Sunday, December 4, 2016

Assignment 11- Tom Polites

Despite being a man and being expected to deal with these types of small little creatures, I am deathly afraid of spiders. This creeping and crawling arachnids have always given me the heebie jeebies. Their long legs and hairy bodies have spooked me since early childhood, and likely always will. In this sense, I find myself sympathizing with Ron Weasley in the forbidden forest when he and Harry face the monster spider Aragog. His quivering lips and girlish sounds are not far from what my reaction would be when faced with such a terrifying beast. I am told by my father that they are just little bugs and are as afraid of me as I am of them, but I am skeptical about this. I have also been made aware that spiders serve some sort of purpose, but I am still unclear of what this purpose is. To me, their supposed benefits, whatever they are, seem insignificant to the fear they instill in me. They probably do something important so  I guess I will have to accept living with them, but I do so reluctantly.

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