Sunday, October 16, 2016

Assignment 8-Alex russell

Fears: spiders
Annoyances: seminar homework
Accomplishments: i am 3rd basketball semifinalist
Confusions: physics
Sorrows: my grandma 
Dreams: to be steve nash
Idiosyncrasies: using too much slang
Risks: not studying
Beloved Possessions, Now and Then: phone
Problems: school

One of my biggest problems is school. Every night I go home with a giant pile of home work and each night as I'm doing it I wonder "why am i doing this" or "how is this helping me" or "is this just busywork". Teachers assign way too much homework. Often i will have homework with so many problems it is just unnecessary. For example if i work out the same type of math or physics problem 4 or 5 times what is the point of making me do it 20 more times. Often i feel like teachers just give students home work so they will have something to do. There is no point of doing 20 extra problems if i already understand the concept. The only thing it achieves is wasting my time. Also on top of my daily home work i have to worry about lots of other projects and long term assignments. Teachers are always telling me not to procrastinate but i always end up doing my unit assignment in the last week. It is hard to make  myself do something when i cam just make it future Alex's problem.

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