Thursday, October 6, 2016

Assignment 8 - Daniel Brewer

Fears - Arachnophobia, Acrophobia (heights - without proper security measures) , Aichmophobia (when a knife is directed at my eyes)
Annoyances - loud noises, other people bothering me, most songs with lyrics in them
Accomplishments - I’m still in 11th grade and I haven’t broken or sprained anything yet
Confusions - why people would deliberately be mean to each other for no reason other than minor differences between the two of them
Sorrows - My grandfather died; I don’t have a cat
Dreams - Having a cat, being an engineer
Idiosyncrasies - “I don’t like it when other people try to help me when I didn’t ask for it in the first place”, wearing my watch outside my long shirt sleeve to see it better
Risks - go on a rollercoaster
Beloved Possessions - Lego (then), Lego and electronics (now)
Problems - organization, time management, overreactions

Arachnophobia - Let’s be honest here, lots of people are afraid of spiders.  What part of an 8 legged death machine that can climb walls to kill you, and can create its own web (which is terrifying in its own way)  to trap its prey and eat them alive, ISN’T terrifying? My fear of spiders probably has something to do with that one time I saw an orb weaver sitting on the middle of its giant web covering the front door from the outside - and no, talking about repressed memories does not mean that associated fears go away.

Acrophobia - I actually enjoy rollercoasters and such, because there’s a safety harness that has been rigorously tested to make sure nobody gets hurt.
However, I don’t think I would enjoy things like the Drop Tower at Kings Island (I haven’t been there in like forever) because the drop is straight down, without warning, and very sudden.
Heights in general don’t really scare me (and I actually love overhead views of things) but it’s when I can see that there is little to no safety precautions used at such extreme heights that scares me.

Aichmophobia - This is pretty self explanatory, when you know what it means. Aichmophobia is the fear of knives. Knives don’t scare me unless they are pointed directly at my eyes - and millions of years of human evolution have trained me that if something pointed is moving directly towards my eyeballs, it’s probably dangerous and is trying to kill me (or at least severely injure/maim me).

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