Sunday, October 16, 2016

Assignment 3- Tom Polites

Nothing in our world is completely black and white and the battle of good versus evil is no different. Great people can have lapses in judgement and can commit terrible acts, while people who have been deemed "evil" may only need a push in the right direction to become "good". There is no person that is wholly good or evil, everyone has their positive traits and everyone has faults.

An example of this can be seen in the Bible. Peter, the man chosen by Jesus to build his church for him, denies Jesus not once, not twice, but three times. Surely a man that does this must be despicable and irredeemable. But, despite this, Jesus forgave Peter, and Peter became one of the people responsible for spreading Christianity and making it one of the largest religions in the world. Even though Peter could have been labeled as an evil person for denying Jesus, he still did many good deeds through the rest of his life, and I don't think many people would say that Peter was an evil person.

Good versus evil is also based on perspective. What would be a good deed to some is an evil deed to others. For example, Alexander the Great was viewed as a hero by the Greeks and his army. However when conquering the Persian Empire, an act that many Greeks considered heroic and good, the Persians likely viewed him as an evil person who was bringing destruction and invading their home land. What would be a good deed to some is an evil deed to others.

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