Sunday, December 4, 2016

Assignment 11 - Kenna Miller

The most obvious choice in the apocalypse is to take all the guns out of the safe, get gear out of Cabella's and hide in the rafters at Costco right next to it. Costco's location is strategic because you have high sniping points to pick off those on the interstate below as well as raid their junk or make alliances. Getting out of Lex would also be quick. But in case of a mass overtake of the parking lot, it would be easy to throw a Molotov into the gas station.  I'm no Joel from the Last of Us, so distanced skirmishes probably would be my forte. My weapon choice would be a bow and arrow since guns just make so much noise. I also don't know how to create shivs or molotovs so that's something I'm going to have to work on between now and the day of the undead. As strategic as this plan is, I would probably be one of the first in my group to get bit. Unfortunately, there is no water source close to Costco. There used to be a decent river near my house but some jerk dammed it higher up the river >:(

My dad's approach would be to stay home but obtain a combine machine. He claims it would cut up zombies much easier than trying to target individuals. He's read countless zombie books so I trust his strategy.

Maybe there could be a way to create a hammock home among the cranes at CentrePit so that the zombies just fall in instead of grabbing your stuff. Then you can swing across the cranes like Spiderman.

For fears, I have never understood why people are so scared of bugs and snakes. I used to love snakes as a kid, and it's easy to tell which ones will kill you if they bite you. For bugs, they will seriously not bother you unless you bother them. Spiders and wasps must be captured by slipping a piece of paper under them and then slamming a red solo cup on it, then take the combo and run to the door, throw it outside. Wasp stings hurt, but you honestly just need a good fly swatter and plenty of hand-eye coordination (I recommend the Nintendo DS).

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