseburg, Oregon, on Friday to address families grieving from the Oct 1. Umpqua Community College shooting, when a gunman killed nine people. "I've got some very strong feelings about this because when you talk to these families, you're reminded that this could be happening to your child, or your mom, or your dad, or your relative, or your friend," he said. "And so we're going to have to come together as a country to see how we can prevent these issues from taking place." I hated that this happen and I know President Obama was disappointed. He tried to convince congress of having stricter gun laws, but they declined. The whole nation was shaken and it became a debate about how we should have stricter gun laws and how we should not. I really think we should, but what do I know im only 16. [ NEW YORK TIMES]

Assignment 6 - Khalid

Prompt 1: Do you think Tupac is still alive, Why or why not? D0 you think his music is still embedded in today's rap and hip hop? Will any of today's rappers be as good as tupac, or better. Do you like tupac? Why or Why not?
Prompt 2: What are your favorite shows? Why do you like them? Do you constantly make reference that no one understand? Do you think this obsession will continue for the rest of your life why are why not?
Prompt 3: What grinds your gears? What are your top 3 pet peeves? Why do they annoy you? Do you do them as well? What caused this hatred for such actions?
My favorite shows are the office, family guy and spongebob, but i think out of them all i love family guy. I think it's the best show ever because it's so funny, and i'm always geeking when i'm watching it. I always make family guy references and i only have 2 other peers who can agree and laugh along because they actually get it. Caden Reynolds, Jackson Leach and I are definitely starting a family guy club and it's going to be ham. And i will probably watch family until i die. I have already have watched season 1-14, 7 times already and I’m starting again. Family guy is the best show in the universe.

Assignment 7-Alex Russell

On October 3rd, 1974 the Cleveland Indians hired the first African American Major League Baseball Manager, Frank Robinson. This marked a turning point in History. Although this event wasn't as popular as the First ever African American major league player it still stood for the same ideals that everyone is equal and should have fair oppurtunities. This event is something that changed baseball forever and today we see more and more African American managers such as Dusty Baker (former Reds manager). This was a great event and works towards what we are still trying to accomplish today, equality. This event inspired many young African-Americans and even Adults. It helped everyone realize that no matter the color of their skin every person can achieve their dream. Frank inspired many young  boys to start baseball and helped people realize if you work hard enough nothing is impossible. He wasn't only an inspiration to African Americans but to everyone including me.

Assingment 5 - Khalid

I love watching tv because it provides entertainment and it amuses me. I like watching shows like the office, How i met your mother, family guy and phineas and ferb because they are funny. I also like watching shows like the flash, agents of shield and spongebob because they have a lot of action, and engagement. Leaving the audience always wanting more and I have always loved superhero movies and shows. I think they are so cool. I think TV is the best gift god gave to mankind. IT is truly a blessing from above. I think tv is good as a stress reliever, entertainment, always good for when you are with your girl. GIGGITY ( Family Guy). Also TV is great for references.

Assignment 8 - Kenna Miller

Fears: me/others dying suddenly, the dark, animatronics
Annoyances: hearing metal scrape anything, people trying to help but just make it worse, donald trump, "why do you listen to kpop, it isn't even in english" and other negative comments about my love for kpop
Accomplishments: I have an A in physics right now, steady relationship, good at beginning Korean, cleaned the litter box
Confusions: if everyone condemns our candidates then how did they get nominated, racism, genders, kin, 9/11 bill, no one else had rubber bands while they had a retainer, bra prices
Sorrows: not having a tight group of friends, not being more active in the community, lack of vegetables in my diet, not knowing anything about cars
Dreams: getting NSLI-Y scholarship, hugging BTS, achieve a job that's funny and pays well, travel
Idiosyncrasies: pronouncing "interesting" as "intresting", "the KPOP crazy girl" (every class has one?), catchphrase of "a good look", wearing the color grey
Risks: doing these blogs now instead of the 17th, complimenting boys, obsession with music (escalating into koreaboo territory, which you should never approach)
Beloved Possessions: then - Teddy Marshall (my teddy bear), books, half of a seashell when my crush had the other half, green backpack from 3rd grade, Sugarplum (best cat ever)
now  - Hugo (my kitten), my camera roll, phone, sixteenth birthday card from dad + sabrina's, ankle bracelet, my spotify library
Problems: self, time, relationship, and frustration management, lack of an article of mine on Side by Side, APUSH, taking out my aligners every time I eat

Since most people can relate/understand to all the other topics, I'll explain what makes me, me (idiosyncrasies).

