Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Assignment 9 - Stephanie Bailey

   I believe that there is a time for war to be declared but I also believe that it should be the last resort. If there is any way to talk-it-out before rash decisions are made, then that should happen. War is bad for everyone involved so it should be avoided at all costs. The soldiers are sacrificing their lives for their country, innocent families suffer, and there are now weapons that could destroy the whole United States if we were to make a wrong move. However, with all of this said, there is a time for war when it is over an important matter and it could not be settled any other way. If our nation is being threatened and there is not compromises to be made, then I think war is justified. I personally wish that that would never be the case, but unfortunately, the world is a corrupt place that can’t just be peaceful. 
   If there is any other way to solve conflict and avoid war, then that should be employed first. The biggest way, in my opinion, that war can be avoided is compromise. Henry Clay, the Great Compromiser, was from Kentucky and helped end many conflicts peacefully. The world, of course, no longer possesses this great asset but I believe that anyone can be a great compromiser and I believe that is the best alternative to war. If we have the chance to save innocent lives, including ours, our family, and our friends, we should take it.

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