Sunday, October 16, 2016

Assignment 7-Alex Russell

On October 3rd, 1974 the Cleveland Indians hired the first African American Major League Baseball Manager, Frank Robinson. This marked a turning point in History. Although this event wasn't as popular as the First ever African American major league player it still stood for the same ideals that everyone is equal and should have fair oppurtunities. This event is something that changed baseball forever and today we see more and more African American managers such as Dusty Baker (former Reds manager). This was a great event and works towards what we are still trying to accomplish today, equality. This event inspired many young African-Americans and even Adults. It helped everyone realize that no matter the color of their skin every person can achieve their dream. Frank inspired many young  boys to start baseball and helped people realize if you work hard enough nothing is impossible. He wasn't only an inspiration to African Americans but to everyone including me.

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