For pronouncing "interesting" as "intresting", I'd like to blame this for my "reader" status. I love to read, which requires no spoken word. This makes it a lot easier to go about the book since you don't have to be corrected by anyone else. I suffer from spoonerism (the phrasing is a joke), mainly "expect" and "except" being my most confused words. I'm great at reading words the wrong way the first time and sticking with it. I also blame English. English is extremely complicated and the pronunciation rules aren't consistent at all. Fooey.  Other words my "reader" side applies to: "notifications" becomes "nahtifications", "dietary" becomes "directory". I'd like to know the "reader" words of my classmates (possibly a fun anon survey?).

Another idiosyncrasy of mine-- my fierce passion for the K-pop group BTS and other foreign music types. Most won't even bother to listen to a song that isn't in English for "fear" of "not understanding the lyrics" instantly. Nevertheless, I thoroughly enjoy foreign music. Even though the essentials are lyrics, melody, and rhythm, I appreciate the music as a whole. Since I adore the song to begin with, looking up the lyrics only intensifies my love. For example, I really love the raps of Suga from BTS. The songs always have a good beat, but Suga raps almost exclusively in Korean extremely fast the entire time. Though I don't understand a word, I can feel the emotion surging in his voice. Upon looking up the lyrics and reading along, I want to cry. He approaches social taboos like they're nothing, puts every emotion into his work, shares his deepest feelings with everyone, and creates emotion that transcends words. I love him. Experience the magic here. Consider that English pop music is not the only form of musical expression.

Since I've gone overboard with the last topic, I'll keep these to a minimum: "A good look" comes from my extensive internet usage and assimilation of my friends's slang. "Whatever has been said incorrectly one time becomes an inside joke," as I would put it.
To me, wearing grey means "an outfit without serious effort". My favorite pair of pants are grey and comfier than a pillow, so I feel like I've associated grey with eternal comfort now. That's about it.

Assignment 6-Alex Russell

What is an event in your life that has changed your perspective on life?

Who's your favorite athlete and why?

Who's your best friend and why?

My favorite athlete is Steve Nash. Steve Nash is the greatest basketball player of all time. Steve Nash is hands down better than Jordan. Steve Nash is an inspiration to me. Steve Nash showed the world that white people are good at basketball too. Steve Nash is the reason that I am such a big basketball fan. Whenever i play in I am 3rd basketball I imagine that i am on the suns and that i am as good as Steve. Steve could do it all. He is one of the best passers of all time. Also no one has a better jumper than Steve. Steve proved to the world why Canada was important. Without Canada Steve wouldn't have been born and then he wouldn't have inspired me to play I Am 3rd basketball and make it to the semifinals of the tournament. This year i am determined to win it all just like Steve was when he went to the Lakers in his later years.

Assignment 4 - Khalid

This is a picture of zidane when he got red carded in his last world cup because he headbutt somebody. No one could really comprehend why he did this, and i'm pretty sure he didn't either. But at an interview with the former soccer player, he said he did it because the offender said something about his mother and zidane did not appreciate it. He wasn't going to do anything, but the other player kept on taunting zidane and he just got sick of it. Zidane was trying to keep his composure but he geeked and let out his rage. IT's actually kind of funny how so many people make fun of home because of this but i was upset to see him go.

Assignment 3 - Khalid

No I believe that everyone always has a choice whether they are going to choose between good and bad. I don't believe that people are good or bad. I just believe that there are people out there that either constantly do the wrong thing, or constantly do the right thing, or sometimes a little half and half. I do believe that there is a little bit of grey areas, because you do have people that do the wrong thing for the right reason. I mean do you say the homeless guy is bad because he stole some food , and clothes from meijers, or do you say he’s a good guy for stealing it for his family that is also homeless. I work at kfc and i'm always generous, i get in trouble for it a lot but i always do it. There is a homeless guy who lives right outside of kfc and i always give him free food for him and his  brother. I get in trouble but i stick with it because i believe it's the right thing to do.

