Sunday, October 2, 2016

Assignment 6-Sara Ueland

Prompt 1: How do you think the society of Lexington views metal illness? Are they open or feel repressed? Why and give examples. From your experience, do people talk openly about their struggles? Or do people suppress their emotions to put on a face for society? How can we improve awareness of mental illnesses and help struggling people to speak up?

Prompt 2: How do you cope with stress? What helps you get through tough times? Are these tools helpful? If not how can you create a toolbox to provide options if you are ever in a dark place? (Ex/ listening to music, reading, hanging out with friends.)

Prompt 3: What grinds your gears? What are your top 3 pet peeves? Why do they annoy you? Do you do them as well? What caused this hatred for such actions?

My top 3 pet peeves are the smacking of gum, loud drinking/chewing/breathing, and when people are arrogant. You have to be lying if you don’t think the sound of someone smacking their gum is the most cringe worthy sound on this planet. What impels someone to chew his or her gum with such force? There is no need to overly smack your lips and try to look cool. You are not cool you are annoying so STOP. I do not partake in the horrendous activity of smacking my gum because it pains me to hear it from someone else let alone my own mouth.
Number 2 is similar to the first one but is much more common. Large gulps irk my nerves like nothing else. Why make these disgusting sounds when doing a normal thing? You don’t need to chew with your mouth open and share all of your excess crumbs. We should all just agree to silently eat our food with out disturbing others with atrocious sounds. Now large sighs and breaths can instantly set me off. It is as if one is asking for attention or trying to show their frustration. You may do so in an alternate manner that doesn’t make my ears bleed.
Now lastly and most importantly, we can discuss cocky people. One should not feel the need to share with everyone his or her accomplishments. While occasionally it is okay to discuss your achievements, this world is full of people who only want to talk about themselves. What they have done, who they have met, who their friends are. The zoo we call high school is full of people who are full of themselves. We need a new plague to wipe these people out. They are toxic and corrupt innocent and humble students.

I could talk about all of my pet peeves for weeks but these three take the cake.

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