Sunday, October 16, 2016

Assignment 2-Alex Russell

This is a picture of the iPhone 7. Smart phones are just one of the ways that technology has influenced all of  us in the  21st century. The iPhone 7 came out recently. Each year apple comes out with a new iPhone and each year millions of people buy it. In most ways technology has influenced my life in a positive way but there is also downfalls to technology. Some of the advantages of technology include making it easier to get in touch with people, helping me navigate lexington, and making information easily accessible.

With the invention of cell phones getting ahold of people has gotten a lot easier. No matter where someone is you can easily contact someone with a phone call or text. This has made it easy to get in touch with people quickly and make plans fast but also it has made it easy to cancel plans. Before cell phones when you had plans days in advance, if you got in a wreck or couldn't make it for some reason it is hard to get in touch with someone unless they are home but now it is easy to cancel plans with the click of a few buttons.

Another upside to technology is navigation. There is a GPS built into pretty much all smart phones. This makes getting to any place a lot easier. No memorizing directions or getting out paper maps. You just put the address in your phone and it will tell you how to get somewhere better than almost any shotgun rider.

Also with the invention of smart phones it is easy to look up about anything on the go. Any time I'm unsure of something i just go on my smartphone and look it up on the internet.

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