Assignment 5-Alex Russell

At home i watch TV a lot. I probably watch TV too much. Whenever i am doing homework i am usually playing netflix or hulu in the background. Before i had a phone i use to only watch TV in the living room but now that I have access to practically any show wherever i am through my smartphone it makes it tough to stay away from TV. I usually watch TV when I'm bored. It mostly just passes the time. I like a lot of shows. I like superhero shows like Arrow and The Flash but I'm also interested in many reality TV shows from cooking shows to shows like survivor. TV is a solid from of entertainment but it is also a way for advertisers to get their messages out. So its a win win situation because it helps businesses and companies advertise while people have something to do when they are bored.

Assignment 6- Kalin Combs

If 10 year old you could see you today, what would they think? Would they be proud of what you've become?

If you had a life or death situation and had to make as much money as possible in a single week to fix the problem, how would you do it? Would you be willing to do something highly illegal? Compromise your own morals and beliefs?

If you could make your life perfect today, still as a junior in high school, living in Lexington, KY, what would it look like? How does that differ from the kind of life you want in the future?

If I could change my life today, I would honestly start by waking up with perfect teeth (NO BRACES!), because it's really annoying to feel like the only junior in high school to have braces. The main thing I would do though is make my family rich, it just seems like life would be so much easier if I didn't have to ever worry about having money. I would also get a bigger house--not huge, but a reasonably-sized house for my family of four--my house right now is way too small considering how far away I'd like to get from my family at times. I'd adopt like a million dogs. I'd have a famous food blog. I'd travel more. I'd have more opportunities to help others in big ways. I'd take more risks and not be so scared to do things or concerned with what others think of me. This is pretty similar to what I want in the future, except for a few things. In the future, I want to know more things--this sounds dumb but I genuinely love to learn new things about topics that interest me. I have like 6 majors in mind for college because I just want to learn about them all and I wish I could get degrees in every one of them. I also want to be happily married one day and have a couple kids. I definitely will not live in Kentucky when I'm older, mainly because I'm too independent to feel comfortable staying so close to my family. I plan on moving somewhere further east, and probably more northern. I'd also really love to open a restaurant one day.

Assignment 4-Alex Russell

This picture is probably one of my favorite pictures of all time. This is a picture of Ricegum walking in the studio before his roast on Jesse and Andy Milanikis. This marked a turning point for any and all you tubers to just know that they should never have beef with the legend himself, Ricegum. Rice is a you tuber who makes fun of other you tubers and makes diss tracks on certain people that he doesn't like. On july 21, 2016 Ricegum dropped the most fire diss track anyone has ever heard. Jesse is another you tuber who had beef with my boy Rice so he teamed up with rapper Andy Milanakis to make a diss track on Ricegum. Rive gum responded with lyrics in which I'm still in awe about today. After this roast neither Jesse nor Andy Milan's will be able to show their face in public. The lesson learned is not to mess with Rice. Since July 21, nobody ever has and nobody ever will.

Assignment 2- Khalid

Technology has affected me greatly, because i can't go, anywhere without my phone and in some instances i feel kind of loss without it. Also this world is always improving and always progressing, and if you are not with the times, you are just loss man. I think technology in a whole has been mostly positive, because it has done nothing but help our world and improve it for the greater good, but for some instances it has been a distraction especially at a place for focus and concentration, like a school for example. And with technology always growing kids are cheating easier , not paying attention in class. Technology also has been hurting people on the road, the driving and texting is really dangerous. These little things aren't exactly helpful for our society. Technology has been helping our world and destroying it at the same time.

Assignment 8- Ian Schaeffer

Fears- sudden death, the wrath of my father
Annoyances- when i fail at something repeatedly, losing
Accomplishments- being a good student, multi-sport athlete
Confusions- physics, the superiority of my sister
Sorrows- I wish I could ski; I wish I was better at fly-fishing
Dreams- studying in Rome
Idiosyncrasies- I love to be sarcastically pretentious (my dad practically started Connecticut)
Risks- rappelling in Antelope Canyon, coming out of my mother's womb feet first
Beloved Possessions, Now and Then-
Problems- I have to live up to my parent's expectations
One of my biggest fears is sudden death. Obviously I don't lay around panicking that I am about to drop to the ground and never wake up, but who doesn't get nervous walking home alone in the dark or swimming around in cold, cloudy water. Maybe my life will come to a violent and gruesome end at the hands of a ruthless ax murderer who had finally reached his own personal tipping point. Maybe a hungry fish will decide I look like dinner. Who knows what could happen? All I can say for sure is I enjoy the state of being alive.

