Sunday, October 16, 2016

Assignment 6 Victor Allison

1. If you could have any superpower, what would it be and what would you do?
2. If you had to live in the wilderness for a week with absolutely no outside help, where would you go and what would you do?
3. If won the lottery, and had to spend all the money in one week, how would you spend it?

Prompt 3:
Imagine this scenario. Against odds worse than getting trampled to death by pigs, I suddenly become in possession of millions upon millions of dollars. I am informed that the money must be absolutely and completely gone before 7 days is up. I know not the reason for the urgency of this money's rapid, expenditure, but I do know what to do. First, I'd do the cliche things; maybe I'd go skydiving, or hangliding, or ski out of a helicopter. Assessing the original situation, I assume that there must be no trace of the money or objects purchased with said monetary enormity, and that all must return to normal after a week, so no grand yachts or mansions could possibly be purchased if the quantity even allowed it. No, after the primary festivities, the money would go to one singular budget. Food. If all traces of this gain must be gone after one hundred and sixty eight hours, it might as well be down the hatch. With the resources I now have, I can fly in the best chefs and cooks from around the globe to cater to my salivating self. Animals of massive proportions smoked, grilled, simmered & seared would adorn my dining room table. Pies and other dessert items would adorn my shelves and counters. All guests would be admitted to the feast; nobody in Lexington would have to be hungry on this night. However unrealistic it may sound, this is my plan. It's a shame I'll be trampled to death by pigs before I can see it executed.

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