Sunday, October 16, 2016

Assignment 8 - Kenna Miller

Fears: me/others dying suddenly, the dark, animatronics
Annoyances: hearing metal scrape anything, people trying to help but just make it worse, donald trump, "why do you listen to kpop, it isn't even in english" and other negative comments about my love for kpop
Accomplishments: I have an A in physics right now, steady relationship, good at beginning Korean, cleaned the litter box
Confusions: if everyone condemns our candidates then how did they get nominated, racism, genders, kin, 9/11 bill, no one else had rubber bands while they had a retainer, bra prices
Sorrows: not having a tight group of friends, not being more active in the community, lack of vegetables in my diet, not knowing anything about cars
Dreams: getting NSLI-Y scholarship, hugging BTS, achieve a job that's funny and pays well, travel
Idiosyncrasies: pronouncing "interesting" as "intresting", "the KPOP crazy girl" (every class has one?), catchphrase of "a good look", wearing the color grey
Risks: doing these blogs now instead of the 17th, complimenting boys, obsession with music (escalating into koreaboo territory, which you should never approach)
Beloved Possessions: then - Teddy Marshall (my teddy bear), books, half of a seashell when my crush had the other half, green backpack from 3rd grade, Sugarplum (best cat ever)
now  - Hugo (my kitten), my camera roll, phone, sixteenth birthday card from dad + sabrina's, ankle bracelet, my spotify library
Problems: self, time, relationship, and frustration management, lack of an article of mine on Side by Side, APUSH, taking out my aligners every time I eat

Since most people can relate/understand to all the other topics, I'll explain what makes me, me (idiosyncrasies).

For pronouncing "interesting" as "intresting", I'd like to blame this for my "reader" status. I love to read, which requires no spoken word. This makes it a lot easier to go about the book since you don't have to be corrected by anyone else. I suffer from spoonerism (the phrasing is a joke), mainly "expect" and "except" being my most confused words. I'm great at reading words the wrong way the first time and sticking with it. I also blame English. English is extremely complicated and the pronunciation rules aren't consistent at all. Fooey.  Other words my "reader" side applies to: "notifications" becomes "nahtifications", "dietary" becomes "directory". I'd like to know the "reader" words of my classmates (possibly a fun anon survey?).

Another idiosyncrasy of mine-- my fierce passion for the K-pop group BTS and other foreign music types. Most won't even bother to listen to a song that isn't in English for "fear" of "not understanding the lyrics" instantly. Nevertheless, I thoroughly enjoy foreign music. Even though the essentials are lyrics, melody, and rhythm, I appreciate the music as a whole. Since I adore the song to begin with, looking up the lyrics only intensifies my love. For example, I really love the raps of Suga from BTS. The songs always have a good beat, but Suga raps almost exclusively in Korean extremely fast the entire time. Though I don't understand a word, I can feel the emotion surging in his voice. Upon looking up the lyrics and reading along, I want to cry. He approaches social taboos like they're nothing, puts every emotion into his work, shares his deepest feelings with everyone, and creates emotion that transcends words. I love him. Experience the magic here. Consider that English pop music is not the only form of musical expression.

Since I've gone overboard with the last topic, I'll keep these to a minimum: "A good look" comes from my extensive internet usage and assimilation of my friends's slang. "Whatever has been said incorrectly one time becomes an inside joke," as I would put it.
To me, wearing grey means "an outfit without serious effort". My favorite pair of pants are grey and comfier than a pillow, so I feel like I've associated grey with eternal comfort now. That's about it.

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