 One of my other large and likely more rational fears is incurring the wrath of my father via some wrongdoing or misdeed. For a man who only ever wears scrubs and white New Balances (dad kicks), he sure does know how to create feelings of genuine terror. You rock, dad. In all seriousness, sometimes I do struggle to meet some of his expectations, so while I don't actually fear my dad's "wrath', it is something that I try to steer clear of. I would like to add that I do love my father because there was a lot of negative in this paragraph.

Assignment 8 - Joshua Pe

Fears: getting handicapped (mentally would be worse than physically), being 30/40/50 having wasted my life
Annoyances: people who can't cook eggs, people who think sriracha in food is good
Accomplishments: learned how to ride a bike last spring after wanting to for years
Confusions: staying in Lexington for college for mom's sake or going out of state, personal change over the years
Sorrows: not seeing my dad for a couple years, moving through several homes
Dreams: growing to average height, studying abroad, not being ugly
Idiosyncrasies: enjoy doing chores (except for washing dishes), waking up before sun rises and eating breakfast
Risks: seeking opportunities/chances (been rejected 9 out of 10 times)
Beloved Possessions: bed (then and now)
Problems: hubris, conceitedness, getting hung up on things, being short

I stand at 163cm, which appears tall to those only familiar with imperial measurements. But 163cm is 64'' or 5'4''. In my age group, I fall below average in height. Basically, I am short. And people bully me for being short. Nearly every guy I know my age has been at least 5'6'' or higher. I cannot reach the top shelf at the supermarket and I need to use a stepping stool to reach the top cabinet in my kitchen or see the top of my refrigerator. I cannot stand still at the 5' deep end of a pool, I have to tread water or else I will drown. Whenever I ride in a packed car, everyone forces me to sit in the middle, since I have the shortest legs and won't block the back window. I am still shorter than my dad. My mom's boyfriend's son, Bryan, grew taller than me by the time he was 13. I have always been the shortest guy. And I don't know if I'll grow any taller. The only solace I have is that some celebrities also have short statures. Danny Devito comes shortest at 5', Kevin Hart is 5'2'', Prince was 5'2'', Michael J. Fox is 5'4'', Daniel Radcliffe is 5'5'', Lil Wayne is 5'5'', and Tom Cruise is 5'7''.

Assignment 5- Kalin Combs

Why do you watch TV? Why do you not? What shows do you love or hate?

As I sat down at my desk, with my laptop, to write my blog post, I split my screen so that on the left half was an episode of Friends that I've already seen a million times, and on the right was my blog. Ironically, watching TV while I do my homework actually helps me keep my focus. I tend to get bored easily, so as long as I have at least something entertaining going on while I do homework, I can get through it quicker. Without something to keep me entertained, I tend to get distracted with other tasks--at least watching Netflix keeps me at my desk. I tend to gravitate towards funny shows, and romantic comedies are my favorite types of movies. I love shows like Friends, New Girl, and Orange Is The New Black. My guilty pleasure is Keeping Up With The Kardashians, but I rarely get to watch it since it isn't on Netflix. I love movies like Mean Girls and Ferris Bueller's Day Off.

Assignment 7- Ian Schaeffer

On October 9, 1000 CE, Leif Erickson, a Viking, landed in modern Newfoundland, becoming the first ever European to reach North America. Erickson is believed to have been trying to return to Greenland when he went off course and ended up on the North Atlantic coast of the continent. Evidence of Viking base camps in Newfoundland are estimated to have been from the 11th century, which is much of the support for the belief that Erickson landed there. He named the area Vinland because it was a prospering vineyard, stuffed to the edges with grapes. Erickson is proclaimed by many, including former president Calvin Coolidge, to be the first ever European explorer of the North American continent, and the day October 9th is actually referred to as Leif Erickson day.

This event was a good thing, as Erickson made a revolutionary discover for the Europeans regarding the North American landmass, but he did it without the mass murder, genocide, and chaos that accompanied and marred Columbus' later arrival on Hispaniola in 1492.

This event did not have a massive influence on history, as Erickson went back to Greenland and never returned, but all the same, his landing in America likely created rumors of beautiful and mysterious lands in Europe. Even the skeptical had to wonder about the land to the far west across the Atlantic, and rumors blossomed and spread across Europe for centuries to come.

