Monday, October 24, 2016

Assignment 11 - Kyle Hosey

Let's be brutally honest; the chances of any one of us escaping the initial phases of a zombie apocalypse just aren't good. All of us are far more likely to end up as zombies or casualties of a counterattack than as a group of survivors in the vein of The Walking Dead. Early warning is the key. Many future zombies never even know of the disease until a horde of undead are tearing their abdominal cavity open. Israel in the documentary World War Z teaches us - and Brad Pitt - this valuable lesson. On the first news of zombies from the Indian interior, they moved immediately to secure their safety. Though eventually overrun, Israel held out far longer than any other nation. Thus, I will remain vigilant on social media and via the news. At the first sign (real sign, I'm not a conspiracy theorist) of the attack, I will gather what friends and family I can and head for the hills. The cities will be the first places to fall - the virus spreads far too quickly to be effectively combated. Weapons and long-term food supplies shouldn't be an issue - this is America after all - and with luck, we will avoid major population centers, pursuing a policy of avoiding zombies instead of killing them. With any luck, our group will reach long-term shelter in the mountains or in converted missile silos in Montana. My greatest worry is the inevitable numbers of people who will become Walking Dead impersonators or copycats. Come on, people, it's a television show.  We will survive quietly, hopefully without fighting too many zombies - or people.

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