Sunday, December 4, 2016

Assignment 14 - Kenna Miller

Ah, family traditions..... the traditions that end up forgotten or never happening..... fantastic.

The Evans family (my mom's side) owns a beach house with eleven other families in Pawley's Island, South Carolina since as long as my mother has been alive. Every year, my mom and her siblings, along with their families meet up with my grandmother for a week in the summer. I'm the third oldest out of eight cousins there, so I spend lots of time entertaining, coloring, braiding, eating, talking, watching TV and being trampled by my younger cousins. We go to the Candy and Hammock shops in the Shoppes near us almost every time. The Hammock shop is a great place to hang on Hammocks while eating some fudge on a summer's day. In getting home from the Candy shop, we trade in an organization we call "The Cousins Club", founded by the eldest cousin, Rebecca. On the daytime beach, we throw footballs, chase Dad as he draws paths in the sand with a shovel, duck under and jump over waves, play baseball and build drip castles. At night, everyone grabs flashlights, glowsticks, and buckets to head out "ghostcrabbin'". We hunt for the little white crabs running along the beach and collect them. Grabbing tiny, fast moving creatures is a bit frightening and difficult, but it's seriously fun. Since Rebecca and Lily are in college, I have to step up my game and catch them for the clan. Unfortunately, the stars have not been our favor for the past summers and we have gotten assigned weeks in march and august after school has started, so it's been two years since I've been able to go. It's my favorite time of the summer: no homework and no rain. Hope I get to go this summer since our week starts right after school is projected to be out. 😊

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