I appreciate this event. I think it is important to recognize Erickson for his achievement, especially if he really is the first to have done it.

Assignment 4- Kalin Combs

On June 26, 2015, the Supreme Court ruled that gay marriage would be legal in all 50 states in America. Somewhat ironically, I was at a Christian summer camp when I heard the news. Even more ironically, the news was relayed to me by my gay camp counselor, Caleb. Growing up in a conservative, Christian home, I wasn't sure how I felt about the news at first, because I've really only considered myself a strong liberal for less than a year. Seeing Caleb's face light up that day as he distributed the news throughout the camp was the first time I realized how much I wanted to support LGBTQ rights--how could anyone have ever denied Caleb the chance to marry someone he truly loves?, I thought. Although it was a Christian camp, probably 90% of the people there considered themselves strongly liberal, so mostly everyone tended to be genuinely ecstatic. Across the United States, not everyone took the news so well; riots and protests broke out, the whole Kim Davis thing happened, and many people spoke hatefully about the issue. Although initially met with such hate from some, the Supreme Court decision is generally accepted by most people today. As time goes on, I can only hope homosexual people will be seen by the world for what they are--people. A person's sexual preference doesn't change their personality or their ability to be a role model, and on June 26, 2015, the Supreme Court recognized that.

Assignment 6- Ian Schaeffer

Why do humans love sports and exercise? What do these things mean to you?

What is something you try to excel at but never do?

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go, and why?

If I could go anywhere in the world, I would go to Rome, a close first to Iceland and New Zealand. My family isn't big on travelling (my dad loves his job too much), and I just got my passport last year for a mission trip to Haiti. I have always wanted to go Europe, or really anywhere, but I never get the opportunity. A trip to Iceland, an almost completely natural place overflowing with waterfalls, fjords, beautiful mountains, and hiking opportunities, would be amazing, and a trip to New Zealand, the filming site of much of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, and a place I plan to explore in the future, would be just as fantastic. But if I could hop on a plane to any single location right now, I would go to Rome. There is so much unbelievable history and culture there, and from everything I have seen or researched, it sounds amazing.  Ideally, I will have an opportunity to minor in Roman/Greek classics in college, and a large part of my desire to go to Rome extends from this interest. I would be lying if I said Italian food isn't playing a small factor in m decision, but overall, I would go to Rome because it is an amazing place full of incredible architecture and a site of numerous historical events.

Assignment 8 - Stephanie Bailey

Fears: Losing the ones I love, losing friends, anything horror (I hate horror movies and fright night).
Annoyances: People that chew with their mouths open, know-it-alls, and people who refuse to see equestrians as athletes.
Accomplishments: First in the state for horse back riding in my division, raising a young horse to a successful point in his life.
Confusions: Why the world can't just get along and everyone just love one another.
Sorrows: I exclude myself when I thing others are too cool, pretty, or good for me (work in progress).
Dreams: To be an equine vet, to be a professional rider, to be a riding instructor.
Idiosyncrasies: Equestrian
Risks: Jumping Grand-Prix heights (really want to do).
Beloved Possessions, Now and Then: My stuffed animal wolf from my last day living in Arizona when I was four years old (then), My horses (now), and my car (now).
Problems: Balancing school, horses, and a social life.
  I am most scared of losing the people and animals around me that I love. When you ask most people, they would say they are more afraid to die themselves than to watch someone else die around them, but I disagree. I am not necessarily afraid of death, I have a healthy respect for it, but I don't let it rule my life. I have to face the fact that every time I ride my horse, or get in a car, or travel on a plane, that I may not live to tell about it. That won’t take control of my life though. It is much harder to lose a close friend or a family member because you then have to live with that weight your whole life and know you will see them again someday but not soon (hopefully).

  Now for the issue of horseback riding being a dangerous sport, I love horses more than anything, and that will never change. I just have to live with the fact that the animal has a mind of its own and could easily kill me if it was so inclined to do so. Horseback riding is the only sport in which the ball is sixteen times the size of the player and can think for itself. When I fall, I fall from eight feet off the ground, and when I fall incorrectly, I could easily die. My partner is 1600 pounds and my team works as individuals after the same goal. Equestrians practice year around; the snow doesn't stop us from going out and working just as hard as we would if it was 100 degrees outside. But I will never stop loving this sport and I will never be so afraid of death that I am dragged away from it.

