Sunday, October 16, 2016

Assignment 4- Tom Polites

This picture shows Tommie Smith and John Carlos making a black power salute during the medal ceremony of the 1968 Olympics for the 200-meter sprint, in which they had gotten first and third place respectively. These Olympic games took place during a time when racial tensions were high in the United States. The fight for civil rights was in full swing, and this was yet another example of a demonstration advocating for the equality of African Americans. 

This photo and event shocked the world, and brought plenty of criticism to the two athletes who participated in such a daring protest on the world's biggest stage. For a country that was already in the middle of a battle for equality, this increased the tension and stirred the pot even more. Some viewed Smith and Carlos as heroes, while others thought that they had shamed the U.S. on a national stage. Whichever side someone was on, it was clear that the act was a polarizing one, and an iconic one that symbolized the struggle for liberty and justice for African–Americans. This is one of the most iconic photographs in the history of Olympics and the 20th century, and it showed that they would not back down in their struggle against the people who oppressed them.

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