Assignment 9 - Kassidy Stumbo

War has always been a funny thing to me. Fighting for peace under any condition seems a little odd I must admit. However in some cases throughout history, war seems to be necessary. The Civil War is a perfect example. Although the ultimate cause of the war is still debated among historians, there is no denying the fact that slavery played a major role. The deep south refused to give up their labor source. Had the northern armies not won and the southern states returned to the Union, who knows how much longer the inhumane practice of slavery would have continued. I'm sure there are many other examples that I'm too tired to think of.

So what are the alternatives to war? Just talk it out, right? Maybe if we could've just sat the confederates down they would've agreed to free their slaves. Hitler, too? As much as I want to believe war is avoidable and words would suffice, sometimes it's simply necessary. If it takes war to stop a man like Adolf Hitler, I'm all for it. But if it can be avoided, I think it's obvious that it should be. I know that's a "wishy-washy" stance, but I don't think there's a really right answer to this one. War, to me, is dependent on the circumstances.

Assignment 7 - Stephanie Bailey

  On October 5th, 610 Heraclius officially came into power over Constantinople after a short lived conflict with the northern part of his land on this day. His father sent him to fight against the current emperor of East Rome and he made the dethronement of Phocas much quicker. He then self-proclaimed himself to be the new emperor of the East Roman empire. While Heraclius was away from Constantinople there were successful attacks launched against it, thus bringing Heraclius' son, Constantine out to defend the land. Heraclius sent a troop of soldiers Constantine to successfully fight back against the Avars. Once a peace treaty was signed with the Avars, Heraclius and his son were finally able to turn to the Persians and began to plan a way to defeat them.
  This event of Heraclius taking power over East Rome was good for Rome but not for Phocas or his followers. Heraclius moved Rome forward in its development of power and they gained respect from other countries. Some of those countries include Persia and Armenia. He defeated these country's advances and even gained the one true cross from one of his victories which he eventually brought back to Jerusalem by personal escort.

Assignment 3- Kalin Combs

Assignment 3- Kalin Combs
I've grown up in church all my life, taught that good and evil is a black a white concept--Jesus is good, Satan is evil, whatever the bible says goes. I still believe in Christianity, but not as much as I used to growing up. There are many things that the bible says are okay that today, many people would be appalled by--the bible says slavery is okay, for example, and that terrifies me. The bible also says that homosexuality is a sin, but as a major supporter of LGBTQ rights, I can't understand why God would consider someone a sinner just for being who they are. With this said, I still agree with many teachings of the bible--showing love and kindness to others is something I wish more people did daily. I don't believe good and evil is black and white, but I think if everyone just decided to show more love and kindness to others, our world would be a much better place.

Assignment 7 - Kenna Miller

On September 28, 1956, the Radio Corporation of America Records released this statistic: Elvis Presley has sold over 10 million records. Over 10 million means Legend Tier 3 in the United States, solidifying Elvis Presley into a legacy of fame. The King would continue his reign of rock-n-rolling his way into the hearts of the American Public. This proclamation was a true victory for music listeners worldwide.

To the world, Elvis was a singing icon of the rock-and-roll age; to my dad, he was an idol, forever. Born in Memphis in '64, my dad grew up to Presley singing "you ain't nothing but a hound dog" from the time he could walk. As he drove to New England in his older years, his license plate read: "ELVIS #1". As the core of his passion of music, Elvis has impacted my life as well. When I was a baby, he would always sing "Love me Tender" and "Amazing Grace" to make me fall asleep. Now, he probably knows every Elvis record, adding to his never-ending knowledge of music.

Since this event (and Elvis) has influenced my father from his early childhood all the way up to raising me and my brother, I really appreciate it.

"People ask me what I like about Memphis, and I said everythaang" - The King

Assignment 9 - Daniel Brewer

Is there a time for war?  While I would like to believe that most any disagreement or conflict can be resolved with discussion, compromise, or any means other than war, the one time that I think war is necessary is when it is a response to an act of terrorism.  The one example that comes to mind, of course, is 9/11 here in the United States.  In this example of terrorism, innocent people were going to work, going to school, flying across the country for business and for pleasure, and they were killed because a radical religious group hates everything about the United States.  Simply because they were Americans going about their everyday lives, they were killed by terrorists.  The terrorists took responsibility for the attacks and claimed that they did it in the name of Allah.  What is the appropriate response to these terrible acts? I think the response had to be war. America has to defend itself, because innocent people were killed.

In this case, when a radical religious group believes that they are doing the will of their leader or god, how do you protect the people of America without war?  I think America had a responsibility to go to war to protect the citizens of the United States.  If America had done nothing, would there have been more terrorist attacks in the United States since 9/11/01?  I believe that there would have been many more attacks if America hadn't declared war on terrorism.  
Also, when a terrorist group is fighting for something that they believe in, I'm not sure how  compromise would work in that situation.  I'm not sure that that our government could convince the terrorists not to attack if they really believed that their god was telling them to attack and kill the people in the west.  

The world would definitely be a better place if there were no wars or fighting between people and cultures.  But throughout history, there have always been wars over slavery and freedom and oil and religion and land.  And there will continue to be wars over these resources for a long time, until world peace is achieved.  

Assignment 6 Victor Allison

1. If you could have any superpower, what would it be and what would you do?
2. If you had to live in the wilderness for a week with absolutely no outside help, where would you go and what would you do?
3. If won the lottery, and had to spend all the money in one week, how would you spend it?

Prompt 3:
Imagine this scenario. Against odds worse than getting trampled to death by pigs, I suddenly become in possession of millions upon millions of dollars. I am informed that the money must be absolutely and completely gone before 7 days is up. I know not the reason for the urgency of this money's rapid, expenditure, but I do know what to do. First, I'd do the cliche things; maybe I'd go skydiving, or hangliding, or ski out of a helicopter. Assessing the original situation, I assume that there must be no trace of the money or objects purchased with said monetary enormity, and that all must return to normal after a week, so no grand yachts or mansions could possibly be purchased if the quantity even allowed it. No, after the primary festivities, the money would go to one singular budget. Food. If all traces of this gain must be gone after one hundred and sixty eight hours, it might as well be down the hatch. With the resources I now have, I can fly in the best chefs and cooks from around the globe to cater to my salivating self. Animals of massive proportions smoked, grilled, simmered & seared would adorn my dining room table. Pies and other dessert items would adorn my shelves and counters. All guests would be admitted to the feast; nobody in Lexington would have to be hungry on this night. However unrealistic it may sound, this is my plan. It's a shame I'll be trampled to death by pigs before I can see it executed.

Assignment 2- Kalin Combs

Assignment 2- Kalin Combs

How would your life have been different if you'd grown up 20 years earlier? How would you interact with others? Do you think your relationships then would differ from your present relationships? Which time period would you prefer and why?

I was born in 2000, after the invention of the TV, the laptop, and the cell phone. In 1980, the cell phone was just gaining popularity. My dad told me in the 1980s, growing up in Hazard, Kentucky, he only knew of a couple people in the whole city with cell phones. Clearly, that is a world that is hard for me to imagine. My parents had cell phones all my life and I got my first when I was 8 years old. I know my life would be extremely different if I grew up without one. I really don't love reading--I get bored too easily and I'm really a visual person, so I prefer using technology to reading words off a page. I know I was born in the right generation, I love technology too much to have grown up when my parents did. It's hard to say how technology may have impacted my relationships--whether I would be closer to my friends and family without the distraction of technology, or whether technology has actually brought us closer together through texting and social media.

Assignment 8 Victor Allison

Fears: Pain, ostracism, helplessness
Annoyances: Stubborn people, ignorant people, inability to succeed at some things
Accomplishments: Doing well at school so far, decent at cross country as of right now
Confusions: What career path should I take
Sorrows: I'm pretty short and uncoordinated
Dreams: Make money, do exciting and unique things
Idiosyncrasies: I try hard to find something entertaining to do
Risks: Running very little during the week and still being expected to perform at cross country meets
Beloved Possessions: Food until I eat it (then and now), TV (also then and now), the outdoors
Problems: Performing academically, sports, doing fun things, deciding on a college, deciding on what to do after college

"What do you wanna be when you grow up?" Everyone has most likely been asked this question at some point in their lives, probably many times. The question, "What's your favorite subject?" and later on in life, "What field of study would you like to go into?" can be interpreted in to mean almost the same thing. Although requiring an answer of sometimes only one word, at some point in my near future the answer to these questions will be of utmost importance. Because however simple they may be, we're dealing with what'll be taking up the next 40-60 years of one's life. Someone's favorite subject in school doesn't dictate his future profession, and the class that a college student frantically prepares for in the wee hours of the morning doesn't necessarily decide that either. But if I had one specific subject rose to the top of my mental ranks, one class that yanked my undivided attention from the countless distractions scattered around the room like so many unwatered plants requiring my unceasing care, my future might be infinitely easier to envision. Do I want to be a doctor? Lawyer? Engineer? Am I even willing to put in the effort to be any of these things? Am I sharp enough to be a businessman? Am I visionary enough to be an entrepreneur? What will I succeed at? Will I enjoy a specific profession even if I don't succeed at it? Perhaps I should try and narrow my options, but then I would run the risk of leaving out a scenario that I might thrive in. Would that I could split the timeline of my future into many different parallel paths, so that I might live out many different lives at once.

Assignment 7 - Joshua Pe

On September 23 in 1889, Fusajiro Yamauchi founded Nintendo Koppai to produce and sell Hanafuda playing cards. Nintendo would eventually explore other areas of business and find success in video games. To me and to several million people, this event is important because it marks the beginning of Nintendo, which has created awesome video games like Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong, Metroid, Earthbound, and Pokemon. Nintendo has impacted popular culture. Everyone knows of Mario and Luigi, of Donkey Kong, and of Pikachu and Pokemon. Nintendo also revived the video game market, after the crash between 1983 and 1985. Nintendo’s video game franchises have helped to tie together different nations. The closing ceremony of this year’s summer Olympics had a segment in which Japan’s prime minister dressed as Mario. Personally, Nintendo was my first entry into video games. When I was little, I played Super Mario Bros. and Pokemon Diamond on my DS, and I got a Gamecube one year for Christmas and a Nintendo Wii a couple years later. I was a shy kid, and Nintendo video games helped me make a connection with other kids.

Assignment 8 Daniel Zhu

As a kid, my most prized possession was my deck of Pokemon cards. I did everything to up my game and my collection. I remember I would organize them from weakest to strongest and I'd show it off to all of my friends. I did anything to improve my deck, I'd scam kids for their good Pokemon, or I'd just flat out spend too much money on collection boxes and card packs. Well, a lot has changed since then. I guess you could say my priorities have gotten much more reasonable and I'd feel the same. My current most prized possession are probably my friends and family. Everyday I do whatever it takes to spend time with those closest to me. If anything were to happen to my family, I'd try to protect them with my life (even more so than my Pokemon cards). The happiness of my friends and family play a huge role in everything. I do whatever I can to please them and whenever they're down I do whatever I can to help them get back up. I guess throughout the years I've learned that I should invest my attention towards something more important than just a collection of cards. Because in the end, there's a much higher chance for my loved ones caring back for me than a heartless deck of Pokemon cards.

Assignment 7 Daniel Zhu

On September 12th, 1787, George Mason suggested the addition of the Bill of Rights to the newly formed U.S. constitution. This was definitely good because the Bill of Rights specifically granted individuals certain liberties such as freedom of speech, freedom to bear a firearm, etc. I fully support this because after passing the Constitution, without the Bill of Rights it would've given way too much power to the federal government over the citizens. With the addition of the Bill of Rights, it specifically listed all the granted liberties to the people which helped balance the power by not giving too much to the federal government.

Assignment 6 Daniel Zhu

I have three writing prompts that I really enjoy. The first one is a prompt that asks you about your personal self and I enjoy this because I could rant all day about what I like, and don't like and why. Another one is one asking about a personal experience. I enjoy these because I'm able to make up stories that can perfectly match what the prompt is asking for. If I could answer any writing prompt right now, it would be: what event in your life has helped mark your transition from childhood to adulthood? Well ever since high school first started that was about the time where I realized that I was now in adulthood. All the grades that I got in these four years would stick to me for the rest of my life. Also when I was first a freshmen, I learned how people are looked down upon for being childish and annoying so I had to grow up. When I first transitioned into high school it was challenging but also fruitful. I learned to start to take everything and everyone seriously, and to stop acting like a stupid freshman everywhere I go.